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  On 16/04/2020 at 20:34, Blackmag said:

Woah steady on there sweet cheeks there out of season they will more than likely kill a hen and leave the eggs and her  you have been told there's not many about and who mentioned authorities if the papers got hold of it can you see the head lines we would all get tarnished with the same brush 


I can live with the out of season part, don't really do any shooting though so no clue re seasons, I always presumed no seasons for working class lads on game birds tbh but not my bag so whatever. If two lads shooting pheasants makes the headlines your way I suppose your a lucky man.

As for the sweet cheeks, bit weird pal I'll presume your not in lockdown with any gash.

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  On 16/04/2020 at 20:41, JDHUNTING said:

I told someone all the dead rabbits in the boot was off some poachers I'd caught and my lurcher was knackered from chasing them off.


Compleat diffrent thing , if you got caught bang to [BANNED TEXT] catching rabbits and the keeper/owner asked you wat you were doing would you say ,, I’m just doing it for the crac?? No dout it , end day the lad has seen lads shooting birds behind his house asked them what they doing and they said doing it for the crac lads got every [BANNED TEXT] be pissed off if it’s at back his house and pair nuggets out shooting birds willy billy for a laught , guy never mentioned rspca or  bizzies or mums net , you did , if you can’t see the why the guy is a bit pissed of with nuggets shooting birds at back his house to leave them there for bit of a crac then there’s nothing more we realy need say on the matter as with both obviously have to diffrent out looks on hunting , there’s lads round by me who go out all year round you can follow there beer cans the next morning and pick up all the quarry that they left slatted at the side the hedge or left in middle field ,after there face book picture ,  there just c**ts who ruin it for everyone else and if thinking there c**ts makes me or anyone else worthy to join up to mumsnet ..... well sound sign me up lol 

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  On 16/04/2020 at 20:54, Elchapo said:

Compleat diffrent thing , if you got caught bang to [BANNED TEXT] catching rabbits and the keeper/owner asked you wat you were doing would you say ,, I’m just doing it for the crac?? No dout it , end day the lad has seen lads shooting birds behind his house asked them what they doing and they said doing it for the crac lads got every [BANNED TEXT] be pissed off if it’s at back his house and pair nuggets out shooting birds willy billy for a laught , guy never mentioned rspca or  bizzies or mums net , you did , if you can’t see the why the guy is a bit pissed of with nuggets shooting birds at back his house to leave them there for bit of a crac then there’s nothing more we realy need say on the matter as with both obviously have to diffrent out looks on hunting , there’s lads round by me who go out all year round you can follow there beer cans the next morning and pick up all the quarry that they left slatted at the side the hedge or left in middle field ,after there face book picture ,  there just c**ts who ruin it for everyone else and if thinking there c**ts makes me or anyone else worthy to join up to mumsnet ..... well sound sign me up lol 


Every single person on here hunts for the craic we can buy meat easier than hunting it, just because their hunting for the craic don't mean there going to dump it in a hedge, which is as you say a c**ts trick.

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  On 16/04/2020 at 20:57, JDHUNTING said:

Every single person on here hunts for the craic we can buy meat easier than hunting it, just because their hunting for the craic don't mean there going to dump it in a hedge, which is as you say a c**ts trick.


The lad made it clear that they were shooting them “for the crack” not for eating them . 

Ffs like 

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  On 16/04/2020 at 20:44, JDHUNTING said:

I can live with the out of season part, don't really do any shooting though so no clue re seasons, I always presumed no seasons for working class lads on game birds tbh but not my bag so whatever. If two lads shooting pheasants makes the headlines your way I suppose your a lucky man.

As for the sweet cheeks, bit weird pal I'll presume your not in lockdown with any gash.


Oh I'm in lock down with gash just that it' the owner is a argumentative cnut ? and why I'm I lucky I don't shoot but the press will jump on folk walking about what makes you think they wouldn't make this out to be more 

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Seeing as we are graced with huntings answer to Steven Segal let me point a couple of things out for the hard of thinking, I have 7 acres in my home place and I live in the wilderness in the west of ireland......I feed the pheasants and I have 2 (yes 2!!) in my place plus around 6 hens between them.......guess how many I have left if I shoot those two?......none, that’s how many and none next year either !

