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Fukin corona

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Last couple of years my Mrs has been having health problems ,she had a pace maker fitted before corona ,but they botched it ,! Before she could have the second op to fix it corona came so op was cancelled ,while all this has been going on we have had to be extra careful , she is at risk ,,,last night he takes bad ,so they rush her to a corona filled hospital ,won't let me see her ,can't visit ,can't talk to doctors ,just can't be there for her ,I know s he will be frightened on her own ,can't visit family or mates to get s hit off my chest ,so you lot will have to do for now ,...get well soon Mrs Stanley .

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Best wishes pal. I know it's no help but lots of people are in the same position right now. Sit tight stay strong. 

Have you not got WhatsApp on your phone....maybe set it up and video call? 

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Cheers chaps ,I'm just off to pick her up ?...just waiting for the op to fix it all ..an they are flat out at the hospital ,so Dr gave me some instructions s to follow an d we will sit it out at home ...strange times we 're living in ..stay safe .btw she said she wasnt frightened and I am a drama queen .

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