JDHUNTING 1,817 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 1 hour ago, maxhardcore said: f**k off you idiot ' are you for real ? It will be because of your sort that innocents will be dragged away to die a terrible death on their own including teenagers ' Kida and infants who at their end won't even have the comfort of a parent being there while they are gasping fighting for air. If I had my way I'd bullet your type and sleep at night . Pity Government couldn't use this perfect storm to get rid of the filth in society and put their demise down to Corvo. Because of my sort eh? What you mean level headed because I'd just ask someone to stand back rather than shout,scream and swear. Poor woman might have just finished a 12 hour shift on an ICU unit for all anyone knows we can all tug the heart strings with over emotional hyperbole If there was only 'my sort' none if this would be here in the first place I don't travel abroad and would only buy British if I could so you guys nipping back and forth to the far East just to dip your wick need to take a look in the mirror eh. 4 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
JDHUNTING 1,817 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 2 hours ago, Rusty_terrier said: decent post. The only thing decent about it, is how it proves my point. Fact is someone standing a little too close but wearing a face mask risks infecting no-one shouting and screaming will risk everyone in the shop for the next 15 minutes as lots of droplets will be expelled. And like I said people need more patience I don't care what's going on shouting and swearing at someone in public because they got a little to close is going too far, getting yourself all worked up because someone is walking round the same field as you( the irony your doing the exact same thing is lost on you) is going too far aswell. Ive left the house once in the last couple of weeks while working from home and minding the kids and my missus who is a frontline NHS worker has moved in with one her colleagues to protect the rest of us, so I hope all you Gestapo types are taking your own medicine. I'm looking forward to hearing what you've been doing in your NHS volunteer roles you know while your all over this and looking down your noses at everybody else whose trying there best. 1 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
iworkwhippets 12,759 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 I cant take much more of this misery, its driving me to that dirty big hole ive dug for missen in the back garden,, but, im not quite ready yet, ive just done a shop, and theres lots of goodies to shift first , eh im not daft Quote Link to post Share on other sites
JDHUNTING 1,817 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 Just now, Rusty_terrier said: Somebody standing too close to you even with a mask does risk infecting you. If there is a line on the floor indicating 2 meters then use it dont ignore it and put others at risk.the dog walking it's the scores of folk walking together right next to each other totally ignoring the social distancing. As for your other point is it a point scoring exercise or just a pointless statement. Good for your mrs but ill raise you by mums a nurse on front line step dads an nhs photographer been asked to help clean wards instead of his normal job mother in law is nhs delivering laundry to all the wards and sister in law is a nhs cleaner. I havent offered my service to nhs cos me and my son have athsma. It doesn't put anyone at risk though so your just plain wrong and even if it did it would be a lesser risk than shouting and screaming so not much point in arguing. No point scoring from me.its not a competition is it but then I'm not the one virtue signalling every ten minutes were in crisis it's cool heads you need in a crisis not a load of divisive hyperbole. Also given the fact Max only replied because once again I proved him a liar the other day is all the point scoring going on here. Have a good day Rusty and just enjoy your time with the kids then and leave the curtain twitching to people with nothing better to do, no point getting through this if all the things that make us a decent society (like being a gentleman to women) are gone imo. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MH1 1,888 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 47 minutes ago, JDHUNTING said: Because of my sort eh? What you mean level headed because I'd just ask someone to stand back rather than shout,scream and swear. Poor woman might have just finished a 12 hour shift on an ICU unit for all anyone knows we can all tug the heart strings with over emotional hyperbole If there was only 'my sort' none if this would be here in the first place I don't travel abroad and would only buy British if I could so you guys nipping back and forth to the far East just to dip your wick need to take a look in the mirror eh. "Your sort" Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tatsblisters 10,425 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 Is it just me I am starting to see levels of hypocrisy about this lockdown ask some who are still working like me who their companys don't give a f**k about them one van driver who has it was more or less convinced to come back into work coughing and spluttering all over and looked like he had just stepped out of a coffin and was sent home its companys like the one I work for that's causing the spread of this virus not some body who could be sat on the bank fishing or mooching about in the open air with their dogs. 2 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