Some people......if brains were dynamite they wouldn’t  have enough to blow their f***ing hat off ! 

Edited by WILF
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  On 16/04/2020 at 21:18, WILF said:

Seeing as we are graced with huntings answer to Steven Segal let me point a couple of things out for the hard of thinking, I have 7 acres in my home place and I live in the wilderness in the west of ireland......I feed the pheasants and I have 2 (yes 2!!) in my place plus around 6 hens between them.......guess how many I have left if I shoot those two?......none, that’s how many and none next year either !

Some people......if brains were dynamite they wouldn’t  have enough to blow their f***ing hat off ! 


Steven Segal ? bit rich coming from the guy whose answer to all life's problems involves koshing folk, like I said you must've been in some scrapes over the years I couldn't be arsed with the hassle. 

And as hard of thinking as I may be I'm pretty sure if you have 8 birds on your land and you shoot 2 that leaves 6 not 0, plus any chicks they raise this year minus any lost to predators or John "wilf" Rambo if he's having a bad day.

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  On 16/04/2020 at 21:31, JDHUNTING said:


And as hard of thinking as I may be I'm pretty sure if you have 8 birds on your land and you shoot 2 that leaves 6 not 0, plus any chicks they raise this year minus any lost to predators or John "wilf" Rambo if he's having a bad day.


I give up ! ?

I’ll just add, you are aware of what f***ing month it is ain’t you Einstein ? 

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  On 16/04/2020 at 21:33, WILF said:

I give up ! ?

I’ll just add, you are aware of what f***ing month it is ain’t you Einstein ? 


Don't bother changing tack now Tommy Devito  you've never mentioned seasons, I answered the bloke who did. Anyhow calm down I've just donated £20 to the save the western Ireland bog pheasant fund,and I'll leave some cat food out for the rats and magpies. f***ing young lads out hunting, when they could be jagging smack or playing Xbox the c**ts.

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  On 16/04/2020 at 21:55, JDHUNTING said:

Don't bother changing tack now Tommy Devito  you've never mentioned seasons, I answered the bloke who did. Anyhow calm down I've just donated £20 to the save the western Ireland bog pheasant fund,and I'll leave some cat food out for the rats and magpies. f***ing young lads out hunting, when they could be jagging smack or playing Xbox the c**ts.


No one is changing tack you tit, pheasants breed from April to June......so if I shoot those two cock birds today or tomorrow then no, I don’t have 6 plus the chicks.....I have f**k all and so does anyone else.

Look mate, if you ain’t got a clue what you are talking about then just shut up......you know, before the whole world gets to know you are one of the total buffoons that seems to infest the hunting world ! 

Edited by WILF
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  On 16/04/2020 at 22:00, WILF said:

No one is changing tack you tit, pheasants breed from April to June......so if I shout those two cock birds today or tomorrow then no, I don’t have 6 plus the chicks.....I have f**k all and so does anyone else.

Look mate, if you ain’t got a clue what you are talking about then just shut up......you know, before the whole world gets to know you are one of the total buffoons that seems to infest the hunting world ! 


Listen dickhead your the one spouting off about smashing people's skulls in from 2 semi illiterate sententences from jetro off the hunting life, like you spit out how you'd do this and that in every situation, barking dogs don't bite so go and stick your head in your bog internet Rambo.

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  On 16/04/2020 at 22:06, JDHUNTING said:

Listen dickhead your the one spouting off about smashing people's skulls in from 2 semi illiterate sententences from jetro off the hunting life, like you spit out how you'd do this and that in every situation, barking dogs don't bite so go and stick your head in your bog internet Rambo.


April to June.......no charge for the lesson ;) 

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  On 16/04/2020 at 22:06, JDHUNTING said:

Listen dickhead your the one spouting off about smashing people's skulls in from 2 semi illiterate sententences from jetro off the hunting life, like you spit out how you'd do this and that in every situation, barking dogs don't bite so go and stick your head in your bog internet Rambo.


Night night tomorrow is a another day 

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