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My bitch is direct out of him and no a lot of men with dogs out of him he produces to good 

One i have today ?

Proper scouser then. 

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  On 10/12/2020 at 11:05, Bolero said:

Exactly. I’ve been around bulldogs my whole life( Bulldogs = American pit bull terrier). And its the same stuff. Guys saying things like I don’t need no pedigree. Or I’ve seen dogs that cost $50 make those pretty pedigree dogs look stupid. All I do is laugh when people say things like that. For some reason they can’t wrap their  heads around the fact that it’s possible for people to take performance and pedigree into consideration when buying or breeding the dogs. Name any of the best breeders who used what they bred and every single one of them has bred to a dog based only on how it was bred. The key though was that it was a dog from the family they have been breeding for the past 15 plus years and personally saw the dogs in the first four generations of the dog chosen for its pedigree. There were many top dog men that never worked any of their females used for breeding. Breeding untested dogs isn’t something I would recommend for a person who is just starting out or even someone who isn’t breeding a family of dogs that they have years of hands on experience with. When a person was the one who has bred the parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and so on of the dogs in there yard they can get away with breeding an untested dog every once in a while 


A lot of park coursing greyhound men are the same. Often the second or 3rd best bitch out of a litter makes the best brood bitch. A lot of top notch bitches don't breed on(having their seasons stopped might be the cause of it or amphetamines)

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  On 11/02/2021 at 17:09, TOMO said:

what lurcher type was the dam bosun...like the others have said he's a nice type


Thanks Tomo and all.. ?

Her dam is a bull bred bitch, not sure of her percentage, though she looked like a 5/8ths to me. All i was told was that for what she is, she could shift and was sent a few snaps showing what she was made of, prior to the litter... Scousers owner confirmed her speed and ability and that was good enough for me.

My bitch has thrown light framed, which is what i'd hoped for and you'd never guess her mam was bull blood.

Now handsome is, how handsome does and she's made an ok start but if anyone can help me with a feline, feral lurcher that is socially awkward, feel free to throw in your two penneth worth... ?

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  On 13/02/2021 at 00:23, Bosun11 said:

Thanks Tomo and all.. ?

Her dam is a bull bred bitch, not sure of her percentage, though she looked like a 5/8ths to me. All i was told was that for what she is, she could shift and was sent a few snaps showing what she was made of, prior to the litter... Scousers owner confirmed her speed and ability and that was good enough for me.

My bitch has thrown light framed, which is what i'd hoped for and you'd never guess her mam was bull blood.

Now handsome is, how handsome does and she's made an ok start but if anyone can help me with a feline, feral lurcher that is socially awkward, feel free to throw in your two penneth worth... ?


some are like that mate this bitch I got 15 month only time it’s waged it’s tail and put ears back was after I found it  After it was lost it for an hour lol

other than that it’s bouncing to go hunt emotionless even when hurt doesn’t make a peep 

she not shy or nervous round anyone  though which is a bonus 

seen them 2 from same litter had everything the same one normal one scared of it’s own shadow at 10 still scatter if you move to quick you get a real nervy one nothing will change it I always thought it was when they had been mistreat but some are born nervous scatty 

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  On 13/02/2021 at 00:23, Bosun11 said:

Thanks Tomo and all.. ?

Her dam is a bull bred bitch, not sure of her percentage, though she looked like a 5/8ths to me. All i was told was that for what she is, she could shift and was sent a few snaps showing what she was made of, prior to the litter... Scousers owner confirmed her speed and ability and that was good enough for me.

My bitch has thrown light framed, which is what i'd hoped for and you'd never guess her mam was bull blood.

Now handsome is, how handsome does and she's made an ok start but if anyone can help me with a feline, feral lurcher that is socially awkward, feel free to throw in your two penneth worth... ?


Hide behind a tree when she isn't looking

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  On 13/02/2021 at 00:23, Bosun11 said:

Thanks Tomo and all.. ?

Her dam is a bull bred bitch, not sure of her percentage, though she looked like a 5/8ths to me. All i was told was that for what she is, she could shift and was sent a few snaps showing what she was made of, prior to the litter... Scousers owner confirmed her speed and ability and that was good enough for me.

My bitch has thrown light framed, which is what i'd hoped for and you'd never guess her mam was bull blood.

Now handsome is, how handsome does and she's made an ok start but if anyone can help me with a feline, feral lurcher that is socially awkward, feel free to throw in your two penneth worth... ?


