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Rabbit skins

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I’ve always skinned a rabbit pinned it to a board skin side up and salted it, left it outside to dry then used it for a dummy after I’ve wrapped round something for pup, anybody else do this or do you tann it properly 



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Maybe a week or two at a guess. If you do dry it without salt it needs to be kept in a dry place, even when dried or it'll go moldy but if kept dry it'll be fine.

Sheep skins, deer skins etc. the same. Try to remove fleshy and bloody bits off the back by scraping carefully with the back of a knife. I once had a sheepskin as a bedside rug for over a year before a mates dog ate it while we were at the pub.

If you want to get it tanned don't salt it.

If you want to try curing it yourself https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Skillkult+tanning+skins

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12 hours ago, cantona said:

How long  till ready, any guesses?

I do a couple a year I salt them as you have do and then leave them to dry out totally you will see when they are ready as they will be like card board until you start rolling it  then it will soften 

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something i always wondered,you know the way you can drop a fresh fox tail  into a jar of meths,leave it for a few weeks and it comes out cured and odourless,well could that be done with a full pelt ,...probably not but always wondered 

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Many years ago I just used to scrape them and salt them. They were very stiff but with some oil would go around a canvas dummy. Recently I bought some tanning chemicals but to be honest even after a lot of work found the results very varied. Some are excellent, some little better than salt method and nearly half I binned as they ripped in the process. Seems like it needs skills I don't naturally possess ?

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