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Carona murder .......

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11 minutes ago, Greyman said:

But that’s the point it’s not a mental illness, have a read up on it, it’s quite an interesting subject,  you might even find yourself fitting some of the parameters or recognise it in people you know,  ?

Oh well thats different i thought you was referring to full blown diagnosed mental health issues when you said tested......in that case yes ive been around plenty of bangers over the years,many of whom wore a suit and tie as well :thumbs:

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We heard you the first time...

You looking for the heads up mate, you can’t start doing rip a week before they go will look a tad suspicious ✌️

I think the term psycho means different things to different people....to most of us its a person you avoid at any cost.....but make no mistake in certain communities and areas of life its almost a ter

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6 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

You did, you implied it on here loads times ?


an see you ain’t very clever, we don’t eat dairy cows, we milk them, we eat the beef cows an lambs an stuff, a if you wasn’t too busy stalking ken you’d have prob read in here a few times When iv stated it, that I’m very lucky I that I buy very lil meat, it’s called a Perk of the job ?



ain’t even seen a farm foods since I stayed in Wales, didn’t even think they existed anymore ?? obviously you Know better tho eh?

Not to get into you lads little tiff but out of curiosity.... what happens to the meat from dairy cows then ?....ignorant f****r i know cant say ive ever given it much thought.

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I definitely think there’s a hint of “nutter” in most driven people, it’s not a bad thing because the world needs them but I think it definitely exists.

My old guvnor when I was a kid had a supermarket and wholesaler and when his Mrs went into labour with his youngest he threw her £20 and said “get a cab, I can’t hang about I have eggs to deliver” !!

He just used to put a goal in his head and not stop until it was done, one time 3 of us cleared a building of 19 floors in a week !.....went to work on Monday and I came home the following Saturday afternoon having worked 24 hours a day the whole week and just getting by in grabbing a quick hours kip here and there in the van.

He decided he wanted to do it in a week and we did......f**k that some good education, there’s not much worries you after graft like that.

100% a head case he was/is but the world needs them people or f**k all would ever get achieved half the time imho.

As long as you ain’t a horrible c**t with it then it’s fine I reckon 

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This place only uses 6-7 year old milking cows. It was the best steak I’ve ever had ?

Same place was featured in the series Remarkable Places to Eat....



We had a reservation for lunch there yesterday & was staying the night in the town. Thanks china! c**ts!!?

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4 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Cheers for that, Do they fatten them up first or that mate?  Feed em on anything different? Really can’t imagine a dairy cow being walked out a parlour an getting one to head here an being ate by normal folk haha, an if it did I’d be amazed if it was as good as steaks from beef cattle, like I said tho we don’t do it,  so could well be missing out haha 


what I will say is tho there’s a big diff between a small farm with 30 millers an a huge place with several hundred, that’s why we try to stay somewhere in middle, we pretty much know our herd but any bigger an they just become stats, an even ours where we keep around 300ish there is still a huge diff between ours an the smaller places with 30ish cows?

Mate I didn’t even know that until after I’d eaten there. All the info was on that show. They specially selected each cow, it wasn’t any old milkers, still surprised me though.......you obviously think you are going to be eating prime beef cattle ?

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5 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Yip they are nice an creamy ??

I don’t know about that but at €50 a pop for a freezer full of veal it’s the way forward mate 

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12 minutes ago, WILF said:

I did my last lot of veal out of young dairy bulls, it’s cheap eating and tastes amazing.

They only fed on milk wilf i think are they ? And what age are they slaughtered.

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14 minutes ago, king said:

They only fed on milk wilf i think are they ? And what age are they slaughtered.

I did what they call rose veal mate, so out on grass until 10 months old 

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2 minutes ago, WILF said:

I did what they call rose veal mate, so out on grass until 10 months old 

Ar learn something new each day.

I thought veal meant only milk fed untill slaughter mate.

I've know lads like eating baby rabbits for the tenderness of the meat.

That's along the same lines then.

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Just now, king said:

Ar learn something new each day.

I thought veal meant only milk fed untill slaughter mate.

I've know lads like eating baby rabbits for the tenderness of the meat.

That's along the same lines then.

I think the veal market took a battering over the use of “calf crates” and milk feeding.....rose veal is a 100% better way (imho), much more ethical.

The next heat will come down on Fois Gras I reckon 

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26 minutes ago, waltjnr said:

Katchum, are them dairy cows full of drugs ,antibiotics? 

Hello mate how’s the trotters? Was just asking Kev the other day how you were as I hadn’t seen much of you on here, hope alls good ??

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