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Well.;  has a reason been issued.?  I was begining to think that the end of the world was neigh..  one of kwiss's fans had gotten in and hacked the site it was a bit like when there is a power cut and you all just sit around waiting for the light to come back on and you wait and wait they just as you've gotten up to check the fuses the light comes back on

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3 times ive tried to get on tonight and been automatically redirected to pornhub , which after clicking various links I finally got off after an hour , hopefully this site will be sorted tomorrow and

On 12 hour shifts all weekend waiting for incidents to happen that never did continuously pushing the try again button, devastated doesn’t even nearly capture the loss I was feeling I missed my imagin

I bet theres some meltdowns happening with lads not being able to sit on here all day.Bet they dont know what to do with themselves.

1 minute ago, trigger2 said:

Starting to play up again this morning, I’ve had a error code screen and the site has slowed right down. 

Same mate along with multiple reply’s, signing me out and crashing every 2 minutes, kanny s discord  is growing more appealing by the week so sort it out or at least let us no wtf is happening ✌️

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1 minute ago, iworkwhippets said:

The whole world is on line matey

Yeah but it’s only this site, the likes of Facebook would have a lot more traffic going through it than this forum and I’ve not once had a problem with that during lockdown. It says there’s a problem with the site being found so it’s not the www it’s this forum again.

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