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Feeling a bit smug !!

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I’m friendly with a local keeper , and his wife is friendly with my wife .  I  have not long ago started reloading my own bullets .. The primary reasons are in this order 1) accuracy (2 cost ( (3 availability. My wife went for a “ Costa “ vastly over priced coffee with my mates wife , during which she said “ oh , J@@n is waisting his time reloading, An”@ny just buys his and it’s just as cheap and just as accurate. Imagine how smug and self justified I felt when he rang to ask if I could reload some bullets for him , because the gun shop was shut and he didn’t know when it would open again!!! 

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I hoarded some bullets for my percussion revolver they should last 1-2 years. My reloads for rifle and revolver are 1/4- 1/3 of retail price and with a much larger selection of bullets. Some of the Swedish sport retailstores are close to bankrupt now so prices and avialability may change quickly. Still i need to fill up my .22lr supply.

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this reloading is the way forward sl, once you've done the initial spend it comes into its own:thumbs:

even though I got rid of my 223 I kept the dies and do them for me mate and now ive got a fair bit of brass together im on with the 6.5's..

hell of saving over the £40 for 20.. works out just under 70p a round now!


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  On 29/03/2020 at 09:13, shovel leaner said:

Totally agree , it’s the initial set up that takes time to recoup. But apart from the money, I enjoy it .?


Yeah I think it’s a bit of a geek thing but I enjoy it too, got a pile of bust air guns from the shop to fix up while I’m stuck at home.. works out well for me as I don’t charge him and get stuff for free and good discounts if I buy anything big??

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I was lucky when I started reloading.

Just after I got the gear and a 222 I started rabbit clearing on a shooting estate and foxing with the keeper.

The gaffer, now gone, told me to just give him the receipt for any ammo or components. Shot thousands of rabbits to keep them off the huge tree plantations.

I acquired pounds and pounds of powder, thousands of primers, tonnes of brass and bullets. Rimfire and shot shells. I shot for over a decade off the back of those few years on the estate!

I was in my twenties, no wages but fuel and firewood and the rabbits were mine. I did alright out of the deal. Happy times.

When I did go to buy some powder I was shocked how much had risen by!


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  On 29/03/2020 at 09:46, Sausagedog said:

I was lucky when I started reloading.

Just after I got the gear and a 222 I started rabbit clearing on a shooting estate and foxing with the keeper.

The gaffer, now gone, told me to just give him .the receipt for any ammo or components

When I did go to buy some powder I was shocked how much had risen by!



Yes.  Years ago 8 0 & 82 series powders were £1 for a 1pound tin.  In the 90s you could buy Reloader series for about £12 a tin. now powder is in the region of £40.  Bullets used to be about £12 for ,224 and  now around about  £40 so it ain't cheap which ever way you go. Still no hobby is. I bought up stocks and I've got enough to last a very long time. I reload shotgun as well . I buy the 12 g stuff but I do reload for the 28 because of the cost of around £8 a box. It's good fun though to reload but it isn't for everyone and I've known a couple of people who have bought all of the kit and haven't had the brain cells or the determination to adjust loads to suit their gun and theyve just given the stuff away.!. 

Edited by Meece
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  On 01/04/2020 at 06:58, Meece said:

Yes.  Years ago 8 0 & 82 series powders were £1 for a 1pound tin.  In the 90s you could buy Reloader series for about £12 a tin. now powder is in the region of £40.  Bullets used to be about £12 for ,224 and  now around about  £40 so it ain't cheap which ever way you go. Still no hobby is. I bought up stocks and I've got enough to last a very long time. I reload shotgun as well . I buy the 12 g stuff but I do reload for the 28 because of the cost of around £8 a box. It's good fun though to reload but it isn't for everyone and I've known a couple of people who have bought all of the kit and haven't had the brain cells or the determination to adjust loads to suit their gun and theyve just given the stuff away.!. 


Yes Meece. I was using green dot and herco in my 357. Blue dot in my hornet (be careful!). I have a garden load for the 410 using green dot. Used 2400 in sub sonic 308 loads. H4227 in 243 for loads like hot hornet loads.

With some care and cross references one can be quite creative.

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  On 03/04/2020 at 23:20, ianm said:

Just loaded eighty .204 rounds and am in the process of loading another hundred or so, might as well use the time wisely.



I’ve run out of bullets now . I’ve got loads of brass , loads of primers and loads of powder . I’ve been getting my bullets from HPS target rifles in Newent, but their trade counter is shut now . Going to have to be Spud1967 or Henry Krank . Any other ideas ?

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  On 03/04/2020 at 23:20, ianm said:

Just loaded eighty .204 rounds and am in the process of loading another hundred or so, might as well use the time wisely.



How do you stand them up like that? Must take ages and if one falls over do the rest? Then do you scream and start over again.









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