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lock down 2 i reckon .??

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I've never seen so many folks walking the footpaths round here.... Every f***ing fatty and tank arse in the valleys out on exercise ?where the f**k do the walk their dogs on a normal day??? 

Must admit im amazed we havent seen any riots i fully expected London to be hosting the World Looting Championships this month with defending champions Croydon to face Canning Town and Hackney v Deptf

He said it was a woman..

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  On 08/04/2020 at 18:13, foxdropper said:

Despite the govs  call to stay at home I’d say they are happy we are flouting the rules ,reason being slow herd immunity .

You have to be blind to not notice this happening all around us .


Probably the same reason most building sites are still open

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effin terrible is that, I remember many years ago, I was out wi dog on my permission, eh those were the days, anyways in the distant I spotted this sheep, a huge bugger, really mangled up in barbed wire, but for me to get at it,i had to trespass, summat ive never done, anyways, I gets to it and the bugger was thrutchin and buckin all over the place, I could see the stress in the poor buggers eyes, I managed to free it, but I got a kickin

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  On 08/04/2020 at 14:16, DIDO.1 said:

We have a massive gay dogging spot up the road known locally as faggots forest, just driven past and there are cars all parked up, honestly you wouldn't believe it, dirty b*****ds 


Where's that mate?

Asking for a friend.

 Cheers, D.

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  On 08/04/2020 at 14:16, DIDO.1 said:

We have a massive gay dogging spot up the road known locally as faggots forest, just driven past and there are cars all parked up, honestly you wouldn't believe it, dirty b*****ds 


I knew it was u with the 4 whippets in the back of the motor,how’s it hanging anyway  

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  On 08/04/2020 at 17:36, cragman said:

Yep, lock it down properly, it’s the only way we’ll clear this mess up. Lots of folk about today where I work looking like lost sheep. Never normally see them. Dreading weekend and this afternoon we’ve had a fire! Empty headed b*****ds ?



I though your place was closed ? 

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Jeez it's nice to be among perfect people, I think some of you need to have a little patience with your countrymen, as for moaning about people on farmland with dogs when they shouldn't be well ?

To be clear also lockdown is to SLOW the spread not stop it each and every person will catch covid at some point you can't sit it out forever. The NHS is coping so it is working if people stuck to it 100% the government would be telling us to go out and hug a stranger. People need more patience like not screaming at someone for standing slightly too close in a que suddenly everyman and his dog is begging for us to be a Police state.

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  On 09/04/2020 at 07:10, JDHUNTING said:

Jeez it's nice to be among perfect people, I think some of you need to have a little patience with your countrymen, as for moaning about people on farmland with dogs when they shouldn't be well ?

To be clear also lockdown is to SLOW the spread not stop it each and every person will catch covid at some point you can't sit it out forever. The NHS is coping so it is working if people stuck to it 100% the government would be telling us to go out and hug a stranger. People need more patience like not screaming at someone for standing slightly too close in a que suddenly everyman and his dog is begging for us to be a Police state.


If your referring to me?  There's a 6ft guide between people and the silly bint was stood next to me like she was my missus, and I shouted not screamed, 

It's people like her an the numpties still travelling around the country acting like it's a bank holiday that are not helping, the government have said not to do it and to stay apart so we should do it, 

Quicker the virus is slowed down quicker country can get back to normal an I can get back to work. 

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  On 08/04/2020 at 17:09, W. Katchum said:

Worst thing you could do was give us a chase haha we’d have ye life after that?? diff days like ye say mate 


big hotdogg that stayed across the road from you gave a good chaser and aul rabdan up the road but cid mcgurn takes the biscuit can you mind mad mick mcgurn don? kick baws up skye splatter al over street son pmsl?

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