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Back up at the shoot

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The things we find enjoyment from, so might say we are mental ?

I’ve just been told that the barley has come off at the shoot and they are bailing now, so I’ll be having a trip up there tonight for a look about 

I’ll keep my eyes open for a fallow buck for you ?

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Up at the shoot first thing this morning, bird scare tape up around the pens, elec fences on and tested, water on and drinkers tested and adjusted, water butts filled again over the piggeries, I had l

Well our first shoot of the year went well. It was cold but dry and a bit of sun appeared. Bag was 122 head comprising of 57 duck 56 pheasant 7 partridge and 2 pigeon. My own contribution wa

It’s been frosty the last couple of mornings, it’s very welcome , hopefully it will kill a few bugs . Unfortunately the Maize and cover crops don’t like it and they will soon be unviable as a drive .

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  On 25/07/2021 at 13:55, FOXHUNTER said:

Brilliant mate , hope theres a few knocking about. August not far away now ?


Yeah, it soon comes around, I normally get to see what’s about when I’m on my feeding rounds, but I’m off this next week so I’ll be spending a bit more time up there, on foot, not on the quad so should see them if there about ( might do a first light walk out to see what’s kicking about)

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So, last night didn’t go to plan to say the least, I arrived at the shoot around 8 and made my way to the far side ( back of the piggeries towards the campsite) the lad was still taking bales off the field and wouldn’t be done until about 10, so for the next hour while he cleared the top of the field we had a walk around the piggeries on the look out for a buck seen as I took the .243 with me. Nothing showed so we headed back to the cut field to shoot a few rabbits, after shooting 4 or 5 I turned around to see if farmer Bob was done and seen about 10 people from the campsite at the edge of the field watching what we were doing, so seeing that the trailer was on its way off the field I walked back down to the car for the caller, stopping for a quick chat with the campsite mob. Nice enough people but they are like sheep, they have big grass fields but for some reason they want to be on the other side of the fence. So by this time we had almost lost the light so set up in the middle of the field between a few trees, it was about 20 minutes or so before my mate spotted one come into the top of the field through the thermal, as soon as it entered the field it started to run towards the caller, as it got within 70 yards of the caller it stopped and my mate lit it up, as soon as the light hit it it turned and ran ( I really should listen to ianm) stopping just off the top hedge, I don’t know how far it was but it was well over 200, I had the scope on full mag and it still looked very small, now I’ve shot foxes at theses distances before so decided to have a go, from the reaction of the fox I’m guessing I was close as it jumped and ran, giving it until 12 we didn’t see anything else so decided to call it a night. After getting back to the farm and sorting stuff out, my mate set off before me, when I got to the road my mate was there waiting for me, he said  a horse box has just hit a deer and it’s still alive on the road, so I went to have a look, the poor young thing was in a bit of a state, both front legs broken and clearly distressed, so a quick humane dispatch and off home to bed to forget about the evening 

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Stav, what happened to you would have been a foregone conclusion round here. A mate of mine had the job of shooting a chicken/duck killer. He told me he was going to wait for it that night and i said what are you going to use? He told me that he would wait with a borrowed thermal spotter then flick the lamp on and shoot it. As i wasn't going to be foxing for two nights i offered to take the Drone of my rifle, fit it to his and show him how to zero it. He didn't want to bother as it would be ok to shoot it with the lamp. No amount of me telling him otherwise made a difference. Anyways, they didn't have an approximate time for this foxes nocturnal visits, so he set up his vigil at seven pm. Reynard made an appearance shortly before twelve thirty. Yes you've guessed it, as soon as the lamp was switched on it's tail went straight out behind it and it was off like a whippet out of trap one. ?   

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Already put everything on charge, I’ll have another go maybe tomorrow weather permitting, I’ve still only got this one field to have a go at, it will be another few weeks before the wheat and oats come off ( first time I’ve seen oats up here, don’t even know when they combine them, mid August? )

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  On 26/07/2021 at 18:38, shovel leaner said:

I had some help on the shoot today , my  grandson came along . I got the nod from the contractor that he was cutting the barley in the 20 acre field above the shoot. So I took him to watch it being cut . Much better than the Xbox .



It’s great this time of year, all the farmers round here have kids in the cabs :)

My lass took her son to her brothers farm yesterday for the summer, he’s been going there every school break for last two years and loving it..

she’s stayed on for a few days with them as well, super sexy photo of her sheep dipping kit? and she’s been out muck spreading this aft?


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