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Back up at the shoot

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Speaking to my mate, he said a ruff guess 180 for feed wheat, but could go a few quid ether way, he said the harvest was really good, they weren’t expecting it at the beginning of summer seen as we had no spring, but since then it’s been perfect growing conditions

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Up at the shoot first thing this morning, bird scare tape up around the pens, elec fences on and tested, water on and drinkers tested and adjusted, water butts filled again over the piggeries, I had l

Well our first shoot of the year went well. It was cold but dry and a bit of sun appeared. Bag was 122 head comprising of 57 duck 56 pheasant 7 partridge and 2 pigeon. My own contribution wa

It’s been frosty the last couple of mornings, it’s very welcome , hopefully it will kill a few bugs . Unfortunately the Maize and cover crops don’t like it and they will soon be unviable as a drive .

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I have always said if you want something doing Stav do it yourself.  It is very difficult I have found to find reliable people in this world be it syndicates or work that is why I prefer now to be a lone wolf.                            I popped out last night to a couple of rabbit permissions just to show my face and see what the numbers were like but weather conditions weren't good , very still and still loads of cover so didn't see much. The freezer is getting low on dog meat so needed a few bunnies and managed the few that I saw.?


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  On 16/09/2021 at 08:59, FOXHUNTER said:

I have always said if you want something doing Stav do it yourself.  It is very difficult I have found to find reliable people in this world be it syndicates or work that is why I prefer now to be a lone wolf.                            I popped out last night to a couple of rabbit permissions just to show my face and see what the numbers were like but weather conditions weren't good , very still and still loads of cover so didn't see much. The freezer is getting low on dog meat so needed a few bunnies and managed the few that I saw.?



That’s a good haul Mark, good shooting fella??

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Thought I’d have a break from the work around the shoot this evening and take myself for a walk around some local fields to shoot a few rabbits, now I know it was a full moon and as still as it could be but I expected to see a bit more than I did, half a dozen rabbits seen, 2 rabbits shot and one of them wasn’t on my fields, I did notice a hell of a lot of mice through the thermal, no wonder there’s so many barn owls around, well, not much shooting but it was nice to be out on my own for a bit 




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  On 17/09/2021 at 22:32, Stavross said:

Thought I’d have a break from the work around the shoot this evening and take myself for a walk around some local fields to shoot a few rabbits, now I know it was a full moon and as still as it could be but I expected to see a bit more than I did, half a dozen rabbits seen, 2 rabbits shot and one of them wasn’t on my fields, I did notice a hell of a lot of mice through the thermal, no wonder there’s so many barn owls around, well, not much shooting but it was nice to be out on my own for a bit 





Good to have a bit of a walk about Stavross ?. Mice are my favourites, I prefer them to rabbit. Just the right size for a quick snack?.

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Popped out today intending on decoying corvids again as they have been on a drilled field all week but today they had other ideas. I only shot 4 crows and it was dead so went for a wander looking for squirrels and ended up setting up again on a stubble but still nothing moving and only shot a few birds so decided to go home. As I went through the farmyard I spotted some magpies so decided to give them a try . Glad I did as on this little mooch I shot 3 magpies and another 3 squirrels.  I got a unique right and left of squirrel and magpie ? So not too bad a day in the end mopping up vermin with 6 species in the bag Carrion crow,  jackdaw, magpie,  Jay,  woodpigeon and squirrel.  I saw a song thrush today which was nice as cant remember the last time I saw one , on the red list now .



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Big busy day for me up at the shoot today, feeders placed out, feed around the pens,  tracks made to get the quad down, new security light fitted and signs ( for dog walkers to ignore) put up for the old girl, I was joined later in the afternoon by a rare beast in these parts, the lesser spotted shoot captain who had brought me half a tonne of wheat, he told me that a couple of members want to help out, (REALLY) they want to do what I do, up there every 48 hours, no matter what the weather or what the missus has planned, oh, it’s the weekend and she wants to go shopping and out for a bit of dinner, I bet they haven’t got the arse to say, “ I can’t I have to go and do the birds” so no thanks, I’ll just keep going the way I’m going and if the captain is good to his word the members will be tipping me at the end of the season to cover the cost of some of my fuel.

the birds are looking really well, they have spread out across the shoot and are making their way into some of the bigger drives, I’ve got a couple of freshly drilled fields, one at the back of the farm that the birds are heading to and another at the bottom of the piggeries where there was approximately 70 birds, which I believe are from next door ? I’ve got a very good chance of keeping these and pulling a few more in,  it’s the same at the bottom of the farm field but these tend to come out onto the field during the day and make their way back onto next doors land 

so with wheat in some of the feeders and all the sunflower heads I can tap of people in the pens to keep them entertained for a bit, I think I’ve done all I can for now, just hope this rain we are forecast tomorrow isn’t to bad, saying that we have been very fortunate up to now with the weather we have had






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  On 18/09/2021 at 17:36, FOXHUNTER said:

Looking canny mate , when's your 1st shoot ?


6th of November is the first day, we’ve only got 7 days this year, just the way the weekends fall this year, we have a day pencilled in for the 1st of January but a good 50% of the syndicate aren’t happy about that day, that could be a cracking day if we go ahead with it, because we can do all the boundaries because 100% next door won’t be shooting 

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I was out feeding at 5.15 this morning after a rough nights sleep , I’ve got a serious case of “ man flu “ . I was shaking and sweating , coughing and sneezing. I told the Mrs Shovel to get all my affairs in order , not to sell my Miroku too cheaply and make sure she gets a decent amount for the rest of my guns . I’ve had a Lemsip for breakfast and I’m now out dogging in . This might be my last post on THL , I honestly don’t think I’m going to last the day out . It’s been nice knowing you all . What’s that light ? I feel strangely drawn towards it . 

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