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1 hour ago, Balaur said:

Like saying some lad joined the army to better their lot and gets sent to some hopeless desert to fight a pointless war....

Or some lad joining the fire service and gets sent to put out a fire....whatever next.

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We know they are playing great selfless roles,as do firemen,army etc etc but cant we all just get on with it without all the silly saucepan bashing,it was a nice gesture the first time but now its all

some may be pissed off  becouse they cant goout for a few weeks , ,just wait till they start opening stuff up again  and it all goes tits up  big time ,anyone who thinks this is going away any time so

My brother has served in army, navy and marines. He now works in the hospital (he left to become a chimney sweep but went back recently as they were short staffed). He caught corona while working on i

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Perhaps their trying to tell us something through their dancing. Perhaps that's the reason for so many videos of nurses dancing and boogieing?

Maybe, their bound by a secret gag order preventing them from speaking out about the situation that it is in fact all a just a manufactured scheme to cause fear and panic across the land!

Just a thought in light of the serious moves there making ?


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7 minutes ago, Balaur said:

That's a poor analogy, firefighters fire okay , armed services don't always expect an  unwinnable , questionable conflict , and often found wanting when it comes to kit etc. Bit different. So nurses sign up to help folk but find themselves in a pandemic with a lack of ppe.......

Yep I don't envy them one bit, it's like taking a knife to a gun fight. You would at least expect to be protected when your job is to care for the sick. 

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1 hour ago, Balaur said:

That's a poor analogy, firefighters fire okay , armed services don't always expect an  unwinnable , questionable conflict , and often found wanting when it comes to kit etc. Bit different. So nurses sign up to help folk but find themselves in a pandemic with a lack of ppe.......

We know they are playing great selfless roles,as do firemen,army etc etc but cant we all just get on with it without all the silly saucepan bashing,it was a nice gesture the first time but now its all become this cult of weekly narcissistic fakery with people getting named and shamed for not clapping...if everyone is a hero no one is a hero,in dying societies you are a hero just for showing up its like giving every kid participating in a race a medal it means nothing and has just become a platform for attention and control.....stop all this nonsense and show appreciation by paying them fairly and kitting them out properly......and on the whole ppe thing why all these private care homes charging extortionate fees are not being held responsible for their lack of suitable planning is a disgrace....but then i suppose its more politically convenient to stick it on the government.

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1 hour ago, gnasher16 said:

We know they are playing great selfless roles,as do firemen,army etc etc but cant we all just get on with it without all the silly saucepan bashing,it was a nice gesture the first time but now its all become this cult of weekly narcissistic fakery with people getting named and shamed for not clapping...if everyone is a hero no one is a hero,in dying societies you are a hero just for showing up its like giving every kid participating in a race a medal it means nothing and has just become a platform for attention and control.....stop all this nonsense and show appreciation by paying them fairly and kitting them out properly......and on the whole ppe thing why all these private care homes charging extortionate fees are not being held responsible for their lack of suitable planning is a disgrace....but then i suppose its more politically convenient to stick it on the government.

Post of the day, no shadow of a doubt.

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8 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

We know they are playing great selfless roles,as do firemen,army etc etc but cant we all just get on with it without all the silly saucepan bashing,it was a nice gesture the first time but now its all become this cult of weekly narcissistic fakery with people getting named and shamed for not clapping...if everyone is a hero no one is a hero,in dying societies you are a hero just for showing up its like giving every kid participating in a race a medal it means nothing and has just become a platform for attention and control.....stop all this nonsense and show appreciation by paying them fairly and kitting them out properly......and on the whole ppe thing why all these private care homes charging extortionate fees are not being held responsible for their lack of suitable planning is a disgrace....but then i suppose its more politically convenient to stick it on the government.

I agree with most of that mate but how aren't they paying them fairly? 

It's like when people say nurses and soldiers deserve footballers wages. When they go to start work they know how much money they'll be making. 


Just my opinion

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6 hours ago, ryaldinhio said:

Post of the day, no shadow of a doubt.

certainly is, kids wi frying pans In their hands, what do they no, its dropping off now around here, does anyone clap fer me when I go shop to get owd Gladys her steradent do the buggery,  right lads its THURSDAY  morning time fer my mental tests

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10 hours ago, iworkwhippets said:

so what about ve day and owd captain tom, no appreciation there then, and as for the nurses finding time to dance, fek me excuse em for breathing

It's not about lack of appreciation for nurses, or anyone else. Anything that unites and entertains the nation is a good thing. But it's never a good thing to blow to much smoke up anyone's arse hole. Yes nurses do a good job, but so do the two young lads who came to jet the blocked sewer in our street. Covered in turd, swilled down, eat their dinner and off to the next one.....should I appreciate nurses more? 

The problem with all this nurse worship is its given some a god complex that makes em believe they can preach a medical gospel all over the Internet and nobody can contradict em. 

Are nurses 'brave'? Well they arnt pressed men being forced over the top at the somme are they... 

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What does anyone expect, virtue signalling is a disease so we shouldn’t be too surprised that it’s rife at the moment.

It has totally sickened me watching small companies and “local business men” use it as a blatant opportunity for self promotion........the “look at me everyone” generation !! 

If folks think a “national hand clap” is somehow “bringing the country together” then I’d say their idea of national unity/all in this together is a bit pound shop to say the least.......need to be setting the old sights a bit higher there imho ! Lol 

People will be singling out “them at 73” for not clapping......they are the same people who probably never spoke a word to the people in their street all the time they have lived there.......shallow f***ing arseholes.

Its all two Bob as f**k ! 

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One of the reasons they had us clap was because the poor sods had no ppe,govt making us bolster the nhs workers up.sure they,d of prefered some ppe than a clapping.now they are saying return to work but mask up.too f....n late half the nations been out for 7 weeks with out masks.wonder why we had the most deaths in,europe.

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