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Well, that escalated quickly ??

Jetro is right though, if you put time and effort into building up a population of anything I think you've a right to be pissed off if someone rocks up in the breeding season and decides to try and whack them all for shits and giggles.

Not sure what rattled JD cage so much, history with Wilf or a few cans maybe?  

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As Dog men certainly don’t help ourselves at times.  But in all honesty , I cannot stand Johnny come latelys with guns. my wife’s cousin has lived for 5 months In an estate lodge , she’s gon

Two lads hunting pheasants? Better call the RSPCA or the bizzies. Some of you would be better on mumsnet. And wilf your a racist bloke that lived in London right? And you can't control your temper als

I think one of the problems of growing old is we forget or deny, what we were like when we were young, I lived on an inner city council estate growing up, but I could buy an air rifle in mums club boo

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  On 16/04/2020 at 19:30, Elchapo said:

I must admit im still going out shooting the odd cock bird for the table. I’m going on my own don’t bother any one And it’s one less person in the Tesco que as 8m getting mine fresh then  back home I know people will still bitch and moan but at end day amount I take they probably lose more to car accidents 


Don’t think there’s too much objection shooting the odd cock bird for the table mate. I believe it’s doing any keeper a favour killing the adult cocks off this time of year as they have a tendency to get round the poults when they are in the woods and take them off when they are released. Keepers should like them gone

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I think one of the problems of growing old is we forget or deny, what we were like when we were young, I lived on an inner city council estate growing up, but I could buy an air rifle in mums club book, no one to teach you what was right or wrong, fair or fowl , so at that stage of life even a blue tit taking the cream off the milk on the neighbours milk was fair game, much as I hate to admit it I,ve probably shot most song birds over my youth either with a catty or air gun, then when one of your mates past there test and got wheels it was straight out of town hanging out the windows and sunroof shooting ducks and pheasants, rabbits and corvids it would have not even crossed my mind someone might have owned or cared for them or that there were seasons, one or two kind people took me under there wing and bothered to take the time to teach me what was right or wrong and to those people I am forever grateful as they ignited a lifelong love of nature and the outdoors, had plenty of whacks and time in the cells as well,  that just taught me to fight, leggit and lie, SO TRY AND REMEMBER WE WERE ALL YOUNG ONCE ??

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What I probably didn’t explain very well is that where me and Jetro live there is hardly any wild game about, it’s not like the UK where there are keepered estates and private shoots putting birds down or the abundance of deer, rabbits and pigeons crawling out of every hedge row......it’s just not like that.

Compared to the UK these things are practically non existent.

To be fair, the “gun clubs” (every area has one) are a bunch of tossers too......they shoot at anything like Elmer Fudd and replenish nothing.......they would rather buy clay traps than rear 50 or 100 birds.

You have to see it to believe it when you have only ever been used to seeing all the tackle in England.

I used to go out at first cut of harvest and see a dozen foxes on one field, round here you don’t see one ! 

You don’t have to be David Attenborough to work out that you don’t level gear when there is hardly anything about in the first place.

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Mate we are all guilty of reacting the wrong way or interpreting things the wrong way and by feck I’ve done lots of things the wrong way, and even trying to educate them can come back and bite you on the arse, I,m just saying when you or I were young some old barstard telling you to feck off would have had you shouting abuse back at him and running off, maybe even chucking a rock through his window if it got to lively, were as if he came out and explained what you have just said and offered them an alternative them same boys could grow up into life long allies, not trying to preach just giving an alternative view from my own youth, I am  on good terms with many of the  young scally,s round me as I do stop and chat with them and have helped them out with things or took time to show them how to do things, they don’t stay little for ever ✌️

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  On 17/04/2020 at 08:26, Chaff said:

If theirs not many pheasants in West Ireland, then looks like a great business opportunity for some one to buy in and raise a few pouts would it not ?


You’d think so mate wouldn’t you, but because of how land is divided up over here and because of the claims/insurance culture it just would be a non starter.....20 acres may be owned by 4 different farmers, then they don’t want liability for anyone coming on their land etc etc.....you can see how it gets complicated quickly.

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  On 17/04/2020 at 08:41, Chaff said:

Had no idea land was divided up in such small parcels is that right across the country or just particular to the south west mate


Im in a rural area in the north and round here a really big farm would be maybe 500 acres but they are few and far between, its mostly made up of 30 or 40 acre farms and most of the ground won't be in one block but consist of 10 4 acre fields scattered about the place. 

Edited by dogmandont
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