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Back up at the shoot

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Up at the shoot first thing this morning, bird scare tape up around the pens, elec fences on and tested, water on and drinkers tested and adjusted, water butts filled again over the piggeries, I had l

Well our first shoot of the year went well. It was cold but dry and a bit of sun appeared. Bag was 122 head comprising of 57 duck 56 pheasant 7 partridge and 2 pigeon. My own contribution wa

It’s been frosty the last couple of mornings, it’s very welcome , hopefully it will kill a few bugs . Unfortunately the Maize and cover crops don’t like it and they will soon be unviable as a drive .

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The combines were busy today and cut maybe 100 or so acres of wheat , to go with the 50 or so acres cut on Sunday. I thought I’d wait until it was all cut before I had a look . 
        I had an idea that there were one or two about . I think I’m fairly well on top of the fox population on the shoot , but only a fool would say they haven’t got any foxes .

     I went and checked the pens and then as day turned to night I sat overlooking one of the pens , having the occasional scan with the thermal but nothing showed up . My usual tactics at harvest as most of you who read my inane ramblings will know are to drive around in my mule , scanning as I go . I had the company of my foxing protege, Adam on the spotter . The first field we thought we might have some luck in was full of teenagers drinking cider and smoking weed . Their eyes nearly popped out of their heads when they saw the .223 . I was about to administer a very stern f@ck off tablet when I noticed one of them with his hood pulled down was my nephew. So I reigned it in a bit . But they were nice kids , just doing what kids these days do , and went on their way . On to the next field and there were more people in the thermal sat on bales , but this time it was four young blokes in their twenties, I joked with them “ what’s this an Incel convention “? But my humour escaped them . So that was two fields that didn’t produce a fox . Around again and nothing. Adam suggested the fox caller , and so we got out of the mule in the middle of a twenty acre field and rested on a bale with the caller on the roof of the mule . In no time a vixen showed up and gave me an easy front on shot at no more than 70 meters . 
           It was getting late and Adam likes his beauty sleep . So I dropped him off at his cottage and said I’d scan the fields on the way back to the yard , we joked that I was bound to shoot one within a minute of leaving him , as this has happened on more than one occasion. And so it was again , no sooner had I dropped him off than I added number two to the bag . A dog fox , and a good one to get because of his proximity to one of the release pens . He text me straight away , “ I hadn’t even gone through my door “ , “ you snooze, you loose “, I text back .?



Edited by shovel leaner
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I had arranged for my son to come over at 11pm to head to a farm the farmers moaning about rabbits , but by 10pm i gave him a text ready when you are and we headed off . A nice surprise it was all cut and bailed and saw good numbers of rabbits but the grass fields where still a bit too long and im thinking the rabbits are lamp shy the minute they see a lamp there off ? It was a good warm night saw a few hares and a roe doe , but the older cattle are really skittish we did a lap of the farm and although we where no where near them they took off . got a nice box of rabbits in the garage but  my bed calls i will gut and freeze them tommorrow morning for ferret grub   

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I fing hate rabbits at his time of year every jobs a nightshift with the lamp LOL . And just gutted and 23 ( if i had of known that at 1am i think i would of stuck it ou for 24 ) There wormy got coccidious ? and stink but the freezers are filling up and im off for a shower 

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I’ve just started a job today, a big Indian stone patio, anyway the woman was out telling me that she’s sick of the squirrels eating all her veg, this is the first time I’ve come across someone who can’t tell the difference between a squirrel and a rat, they are bloody massive and running around the garden without a care in the world, playing with each other ?

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  On 18/08/2021 at 12:12, Stavross said:

I’ve just started a job today, a big Indian stone patio, anyway the woman was out telling me that she’s sick of the squirrels eating all her veg, this is the first time I’ve come across someone who can’t tell the difference between a squirrel and a rat, they are bloody massive and running around the garden without a care in the world, playing with each other ?


Some rat shooting now then mate ??

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Had a couple of hours "labouring at the shoot clearing the Christmas trees in the cover crop.

Bloody hard work this "gardening malarkey " ?.

Then out with the cz452 fitted with Mr pard and a Solaris srz as I'd promised some wabbits to the nice man what does my mutton. 

A good session put 4 in the bag and home for a nice pint ? 






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Fed the birds with the last of the pellets this morning. They can finish up what’s in the feeders and Minolas . I’ve been trailing wheat for them for the last couple of weeks , but as of now that’s all they are getting. And just in time really because it’s started to rain and pellets and rain don’t mix well . 

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  On 21/08/2021 at 00:11, Baldcoot said:

Had a couple of hours "labouring at the shoot clearing the Christmas trees in the cover crop.

Bloody hard work this "gardening malarkey " ?.

Then out with the cz452 fitted with Mr pard and a Solaris srz as I'd promised some wabbits to the nice man what does my mutton. 

A good session put 4 in the bag and home for a nice pint ? 







A perfect day ?

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