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9 minutes ago, green lurchers said:

Thers a bull rider inside you just waiting to surface ?

He's been and gone g l lol. Much prefer my post bull rider side as I'm maturing lol ?

Although, like you say, me and our youngest lad enjoy watching it now and again ?

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Had a few heffas where i clinged on for life & showed gameness by seeing the job through

When I was a kid it was a big to do going to the rodeo.Us kids would gather at one end of arena.There was half grown heffers at the other end with ribbons tied to their tales.If you caught a ribbon th

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I have access to bulls and been invited to give it a try at the local level.I doubt any amount of lockdown even years would make me wanna ride a bull.i have wrestled hogs and Gators and coons.we had hunting mules when I was a kid.My dad used me to help break them.I been kicked stomped and throwed 15 foot in the air.Call me a sissy I aint gettin on a damn bull.

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Half my extended family walks that way.Calf roping Team roping.Its about a thing of the past now in my area.Theres a man down the road from me who basically forced doctors to remove his left leg because it was crushed so many times.I seen a judge sentence a calf roper to rehab no lie.its another addiction that will steal your money body and wife.But I love to watch it ??

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8 minutes ago, Rickshaw swami said:

Yes sir he was did you see how he walked?

Know a few old boys that walk very similar ..... From riding a horse and following ?hounds..... I'd be up for running with the bulls.... But f**k sitting on one that ain't electric ?

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4 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Know a few old boys that walk very similar ..... From riding a horse and following ?hounds..... I'd be up for running with the bulls.... But f**k sitting on one that ain't electric ?

I feel the same way.I have never done the traditional running of the bulls but I have spent hours at a catfish pond with a big bull trying to get in my hip pocket.No defense but a fishing rod.You know how it is though you must protect your good fishing holes.

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55 minutes ago, Rickshaw swami said:

I feel the same way.I have never done the traditional running of the bulls but I have spent hours at a catfish pond with a big bull trying to get in my hip pocket.No defense but a fishing rod.You know how it is though you must protect your good fishing holes.

Had the same while pike fishing once, angry friesian bull at the other side of a 6 inch thick tree trunk showing me how good he was at digging holes. 

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1 hour ago, Rickshaw swami said:

Half my extended family walks that way.Calf roping Team roping.Its about a thing of the past now in my area.Theres a man down the road from me who basically forced doctors to remove his left leg because it was crushed so many times.I seen a judge sentence a calf roper to rehab no lie.its another addiction that will steal your money body and wife.But I love to watch it ??

I often think I’d give it a go while I’m walking the Dogs along the Thames picking samphire and wild flowers it’s a break from the norm  

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1 minute ago, W. Katchum said:

I’d love a bash, been dreaming of it for years an if I ever ended up stateside it’s deffo summat I’d wanna say I’d tried, don’t know about a career in it, that’s mental but a few goes an I bet you’d feel alive ??

It would be fun especially if bodacious grandson rocks up for you to sit on 


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8 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

What a bizarre sport,hobby,show .....what is it actually classed as sport or entertainment ?

Fair do,s though sticking to traditions.

Traditions?I wanna know what mad f****r first thought I reckon one of them big angry f**kers will be much better than a horse.

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I was once at a bull riding tournament , and that’s announcer said does anyone want a go on bodacious, went down got saddled up . 

So clock started , and some one had left a ramp out there , I could hear them saying if he hits that ramp on that bull at that speed then he’s definitely dead . 

Went up the ramp , did a backflip , landed on all fours and stayed on for 9 secs . Rode him over at the end to the side and said “ what were you worried about ?” 

Made a film about it called “the longest ride” , Clint Eastwoods son plays me , although im better looking in real life  

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When I was a kid it was a big to do going to the rodeo.Us kids would gather at one end of arena.There was half grown heffers at the other end with ribbons tied to their tales.If you caught a ribbon they gave you 10 dollars.Ive seen kids stomped and shit on while the parents were in the stage laughing.The good old days.I can still taste cowshit and see the rodeo clowns laughing.

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