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Lockdown Shooting?

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24 minutes ago, Gaoler said:

Are we allowed to shoot vermin on our permissions during the lockdown?

I rung my local Police who really never gave an answer, nor seemed interested...

The police wont give you a yes or no answer, it isnt their decision to make, if it is essential pest control then yes, people call their local police station just to get a log number which just let's the police know when and where you are incase they get a call from jo. public...but after Boris,s speech on  sunday in my eyes it still isnt clear that we can go unless its essential pest control, which only you can decide, but if you get stopped by a stroppy copper who thinks it's not essential pest control I'm not sure on the consequences...

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I advise the police that I am carrying out vermin control at a specific farm, they give me a log number and off we go then phone them when we get home. I have only just started to shoot again but as there seems to be a method of control, I am happy to do that.


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1 hour ago, villaman said:

If it’s pest control to protect crops , eggs poultry, sheep , cattle then yes 

I have a email from police to say it’s ok 

I also have email from the police they say if you are shooting alone and don't come within 2meters of anyone then you are ok

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