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British farming is the best.

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In fairness young people are only doing what they have been shown all their life in media and at school, go off and do university, get a degree in social tribal painting or some shite and let some wet back make you a skinny mocha choca latte in Starbucks while you “connect” on wi-fi with Zoe (age 22) the strategic team leader in Cape Town ! 

Manual work !......perish the thought, that’s for “them type of people” ! 

Don’t blame young folks, blame the culture and the propaganda ! 

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1 minute ago, Accip74 said:

Fruit farms in north Essex have been using foreign labour for at least 30-40 years. I know that for a fact. It’s not a sudden cultural shift.

No I agree mate, it go’s right back to when I was at school except then only the brightest and best went to University (not every Tom, Dick and Harry like today) and the rest of us were trained to go and work in an office.....if you didn’t want to do that then you wasn’t worth bothering with.

My pal takes around 35 grand a week off his market stall but will you see “running a market stall” mentioned anywhere in school or collage?.....will you f**k ! Lol 

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22 minutes ago, WILF said:

No I agree mate, it go’s right back to when I was at school except then only the brightest and best went to University (not every Tom, Dick and Harry like today) and the rest of us were trained to go and work in an office.....if you didn’t want to do that then you wasn’t worth bothering with.

My pal takes around 35 grand a week off his market stall but will you see “running a market stall” mentioned anywhere in school or collage?.....will you f**k ! Lol 

To be fair what you end up doing has just become way more diverse depending on your geographical location. The part of the world we are from has always been ahead on the job market compared to other parts of the country. People I went to school with went in all different directions.......the options were there.

I would say those farmers in my area using foreign labour over 30 years ago was originally due to lack of local labour for seasonal work, unemployment wasn’t particularly high. It would been a mix of Eastern European’s & local students. Then gradually it becomes the norm to use foreign labour.

It’s a really complex issue. I don’t have the answers......but with a historically low unemployment rate (before the virus), it stands to reason certain jobs will just be done by a certain demographic.

As an aside.......when I was last in a job centre maybe in the mid 90s there was a massive demand for care home staff. That was the local joke......if you really wanted a job there were hundreds on offer! Sure enough over the years you start seeing Africans walking round the streets with sick & elderly.....


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1 hour ago, Accip74 said:

To be fair what you end up doing has just become way more diverse depending on your geographical location. The part of the world we are from has always been ahead on the job market compared to other parts of the country. People I went to school with went in all different directions.......the options were there.

I would say those farmers in my area using foreign labour over 30 years ago was originally due to lack of local labour for seasonal work, unemployment wasn’t particularly high. It would been a mix of Eastern European’s & local students. Then gradually it becomes the norm to use foreign labour.

It’s a really complex issue. I don’t have the answers......but with a historically low unemployment rate (before the virus), it stands to reason certain jobs will just be done by a certain demographic.

As an aside.......when I was last in a job centre maybe in the mid 90s there was a massive demand for care home staff. That was the local joke......if you really wanted a job there were hundreds on offer! Sure enough over the years you start seeing Africans walking round the streets with sick & elderly.....


To be fair I was trying to be all mellow and level headed about it but f**k it, give the lazy hoody c**ts a good kick up he arse and make them do and f**k all the slavs off home ! Lol 

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15 minutes ago, WILF said:

To be fair I was trying to be all mellow and level headed about it but f**k it, give the lazy hoody c**ts a good kick up he arse and make them do and f**k all the slavs off home ! Lol 


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5 hours ago, WILF said:

In fairness young people are only doing what they have been shown all their life in media and at school, go off and do university, get a degree in social tribal painting or some shite and let some wet back make you a skinny mocha choca latte in Starbucks while you “connect” on wi-fi with Zoe (age 22) the strategic team leader in Cape Town ! 

Manual work !......perish the thought, that’s for “them type of people” ! 

Don’t blame young folks, blame the culture and the propaganda ! 

That’s partly bollicks mate. Just as many ‘working class kids’ who’d rather hang about the estate and sell drugs or wanna be a f***ing rapper, or just can’t be fooked working. 

Farms now having to import Romanian labour during this virus thing as even with all of the push to it etc .... can’t get enough British applicants. 


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5 hours ago, WILF said:

In fairness young people are only doing what they have been shown all their life in media and at school, go off and do university, get a degree in social tribal painting or some shite and let some wet back make you a skinny mocha choca latte in Starbucks while you “connect” on wi-fi with Zoe (age 22) the strategic team leader in Cape Town ! 

Manual work !......perish the thought, that’s for “them type of people” ! 

Don’t blame young folks, blame the culture and the propaganda ! 

That’s partly bollicks mate. Just as many ‘working class kids’ who’d rather hang about the estate and sell drugs or wanna be a f***ing rapper, or just can’t be fooked working. 

Farms now having to import Romanian labour during this virus thing as even with all of the push to it etc .... can’t get enough British applicants. 


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It does not make any sense that in the teeth of an global pandemic when you or I cannot travel 3 km down the road, when we will have 1 million people on state welfare that an empty Ryanair flight was sent to Sofia Bulgaria and returned home with187 workers holding letters to pick fruit in North Dublin. 

It has been reported to me that the workers had no medical examination or risk assessment when they landed. This practice must be investigated.

In Ireland today. 

Doesn't make sence 

Atb j 

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34 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Turn the tinterweb off for a few weeks an you soo see a lot more folk Willing to work?

??.... I said the same the other day when everyone in.my house was sat glued to screens, when it was boiling outside....

Corona virus is drop in the ocean compared to no wifi for a few weeks ...f***ing mental!! Lol 



(How ironic.. I know ok..lol)

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5 hours ago, SheepChaser said:

That’s partly bollicks mate. Just as many ‘working class kids’ who’d rather hang about the estate and sell drugs or wanna be a f***ing rapper, or just can’t be fooked working. 

Farms now having to import Romanian labour during this virus thing as even with all of the push to it etc .... can’t get enough British applicants. 


What I’m saying is mate, for lots (not all) this is learned behaviours from years of being programmed to embrace shit outside cultures and communities thrown on the scrap heap because it was cheaper to import things and people......and if it was learned it can be unlearned too.

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I live in the middle of an old time part of England , next door to me is pigs as far as the eyes can see , a free range chicken farm , up the road is a farm stud colony , bit further lobster boats and a small seafood plant . There’s shoots , factored estates ( that’s the word we used where I’m from of a load of small farms under one umbrella) boat builders , endless amounts of small independent shops 

on the estate I live in , there is dozens of teenagers sat playing music and kerby on the road . Not a summer job or weekend between them. My mam just wouldn’t have stood for that . I couldn’t have not went to chase a quid , even if it had been scrubbing boats or painting fences. Shocking the mentality of some of the kids these days 


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