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HMR and WMR cleaning

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Now then chaps, I was always told that .17 hmr needs to be cleaned each time it is used, I don't have an hmr but my pal who has one was also advised to clean after use and he does. Moving on, I was also told that the ammunition used in the .22wmr is nowhere near as dirty so cleaning was similar to a standard .22rimmy only clean when needed. This morning I had an issue with my wmr in the scope mount had moved so I needed to rezero which I did and generally pratted around for a while getting through about 50 - 60 rounds of Hornady 30 gr, V-Max and the barrel is really dirty.

Perhaps a silly question but as I am still new to using a wmr (no use during lockdown and only bought a short while before) so little experience of best practice with these guns so words of wisdome would be apprreciated guys. Do I clean or leave it as long as it is on target when needed.


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As I rather think both myself and Sausagedog implied cleaning is unlikely to cause any problem. Cleaning improperly/badly/over zealous rodding/etc may well cause damage.     I totally accept the

Dirty or not, the vast majority of HMR and WMR are Copper coated, and whilst not as fast (hot), on the whole as most centrefires, they will leave deposits inside the barrel. I cut my teeth in a C

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I clean mine about three times a year but will run a dry patch through if I think it is wet or damp in the barrel. 

As for cleaning a barrel everytime it's used that's nuts! Dry it maybe but clean no. To much cleaning can do damage!

In fact I don't clean my muzzleloaders that often and they are far more susceptible to corrosion.

Don't worry about it unless the group opens up. Or set a cartridge count your happy with. Mine is about 200rds of wmr.

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Thanks SD, I rather hoped that would be the case.  Perhaps the Hornady are a dirty round compared to others. I have not seen any of the Remmington wmr shells you said were good fox stoppers.


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There are 2 camps regarding cleaning , 1st clean after every use 2nd dont clean at all. I never clean my rifles , never have done and dont have a problem.  The very rare time I have cleaned is if I have had to re zero , which again very rare.

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The .17 is a filthy round I’ve owned mine over ten years and I only clean the barrel very occasionally, I find when I do it mucks up zero but settles down after a few rounds have been put through it ( gets  dirty again ) the rest of the gun I keep very clean bolt trigger ect.

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1 hour ago, philpot said:

Thanks SD, I rather hoped that would be the case.  Perhaps the Hornady are a dirty round compared to others. I have not seen any of the Remmington wmr shells you said were good fox stoppers.


When you say dirty...do you mean the deposits of unburnt powder?

I often think it's a buffer mixed in the powder which is probably a very fast powder not far away from 22lr powder!

It won't hurt nothing but can fill up a moderator.

I didn't think I recommend the Remington rounds for fox mate. The ones I tried weren't that good. I tried Remington hollow point, soft point and ballistic tip. They all zipped through. Killed them but after a short run. In fact they all tend to run some but my favourite round to date is the Federal loaded with a Speer 30g TNT bullet. The large hollow point seems to stop them quick.

Always practice fast follow up shots is my recommendation and if you don't need a fast follow up give them one extra for free.

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6 minutes ago, Sausagedog said:

It won't hurt nothing but can fill up a moderator.


Funny you say that I took my Mod apart the other day it was very very dirty but nothing a wire brush and cleaner couldn’t sort out, I went out last night first time since cleaning it and it was so much quieter than normal I thought I’d shot a squib round so there I was bolt out looking up the barrel but no all fine, they are a funny old round and I know your a great fan Mr Sausage ?

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10 minutes ago, FLATTOP said:

Funny you say that I took my Mod apart the other day it was very very dirty but nothing a wire brush and cleaner couldn’t sort out, I went out last night first time since cleaning it and it was so much quieter than normal I thought I’d shot a squib round so there I was bolt out looking up the barrel but no all fine, they are a funny old round and I know your a great fan Mr Sausage ?

I wouldn't have a moderator on mine if I could. It's only on to balance the rifle better for off hand shooting.

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18 minutes ago, Sausagedog said:

When you say dirty...do you mean the deposits of unburnt powder?

I often think it's a buffer mixed in the powder which is probably a very fast powder not far away from 22lr powder!

It won't hurt nothing but can fill up a moderator.

I didn't think I recommend the Remington rounds for fox mate. The ones I tried weren't that good. I tried Remington hollow point, soft point and ballistic tip. They all zipped through. Killed them but after a short run. In fact they all tend to run some but my favourite round to date is the Federal loaded with a Speer 30g TNT bullet. The large hollow point seems to stop them quick.

Always practice fast follow up shots is my recommendation and if you don't need a fast follow up give them one extra for free.

Yes I think it is unburnt powder. I fitted a Wildcat Panther mod partly because it is easy to clean and interestingly while shooting with my pal today who has a Sak mod and side by side mine is now quieter.

Federal, bugger thats the one, getting mixed up, senior moment, but still don't know where the hell to find them.


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49 minutes ago, Sausagedog said:

I wouldn't have a moderator on mine if I could. It's only on to balance the rifle better for off hand shooting.

I get what you mean I’m not a great fan of moderators but I’ve got the 16” barrel without it it looks tiny.

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11 hours ago, philpot said:

Yes I think it is unburnt powder. I fitted a Wildcat Panther mod partly because it is easy to clean and interestingly while shooting with my pal today who has a Sak mod and side by side mine is now quieter.

Federal, bugger thats the one, getting mixed up, senior moment, but still don't know where the hell to find them.


Don’t forest lodge have them Phil?

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15 hours ago, villaman said:

Well I have been told only clean when accuracy goes on the HMR , but I know other say clean after50-100 rounds 

hopefully someone can tell us for sure 

Well, I’ve used hmr since they were fairly new on these shores (you wouldn’t believe the mouse problem I had?), and I clean the bore when accuracy starts to go off. A shooting friend of mine ruined an hmr barrel by scrubbing it out after every outing. Everyone has their own opinions on this though, but I’ve only had a problem once with my regime, but I think that was related to a squib round. That’s another story......the rifle in question still shoots fine after all those years.

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Dirty or not, the vast majority of HMR and WMR are Copper coated, and whilst not as fast (hot), on the whole as most centrefires, they will leave deposits inside the barrel.

I cut my teeth in a Competitive target environment and almost certainly clean my guns more than most.     Despite comments to the contrary, destroying a barrel by cleaning to much is almost impossible, cleaning badly/improperly, may well cause issues!   I have cleaned barrels for my entire life, ALL my rifles shoot true and straight and do so immediately after a clean as well.

There are varying views on cleaning, clean all the time, never clean or clean if the groups enlarge.

I guess it comes down to the individual/calibre/ammunition/usage/etc.

Accuracy is pretty much top of the requirements for a gun of any sort, so if its accurate then you takes your choice about cleaning. 




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1 hour ago, Dervburner said:

Don’t forest lodge have them Phil?

To the best of my knowledge they don't sell them but I will check as I am getting very low on ammo for the wmr so a phone call is due.


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