JDHUNTING 1,817 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 Just now, Rusty_terrier said: Ok but you absolutely can be or out people at risk mask or not. Decent member of society would try and encourage folk to follow social distancing. Just does my nut in when I'm trying my best to keep away from everybody, clean all.my shopping keep house clean etc to goto the shop and some ignorant kunt male female young old nhs or not to not give a f**k and stand right next to me same when I'm out walking tryin to pass a group of folk congregated talking blocking paths etc Fair enough the same thing puzzled me on my one and only trip out but I didn't start shouting and screaming and losing all sense of perspective. No one NEEDS to go for long walks in the country for exercise you can get it in the garden or even the house, you can get shopping delivered if needed so if people are that risk averse then stay at home and stop putting your health in the hands of strangers.how many moaning about people too close in shops are out buying fags and booze more than will admit I'll guarantee that 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
steve66 3,585 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 Putting wealth before health , I think the mullti retail shops will be very busy this weekend with people buying none essential goods and the press will have a field day putting pressure on them next week to close One a lighter note , not sure if this link will work but we could do with this cop in the uk lolhttps://twitter.com/KTHopkins/status/1248140219490209792?s=20 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
JDHUNTING 1,817 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 1 minute ago, steve66 said: Putting wealth before health , I think the mullti retail shops will be very busy this weekend with people buying none essential goods and the press will have a field day putting pressure on them next week to close One a lighter note , not sure if this link will work but we could do with this cop in the uk lolhttps://twitter.com/KTHopkins/status/1248140219490209792?s=20 Ye that's just who we need, prob just beat some kids to death for not giving him his bribe, Jesus.Head of Ugandan police. Prob worked for Pol pot. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
fireman 11,016 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 3 hours ago, maxhardcore said: f**k off you idiot ' are you for real ? It will be because of your sort that innocents will be dragged away to die a terrible death on their own including teenagers ' Kida and infants who at their end won't even have the comfort of a parent being there while they are gasping fighting for air. If I had my way I'd bullet your type and sleep at night . Pity Government couldn't use this perfect storm to get rid of the filth in society and put their demise down to Corvo. Shut up with the threats you spineless little scroat,you won't even meet up for a face to face so you can TALK your way out of a slap you so need.billy big balls talk from miles away is your limit and even then your still stood behind a woman..... 2 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kanny 20,985 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 Cabin fever is running high today lol 5 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
ryaldinhio 4,804 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 17 hours ago, eastcoast said: I was working until Monday. Rightly or wrongly but some construction sites are still open. Strict rules have been put in place to comply with 2m distancing etc. Did not think it could work but it has. Everyone has taken it on board with an attitude of 50/50 protecting yourself (an more importantly your family when you go home) and protecting work mates (even the ones you hate). Been horrified by people carrying on as normal in shops. Not all but about 30% of them. Out walking even worse. Loads more people which should not be a problem. The problem being on footpaths and tracks were couples walk side by side. Entire families walking shoulder to shoulder. Do they go single file for the seconds it takes to pass each other? Again only about 70%. Is it lack of brain cells or total lack of consideration for others or themselves? Or do they not believe that they are in danger or putting others at risk? And then the most inconsiderate people of recent times, the Halford's Heroes. Twats on bicycles motoring down tacks as fast they can and everyone else must get out of their way. No change there. Not all sites are being run strictly or well at all. Got these pics yesterday off a friend on a Kiers site in Yorkshire. He has raised concerns multiple times about so what are they doing....talking about removing him from site. This world is full of arseholes who don't give two fucks about anyone else. These are the people that will make it last longer and cause more pain for everyone who is isolating and following the guidelines. The guy in the middle first pic is apparently main site manager! I was guna report to higher management and HSE but he doesn't wanna lose his job. Absolutely f***ing shite. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
iworkwhippets 12,759 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 Tell u lot summat else to, should I live to see this lot through, owd gladlys up street, varicose veins up to her piles or not. she will be getting a visit from me ehh 5 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Accip74 7,112 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 26 minutes ago, kanny said: Cabin fever is running high today lol The real important issue right now is..............................lunch! 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,535 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Share Posted April 9, 2020 Its a fine line between saving as many people as possible from catching this thing to not totally shutting down the economy but i cant help thinking we should have done one or the other......either go for the " if he dies he dies " approach or go full on lock down,army patrols the lot.......time will tell i suppose. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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