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It’s a war on your race, history, culture and sense of self.........a broken people are a weak people ! So shut up, keep paying and do as you are f***ing told !  

Na man I'm faithful  lol besides  only got to go to Kuwait and Jordan.was hoping to go to Syria but my fight got messed up both times. Will say though few time we got off base me and the boys got to s

Amazon programme on the other night  2 family's of blacks.and 1 black presenter and 1 white presenter. Filmed in the UK.. Why am I seeing this all the time.... The adverts.mixed al

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22 hours ago, TOMO said:

I just find this hole white race dying out thing a bit far fetched. ..surly that would take thousands of years.....and most likely we end up neither black or white...


White people are a minority of 8% world population.

The average fertility rate of a typical white European country eg.Iceland.....is 1.74

The average fertility rate of a typical black African country eg.Niger.....is 6.77

It is predicted that Uk and Usa will be " majority minority " within 50 years.

Add to that the anti white rhetoric ,highest suicide rates and forced multiculturalism in native white homelands and it doesnt take a clever person to see that white people wont be around much longer.

Keeping white majorities in indigenous white homelands is essential to the continuation of the white race,and not only that but absolutely moral.

Whites who want to live with and amongst others are free to do so as we should be free to live among our own.

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On 02/05/2020 at 12:55, WILF said:

In fairness mate, what you have written is a fairly normal response in these kind of discussions.

All I’d say is, ask yourself if everything you have written is a good enough excuse for your history, your culture and your race to be exterminated ?........if the answer is yes, then fair enough but if it’s no then you have to throw all that aside.

The common misconception is that to value yourself means you have to hate someone else.

Take your man on here, I don’t know him but I know he is black because he said so......I don’t hate him, I have no reason to hate him.

Because I like me and my history and my people don’t mean I have to hate matey.

I don’t think he should be knocking about with white chicks and I don’t think white chicks should be knocking about with him, my own opinion of what I see is that it does neither any favours but again, I don’t hate him for it......it’s just my own opinion and belief.

I have said before, if any other form of life was dying out in its natural geographical area there would be uproar and adverts on the telly asking for money to save it.......but white Europeans can go f**k themselves!

Theres no logic to that......is there? 

The majority of folk on a forum like this are country folk i get that....but sitting back reading posts sometimes is almost shocking to see people that are so totally unaware of whats going on around them and falling for everything being forced on them..... im probably a bit more f****d up than most i get that but some of the things written would be hilarious if they wasnt so tragic !

" You are a hypocrite if you are pro white but watch sport " ? classic !

It makes me wonder how long it will be until someone pipes up with ..................

" White people listen up......If you want a future and think its ok to defend yourselves from the tidal waves of anti white hatred,racism and violence....then you are a Nazi "....just be done with it !


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Redheads are going extinct which is a recessive trait amongst white.This is a shame in my opinion.We covet and protect supposed pure hunting dogs from certain lines.Be cause I think the same of humans I'm an outcast of society.Hey white people have y'all ever seen a Comanche Indian.Me neither.

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A 100 years ago the population of Africa was about 100m now with all the famines and everything you'd think it would of gone up much but every ten years 100 million people are added to the continent's population they can't feed themselves now and that rate of population is increasing and guess where the overflow of the people who can't make it in there african h9melands will be going? And this scrap about the NHS and foreigners lol it would take a decade or 2 to easily have enough home grown doctors nurses the lot but then they wouldn't have the foreign doctor stick to beat anyone not pro immigration with. If wanting the country to resemble what our forefathers made carry on for future generations means I'm a racist then so be it I'm PROUD

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14 hours ago, Rusty_terrier said:

Disagree with a lot of stuff folk say on here but do agree max is an eejit. only comes on to try and get folks back up. 

Without getting to embroiled, who's the bigger eejit? the one trying to get somebodies back up or the ones reacting?

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