Swap ya

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  On 13/02/2021 at 02:04, mC HULL said:

some are like that mate this bitch I got 15 month only time it’s waged it’s tail and put ears back was after I found it  After it was lost it for an hour lol

other than that it’s bouncing to go hunt emotionless even when hurt doesn’t make a peep 

she not shy or nervous round anyone  though which is a bonus 

seen them 2 from same litter had everything the same one normal one scared of it’s own shadow at 10 still scatter if you move to quick you get a real nervy one nothing will change it I always thought it was when they had been mistreat but some are born nervous scatty 


i agree with being born scatty got a bitch here suspicious of everyone jumps if you move to quick shes been an easy bitch to train retreives to hand alive after a bit of coaxing in shes just past 2 now i think i was hoping she would grow out of it ....just a  really nervous bitch and theres no saluki in her haha

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  On 13/02/2021 at 11:00, jackthelad said:

i agree with being born scatty got a bitch here suspicious of everyone jumps if you move to quick shes been an easy bitch to train retreives to hand alive after a bit of coaxing in shes just past 2 now i think i was hoping she would grow out of it ....just a  really nervous bitch and theres no saluki in her haha


Turn and hear nails scattering about floor bouncing off cupboards can’t all be normal lol ?? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've sat near a week on this...

Do i post, or do i leave it...

Because, any lurchers first lamped rabbit is hardly a big deal...

Well, i suppose it is, or more of a small weight that's been lifted, on the way to bigger and better things, when you've raised a pup from a ball of fluff...

And i know earlier i've said she's made an ok start but then she'd never been purposly taken her out to make a start on chanced things but though late, i finally thought she was ready and, maybe, because i'm older now, she was in reality more than ready....

My local semi permo ( semi because although farmer Dave always waived me hello, i've not got written permission) is pretty shite for rabbits at the best of times BUT of late, with the lockdown hordes tramping all over fields and local floods and the river bursting its banks, it's just about as bad as its ever gonna get.

But 'he who dares Rodney' and a job had to be done...

So night after night, i left the house and walked those rain sodden fields. Now as most of you know, starting a pup can be the most flustraiting time of things but this was to become something else...

I tramped wet field over wet field just to get to places i 'might' see a rabbit. Sometimes i seen one, most times i just didn't... Then when i seen one ( and it was almost always one!) it was on the worst field, in the wrong spot and as per usual that bloody pup just couldn't see it...

And that's how it went, night after night. The wind made little difference, the moon, or the lack of it, even less... And i could of run other stuff, because it was all there but no, the rabbit is the start, nothing else will do for a pup.

But then after what seemed an age, things started to click, i got to know the land by night as it is now, this year. I got to know how best to use my aged lamp, with its yellowing beam on that land BUT most of all, i got to know my dog...

I got a feel as to what she was looking for (nothing!!) And how to tune her into what i wanted her looking at (a bloody rabbit!).

Stop before you cast your beam. Sweep slower and stop and as I see better in the red, get that filter of asap...

That night, after so many nights followed by aching mornings, aching legs, flustration and worthlesness, we set off and tramped the same path to where maybe, we might get a run...

Nothing on the rough first field, nor the second and on to the third. The huge third field, that takes an age to get round but can sport a run, a flustraitingly fast and fruitless run but still a run. Tonight nothing.. My heart sank and as we trudged right round it my legs were in bits.

I followed the paths back through the wood to the second field again and bingo, three rabbits! I kept the red on and moved as fast as i could left, along the ditch. Trying to do the text book trick of blocking that bunnys path home. I stopped and took the filter off and that rabbit dropped to a squat. Happy days!

We moved slowly forward and as expected, that damn pup just couldn't see that rabbit... One more step and it was off, dog pulled and the race was on. The bunny went to the left and i expected it to cut back to the bramble covered ditch at any point but it didn't and then i realised it was being pressed too hard so it went straight, right along where we had come. There was a slight zig zag now, the bunny could feel dog breath and was in panic and then she struck. A good strike and i could see that rabbits arse lifted in the air and then they tumbled. That daft pup just didn't know its own footing with the elation and speed of catching its quarry. They rolled for a second and the rabbit was free and made the ditch. Leaving that poor pup so bewildered.

I called her back happy and was content to head for home. It really wasn't much but i felt it was better and progress had been made.

I'd just got her back on slip and then a light hit my eyes. Another lamper, on an amber filter. I watched for a few seconds, he was guiding planes in! Or thats what his wild sweepings looked like but then, i'm trying to get a green pup its first catch i must look even worse..!!

Anyways, one more lamper three big fields away is still far too much for me and i'm calling it a night.

I scurried in the direction of home, until i again reached that first ruff field and stopped. I looked into the dark, in the direction of my fellow nightwalker... Nothing!

I turned and ficked the beam and under a clump of rough grass a ruby red jewel shon bright. Off came the filter and we walked slowly toward our holy grail. Last step and the quarry was out from under the tuft. I slipped and with the ground being more rough my pup was on it in a couple of strides. Bingo! She lifted her prize, it was so quick and easy i almost forgot how hard fought the nights had been...

