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Ross Edgley, the 'fittest' man alive?

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I spend more time with my kids then anyone I know . I’m away Monday to Friday these days and spend the whole weekend with them . None of this “ I’m just popping to the boozer for the game hun “ here . f**k that . 

everything I push out now is to benefit them in the long run . I’m 40 , all my training is to give me the flexibility and fitness to be able to be still in decent clip at fifty so we are aren’t hanging around on me waiting to catch up on the mountain bike when they are older. I want them to be able to say that I’m still in good nick rather than posing on the beach in Marbella . 

we went out on Friday for the first time since August . All my pals look ravaged with ching and booze . That hour a day is soon found avoiding nonsense like that in your life. 

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Maybe I’m the only one who thinks a fella, one of our countrymen, who maintains a fairly decent bodybuilders physique and challenges himself in what can only be described as ultra endurance events is

I can only take so much of these super extreme achiever influencer types. I recognise their excellence but they tend to be a bit too much for me. Edgley seems less so. But you’re bang on, a ‘grow

Socks has lost more blood n sweat in his first 5 knives, than any of these clowns! 

2 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

The only person you need to answer to and make excuses to is yourself . 
“ I’ll train tomorrow “ 

“it’s Saturday , I’ll start running Monday “ 

since 4th Jan I’ve lived a harder routine than I have done most of my life , I’m up at half five , I’m into bed at midnight . 

1 hour a day physical / body 

1 hour a day mental / mind 

1 hour a day development/ soul 

wether that’s through study , stretching or just learning how to cope. You need those hours to grow . 

three things I have learned massively are 

1 ) you can never replace time , it is precious , use those secs to your benefit 

2 ) learn a mantra and stick to it . My personal one is written on a post it note on my shaving mirror .” What is dead may never die , but rises again harder and stronger “ I’ve mentioned before , I’ve been in a pit , I will never allow myself to have that happen again to me or my family again . seeing that phrase invokes a memory of how it felt and how much better I am now for it . 

3) routine . Routine is crucial . If you shy away as you find it “ hard “ you will never experience the feeling of victory when that thing becomes normal . Nothing is hard , it’s just new. I can do things now at this exact time that I couldn’t even contemplate this time last year . You need to grow and move with the world , as it doesn’t stay still for you 

not really enough sleep there mate..

fair play for the stuff your doing..but you should look to get more kip

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8 minutes ago, TOMO said:

not really enough sleep there mate..

fair play for the stuff your doing..but you should look to get more kip

Absolutely I wouldn’t advise anyone to live like that through choice , I’m on a long course that requires certain outputs to be hit so I need to push through the week in order to enjoy my weekends 

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2 hours ago, McVey said:

I've managed on that sort of kip for years now, can't ever recall the last time I ever slept 8 hours plus.

Still, i guess exercising sleep deprived is better than not exercising and being sleep deprived.

It's not actually greb,exercising an not sleeping enough is not good for you.

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2 hours ago, TOMO said:

not really enough sleep there mate..

fair play for the stuff your doing..but you should look to get more kip

Yep be more like Tomo and sleep for 18 hours a day the lazy fat fukcing shreck b***%*d 

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2 minutes ago, McVey said:

So is not sleeping and not exercising mate I should imagine.

Getting better sleep would be my priority greb,it's a bad recipe for the heart not sleeping enough an strenuous exercise mate.

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There's Enough time to sleep when your brown bread....


If I have 7/8 hrs sleep a night, I'd feel like shit... suppose everyone's different,if I did a full days graft and went to the gym after  work...then I can't have worked that hard...makes me laugh,I've known tons of lads who are 'gym' heads, before and after work,spray tan,teeth from Turkey types...can honestly say,never known 1 that had a decent days graft in em...well groomed/preened and tired as f**k?

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Genetics plays a huge part in " everything in moderation " type of training.....full on dedicated cut no corners type training be it for strength,fitness or both often masks natural genetic potential once you go back to sedentary living,quick loss in gains etc.....im finding even at my age i can go a couple of weeks without training or eating properly and still pick up quite quickly whereas years ago my mentality to training had me on guilt trips over missed days and id suffer for it......ive learned as ive got older that living day to day in a constant dedicated mindset isnt healthy and that " peaks " are a must if you have the genetic capability to stay in shape....but to have " peaks " you must have troughs.

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