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57 out ..................... 99 in

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Well guys I have farted around as much as I was going to do with the HW57 which I sooooo wanted to work for me but we reached a point when I picked up the phone and hit the short code for Si Brown .....................................HELP !!!!!!

You have already seen some of the issues I have had with the three hw57 rifles I had been trying out and just when I had settled on one of the them and with a new scope fitted, the POI started to move around to the point that I was making really pretty dot for dot patterns all over an A4 sheet of paper. A fault with the scope so three other scopes were tried including two Mamba Lites and one of my pal's but I can't remember what it was. To cut a long story short, Si simply said....................fecking told ya they were crap.

I did know what Si thought but having shot one, I really liked it but I was proven to be wrong (again) so after a long chat with Si, he guided me towards an HW99 which could be tuned nicely at a later date when the lock down is over. I then got a text from from Jimmy saying it was a good move and far better than a 57.................okay, I am beaten, I phoned my dealer friend at home to see when he was going into the shop to check the mail etc, Friday came back the reply so I arranged to meet him at the shop this morning.

We decided that the little Hawke Fast Mount scope (Vantage AO with mounts already fitted) could be buggered and rather than starting off with a scope that was suspect, he swapped it for another new scope, same type, 3-9 x 40 AO. He had both .22 and .177 HW99s in stock and I decided to stick with a .177 and so a sealed Weihrauch air rifle box was brought out of the back room and off I went home to start getting things ready.

A good clean of the barrel (didn't forget this time Mitch) then remove the hawke mounts and replace them with a set of Sportsmatch HT07c mounts which are far better than Hawke in my eyes and she is ready to go except that the wind is blowing a hooley at the moment so perhaps I will leave it until tomorrow morning.




Now looking forward to using the rifle but not so sure I want to mess about green staining the stock of a new gun, hmmmm jury is out on that one although it is a rather boring stock as most of the Weihrauch stocks are.


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Well I couldn't wait until tomorrow so a short session to set zero at 15mts which is all my little cottage garden allows but nevertheless after 9 shots to zero using JSB Exacts, I thought I would have a go at some hand drawn spot targets to see how both the gun and I handle it.  I am not a springer shooter as most of you know, in fact I am bloody rubbish BUT I am pleased with the first attempt and gives me the drive to practice hard to get the hang of this side of the sport which will present a challenge during these dark days ahead.

Anyway here is my first go, these are three shot groups, not there yet but it is a start.





I think this little rifle will be as sweet as a nut when tuned.


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Did have three but one went a few months ago in the brake in I had . All three .22 and so accurate. Had .177 as well but imo .22 shot so much better . 
Let mr Brown have yours and I bet it will be a blinder when it comes back . In fact I will have another and let Si have it  when he can buy me one ?and can see it being far better than my sfs imp 

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8 minutes ago, villaman said:

Did have three but one went a few months ago in the brake in I had . All three .22 and so accurate. Had .177 as well but imo .22 shot so much better . 
Let mr Brown have yours and I bet it will be a blinder when it comes back . In fact I will have another and let Si have it  when he can buy me one ?and can see it being far better than my sfs imp 

could get one tomorrow Mitch;)

 all I know is that that the .177 cant be brought up to full power is bollox and it'll shoot as well as any springer as ive  shot!

im not a bad shot with a springer but there are better.. and the one I got as a tester is still hitting bottle tops at 60yrd after nearly two years without being touched 

  I like messing with stuff as im a kitchen geek with a lathe, but a few weeks will make this bargain basement riffle a match for any top end airarms or hw at 1/3 of the price!

best little lightweight springer on the market by a mile:thumbs:

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28 minutes ago, si brown said:

could get one tomorrow Mitch;)

 all I know is that that the .177 cant be brought up to full power is bollox and it'll shoot as well as any springer as ive  shot!

im not a bad shot with a springer but there are better.. and the one I got as a tester is still hitting bottle tops at 60yrd after nearly two years without being touched 

  I like messing with stuff as im a kitchen geek with a lathe, but a few weeks will make this bargain basement riffle a match for any top end airarms or hw at 1/3 of the price!

best little lightweight springer on the market by a mile:thumbs:

Now we are talking Si ?

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8 hours ago, si brown said:

could get one tomorrow Mitch;)

 all I know is that that the .177 cant be brought up to full power is bollox and it'll shoot as well as any springer as ive  shot!

im not a bad shot with a springer but there are better.. and the one I got as a tester is still hitting bottle tops at 60yrd after nearly two years without being touched 

  I like messing with stuff as im a kitchen geek with a lathe, but a few weeks will make this bargain basement riffle a match for any top end airarms or hw at 1/3 of the price!

best little lightweight springer on the market by a mile:thumbs:

So would you recommend.177 then Si  ?

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46 minutes ago, villaman said:

So would you recommend.177 then Si  ?

you'll never get away from the fact that it takes more energy to get a .177 up to 12 ftlb over a .22 but if you can iron out all the slack and smooth everything out you can pretty much get them on par!

if I was going to buy one for myself id go for a .177 as I do like hitting the woods with springers. 

you couldn't pay matt to swap his 177 for a 22.. he is a full on accuracy nut:laugh: id be happy with his groups at half the distance 

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14 minutes ago, Dervburner said:

A good choice and for the money the 99s must be one of the best bargains available. Mine is .22 tuned v-mach and very smooth and accurate to shoot. 


Lovely stock DB, where is that from.


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I have just done some chrono readings using JSB, Exact, 8.4gr, which are as follows:-

1,   10.13 fpe         737 fps

2,   11.38                781

3,   11.63                789

4,   11.15                773

5,   11.15                773

6,   11.49                785

7,   11.49                785

8,   11.58                788

9,   11.60                789

10,  11.43               782

Average readings,   11.30 fpe      778.2 fps

This completes the scoring from the  North Lincs panel ??

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