As is usual with all first rabbits, her retrieve wasn't text book, only about five circles of me but eventually the rabbit was in my hands, thank christ..!!

I suddenly realised i wasn't alone on those fields and, as is the done thing now, whipped out my phone and took a quick snap. So quick i didn't even straighten the rabbit out after i'd dispatched and dropped it.

So here it is, warts and all... By far the hardest won first rabbit i've ever taken. It was a fecking ordeal and i can only hope things can only get better... 




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  On 27/02/2021 at 23:59, Bosun11 said:

I've sat near a week on this...

Do i post, or do i leave it...

Because, any lurchers first lamped rabbit is hardly a big deal...

Well, i suppose it is, or more of a small weight that's been lifted, on the way to bigger and better things, when you've raised a pup from a ball of fluff...

And i know earlier i've said she's made an ok start but then she'd never been purposly taken her out to make a start, on chanced things but though late, i finally thought she was ready and, maybe, because i'm older now, she was in reality more than ready....

My local semi permo ( semi because although farmer Dave always waived me hello, i've not got written permission) is pretty shite for rabbits at the best of times BUT of late, with lockdown hordes tramping all over and local floods and the river bursting its banks, it's just about as bad as its ever gonna get.

But 'he who dares Rodney' and a job had to be done...

So night after night, i left the house and tramped rain sodden fields. Now as most of you know, starting a pup can be the most flustraiting time of things but this was to become something else...

I tramped wet field over wet field just to get to places i 'might' see a rabbit. Sometimes i seen a rabbit, most times i just didn't... Then when i seen one ( and it was almost always one!) it was on the worst field, in the wrong spot and as per usual that bloody pup just couldn't see it...

And that's how it went, night after night. The wind made little difference, the moon, or the lack of it, even less... And i could of run other stuff, because it was all there but no, the rabbit is the start, nothing else will do for a pup.

But then after what seemed an age, things started to click, i got to know the land by night as it is now, this year. I got to know how best to use my aged lamp on that land BUT most of all, i got to know my dog...

I got a feel as to what she was looking for (nothing!!) And how to tune her into what i wanted her looking at (a bloody rabbit!).

Stop before you cast your beam. Sweep slower and stop and as I see better in the red, get that filter of asap...

That night, after so many nights followed by aching mornings, aching legs, flustration and worthlesness, we set off and tramped the same path to where maybe, we might get a run...

Nothing on the rough first field, nor the second and on to the third. The huge third field, that takes an age to get round but can sport a run, a flustraitingly fast and fruitless run but still a run. Tonight nothing.. My heart sank and as we trudged right round it my legs were in bits.

I followed the paths back through the wood to the second field again and bingo, three rabbits! I kept the red on and moved as fast as i could left, along the ditch. Trying to do the text book trick of blocking thst bunnys path home. I stopped and took the filter off and that rabbit dropped to a squat. Happy days!

We moved slowly forward and as expected, that damn pup just couldn't see that rabbit... One more step and it was off, dog pulled and the race was on. The bunny went to the left and i expected it to cut back to the bramble covered ditch at any point but it didn't and then i realised it was being pressed too hard so it went straight, right along where we had come. There was a slight zig zag now, the bunny could feel dog breath and then she struck. A good strike and i could see that rabbits arse lifted in the air and then they tumbled. That daft pup just didn't know its own footing with the elation and speed of catching its quarry. They rolled for a second and the rabbit was free and made the ditch. Leaving that poor pup so bewildered.

I called her back happy and was content to head for home. It really wasn't much but i felt it was better and progress had been made.

I'd just got her back on slip and then a light hit my eyes. Another lamper, on an amber filter. I watched for a few seconds, he was guiding planes in! Or thats what his wild sweepings looked like but then, i'm trying to get a green pup its first catch i must look even worse..!!

Anyways, one more lamper three big fields away is still far too much for me and i'm calling it a night.

I scurried in the direction of home, until i again reached that first field and stopped. I looked into the dark, in the direction of my fellow nightwalker... Nothing!

I turned and ficked the beam and under a clump of rough a ruby red jewel shon bright. Off came the filter and we walked slowley toward our holy grail. Last step and the quarry was out from under the tuft. I slipped and being more rough my pup was on it in a couple of strides. Bingo! She lifted her prize, it was so quick and easy i almost forgot how hard fought it was...

As is usual with all first rabbits, her retrieve wasn't text book but only about five circles of me but eventually the rabbit was in my hands, thank christ..!!

I suddenly realised i wasn't alone on those fields and, as is the done thing now, whipped out my phone and took a quick snap. So quick i didn't even straighten the rabbit out after i'd dispatched and dropped it.

