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Blacks all the time.

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It’s a war on your race, history, culture and sense of self.........a broken people are a weak people ! So shut up, keep paying and do as you are f***ing told !  

Na man I'm faithful  lol besides  only got to go to Kuwait and Jordan.was hoping to go to Syria but my fight got messed up both times. Will say though few time we got off base me and the boys got to s

Amazon programme on the other night  2 family's of blacks.and 1 black presenter and 1 white presenter. Filmed in the UK.. Why am I seeing this all the time.... The adverts.mixed al

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  On 26/04/2020 at 18:14, Rusty_terrier said:

Me and my boy been watching an American storm chaser on youtibe called pesco hank who films tornadoes scary stuff but amazing to see probably bot so amazing when you have your property to worry about. I've seen 2 very small dust devils here on hot days that's my best lol


I was working up north a few years ago and one ripped through taking down powerlines and trashing some of the weaker structures. Nothing like the ones you see that are half a mile wide and flatten entire towns... Thankfully!

Our beast is wildfires in this area.

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  On 26/04/2020 at 18:04, gnasher16 said:

When speaking to anyone defending multiculturalism ask for 2 advantages.....and watch them crumble once they,ve brought up the incredible range of restaurants !

Not 1 single Brit ever voted for mass immigration,multiculturalism,rape gangs,postcode gangs,honour killings,diversity.....they have all been imported to Britain without our say so.....do you seriously expect people to not only avoid their doctors,dentists,taxi drivers and paper shops but also not even have a moan about it....come on mate be sensible.


Well gnasher England did take over the world by force, and looks to me like the chickens have come home to roost, however why should any man pay for the sins of his forefathers???? The problem with England is it went soft, it exported all the hardened types to oz and the USA colonies and most of what was left has bred this built in self loathing bollicks into the kids, as katchum said when the white man has turned his back on god is when it’s gone really down hill, they now worship poofs and vain liberal lefty celebs and only ever think about themselves. I’m a firm believer of obeying the laws of the land and when bringing in peoples who lived in tents and mud huts and started excusing them for their crimes then it set the tempo for the rest of the break down of society

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  On 26/04/2020 at 17:37, Rusty_terrier said:

The initial thread doesnt really interest me. But what people who have strong opinions in the subject are doing does. So fellas what yous doing to make a difference and take a stand ?


Everything the law allows me to.....be that through voting or getting out there and talking trying to get a message across to people who may not have these issues at the front of their minds......sometimes it pays off sometimes it doesnt.....last year it paid off when locally we had one of the best nationalist election results ever when a former British National Party candidate won a seat becoming the first council in the Uk to elect a far right councillor.


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  On 26/04/2020 at 18:04, WILF said:

Ok, so a couple of polite questions.......don’t you ever get embarrassed by all these media types kissing your arse and cucking hard about how great you are compared to them as white people? 

Do you find it embarrassing that your fellow black men make up 13% of the population but 86% of the prison population......or is there some odd reason that law enforcement are jailing black men for white mens crime ? 


Ok more than happy to answer. But first off just to make it clear I'm not what you would call..... an average black guy,my thought process is alot different then most black people , actually get asked why I'm so white alot. So what I feel can be fairly polar opposite to what a majority of black people .

So first yes holy shit does it irritate media is doing this crap now with the basic but kissing if black culture. Now don't get me wrong I have a good bit of pride in my people and I'm happy when we do stuff that is actually really cool an benfital but when it comes to this crap that's basically " Hay this black guy did the same thing that millions of Americans do daily give, him a cookie ". I personally feel like we should be held to the same standard as everyone else.  Mabye even a little higher in some places . Because I strongly feel this deal of "if your black your automatically gonna get ABC and not DEF  is really screwing us up as a race

And yeah I do find it embarrisnf but also makes sense if you look at a few things.   Like alot of American black culture kinda idolizes the types if things that land people in jail . And what makes it bad so many black kids grow up surround by that and their ostracized by their community . Most if them don't hang around other races or try to break the mold because from the time they could Remember that's all they knew and everything elese is a foreign concept.  And it's pretty toxic honestly. Not to mention that same culture is making so many weak male role models and single parent homes it creates almost a perfect storm to have these people doing nothing but what they see which is selling drugs,drinking, multiple children from different women,jail and y'all know the rest. And that's what's supposed to mean to be black and alot of places and it's pushed in the media so hard that alot of people have these subconscious ideas of how black people are and what they will do or will not do. And all that amplifies alot if problems when it comes to the court system and so on. So guess I'm embarrassed but there's alot that goes into it

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  On 26/04/2020 at 16:49, baker boy said:

Far too much made of the black slave trade, many more whites enslaved than blacks and treated as badly


The first legal salve owner in the U.S. was a black Angolan named Anthony Johnson, 1600 to 1670.

White didn't start the slave trade, who do they  think sold them in the first place .

Plenty of Irish, and British sold into slavery, to the the Caribbean, to the sugar cane plantations.

Atb j 

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  On 26/04/2020 at 18:10, shaaark said:

The f**k you choking that snake for?! Looks pretty innocent to me. A tad shocked like, but still innocent! ?


As I said he was just caught in some bird netting little guy didn't do anything wrong. And im not choking him lol. The way I positioned my finger be hind his head naturally makes their mouths open up like that. Also he was a eastern hognose and they have the habbit of playing dead so he was trying to turn and look dead . But again he was comply unharmed except for the cut from the netting

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  On 26/04/2020 at 17:31, delswal said:

What makes me laugh..( figure of speech it don't really make me laugh ) the amount of folk who moan about blacks asians ect will pop into the corner shop and spend a few quid.....spend their money on an Indian takeaway then sit eating and then moan about the feckers, you support their businesses and they aint going knowhere. don't eat their food don't shop in their shops.........don't get in their taxis .....................don't use asian doctors don't use anything full stop to do with asians if you feel so strongly about it, don't complain about being over run with rats if ya feeding the fecking things. 

Not that any of the above will really matter until the vast majority  stand up and force the issue home............and before that happens there will be more chance of Wilf and Gnasher getting their pictures taken with the West Ham squad winning the champions league 


You think there’s people that don’t do that already ?? 

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  On 26/04/2020 at 18:06, ChrisJones said:

After 12 years I got used to it. I actually love the place. I moved a little north to the higher elevations and the extreme temperature swings keep most people away outside of a few weeks in spring and fall. Social distancing is a lifestyle for some of us! :laugh:

Morning from the mountains!




Gotta ask, you happen to buy your self a fully semiautomatic AR14 assaultrifle with a 100 round clip yet ?? every American needs one lol

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  On 26/04/2020 at 18:35, jetro said:

The first legal salve owner in the U.S. was a black Angolan named Anthony Johnson, 1600 to 1670.

White didn't start the slave trade, who do they  think sold them in the first place .

Plenty of Irish, and British sold into slavery, to the the Caribbean, to the sugar cane plantations.

Atb j 


I mean basically all European did was capitalize on what African nations where already doing.

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