So here it is, warts and all... By far the hardest won first rabbit i've ever taken. It was a fecking ordeal and i can only hope things can only get better... 





Well done pup ??

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  On 27/02/2021 at 23:59, Bosun11 said:

I've sat near a week on this...

Do i post, or do i leave it...

Because, any lurchers first lamped rabbit is hardly a big deal...

Well, i suppose it is, or more of a small weight that's been lifted, on the way to bigger and better things, when you've raised a pup from a ball of fluff...

And i know earlier i've said she's made an ok start but then she'd never been purposly taken her out to make a start, on chanced things but though late, i finally thought she was ready and, maybe, because i'm older now, she was in reality more than ready....

My local semi permo ( semi because although farmer Dave always waived me hello, i've not got written permission) is pretty shite for rabbits at the best of times BUT of late, with lockdown hordes tramping all over and local floods and the river bursting its banks, it's just about as bad as its ever gonna get.

But 'he who dares Rodney' and a job had to be done...

So night after night, i left the house and tramped rain sodden fields. Now as most of you know, starting a pup can be the most flustraiting time of things but this was to become something else...

I tramped wet field over wet field just to get to places i 'might' see a rabbit. Sometimes i seen a rabbit, most times i just didn't... Then when i seen one ( and it was almost always one!) it was on the worst field, in the wrong spot and as per usual that bloody pup just couldn't see it...

And that's how it went, night after night. The wind made little difference, the moon, or the lack of it, even less... And i could of run other stuff, because it was all there but no, the rabbit is the start, nothing else will do for a pup.

But then after what seemed an age, things started to click, i got to know the land by night as it is now, this year. I got to know how best to use my aged lamp on that land BUT most of all, i got to know my dog...

I got a feel as to what she was looking for (nothing!!) And how to tune her into what i wanted her looking at (a bloody rabbit!).

Stop before you cast your beam. Sweep slower and stop and as I see better in the red, get that filter of asap...

That night, after so many nights followed by aching mornings, aching legs, flustration and worthlesness, we set off and tramped the same path to where maybe, we might get a run...

Nothing on the rough first field, nor the second and on to the third. The huge third field, that takes an age to get round but can sport a run, a flustraitingly fast and fruitless run but still a run. Tonight nothing.. My heart sank and as we trudged right round it my legs were in bits.

I followed the paths back through the wood to the second field again and bingo, three rabbits! I kept the red on and moved as fast as i could left, along the ditch. Trying to do the text book trick of blocking thst bunnys path home. I stopped and took the filter off and that rabbit dropped to a squat. Happy days!

We moved slowly forward and as expected, that damn pup just couldn't see that rabbit... One more step and it was off, dog pulled and the race was on. The bunny went to the left and i expected it to cut back to the bramble covered ditch at any point but it didn't and then i realised it was being pressed too hard so it went straight, right along where we had come. There was a slight zig zag now, the bunny could feel dog breath and then she struck. A good strike and i could see that rabbits arse lifted in the air and then they tumbled. That daft pup just didn't know its own footing with the elation and speed of catching its quarry. They rolled for a second and the rabbit was free and made the ditch. Leaving that poor pup so bewildered.

I called her back happy and was content to head for home. It really wasn't much but i felt it was better and progress had been made.

I'd just got her back on slip and then a light hit my eyes. Another lamper, on an amber filter. I watched for a few seconds, he was guiding planes in! Or thats what his wild sweepings looked like but then, i'm trying to get a green pup its first catch i must look even worse..!!

Anyways, one more lamper three big fields away is still far too much for me and i'm calling it a night.

I scurried in the direction of home, until i again reached that first field and stopped. I looked into the dark, in the direction of my fellow nightwalker... Nothing!

I turned and ficked the beam and under a clump of rough a ruby red jewel shon bright. Off came the filter and we walked slowley toward our holy grail. Last step and the quarry was out from under the tuft. I slipped and being more rough my pup was on it in a couple of strides. Bingo! She lifted her prize, it was so quick and easy i almost forgot how hard fought it was...

As is usual with all first rabbits, her retrieve wasn't text book but only about five circles of me but eventually the rabbit was in my hands, thank christ..!!

I suddenly realised i wasn't alone on those fields and, as is the done thing now, whipped out my phone and took a quick snap. So quick i didn't even straighten the rabbit out after i'd dispatched and dropped it.

So here it is, warts and all... By far the hardest won first rabbit i've ever taken. It was a fecking ordeal and i can only hope things can only get better... 





Nice 1 lar ,not knocking u mate but I think the pup may of had an advantage wi that rabbit having no front legs or a head like 


  • Haha 3
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