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Covid 19: What’s the lesson ?

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3 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Well, who didn't see that coming ?

The police have been given access to test and trace data.

Whatever happened to doctor/patient confidentiality?


Maybe all those “anti maskers” have a point ? 

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Just now, WILF said:

Maybe all those “anti maskers” have a point ? 

Don't know about that, but I said from the start of this tracking 'phone app that I wouldn't have it, because I didn't want the police knocking on my door, asking why I was hundreds of miles away from home, in the middle of a field, at two o'clock in the morning !

As Littlejohn said; "Give someone power, and they will abuse it...give someone absolute power, and they will absolutely abuse it " !


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To mis-quote Niemolller;

"First they came for the Covid sufferers- but I didn't speak out, as I didn't have Covid,

Then they came for the drug takers- but I didn't speak out, as I didn't take drugs,

Then they came for the lampers and the coursers- but there was no one left to speak out for me and you ........"


Edited by chartpolski
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Jobs f****d here again. One step forward, three steps back. They took a regional/area approach for a about 5 minutes then panicked!

All bars/restaurants/cafes closed from today across Belgium for at least a month, but people I’ve spoke to in hospitality expect it to be for rest of the year. While ikea still pack them in cheek by jowl??

Over reaction? For example on the coast in a Lovely little town called Nieuwpoort where we’ve recently invested, zero cases reported, but shut it all down anyway! Ffs....

....& of course, most importantly, because it’s all about me, they’ve shut my pool hall again ???

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The care home were the wife works has remained covid free through the pandemic until a visit from the care quality commission a few weeks ago now some members of staff have tested positive not saying its them thats brought it in but they were walking about with no masks on.

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2 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Test and trace don't seem to trace enough ?

Family I know young lad travels to school on school bus.

One kid tests Pos ' so all the bus have to stay off school and isolate.

Kid I knows mam works in a junior school.

Public health Eng state she ok to go about her business yet she obv lives with her son who has to isolate because he has been in close proximity .

The kid that tested pos would have to have the app, have it and his location active whilst he was near the lad you know. The lad you know would also have to have had the app active with location on .... Too many variables for it too work

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1 hour ago, maxhardcore said:

The system as a whole is a shambles

How can PHE say to a mother who's son has been in close proximity to a pos case on a school bus it's safe for her to craic on when she lives with her son who's in isolation.

My point being the whole system has no substance and is different rules for same type scenarios across the board.

May as well just get on with it as sensibly as possible letting folk use their noggins as conflicting and confusing messages on a daily basis just makes folks think f**k it.

That a decent post, only trouble Is, common sense ain’t that common and people have to give a shit about each other and well......they just don’t.

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45 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

All them on school bus with positive case don't even have to take a test.

Just isolate.

Whats the point?

Whole bus should of been tested and and family ect they had been in contact with.

Same has happened with my grandson his form teacher has tested positive so all his class have got to isolate for 14 days though my daughter his mother who works has a dinner lady has been told its okay to carry on working.

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Was down the village this morning , pay a couple of bills do a bit of shopping, went in post office 2 customers in there no face masks, went over to the supermarket, hand sanitizer outside store , on the floor, goes in store I counted three shelf fillers no masks, , nobody seems give a f**k, family across from me doing an housing exchange must have been at least a dozen of em on the go, not on of em we a mask on, perhaps its cos they've dumped the masks on the street . ive given up  a while back now

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41 minutes ago, steve66 said:

Should bring in a ten grand fine to the stores that allow people in without a face mask unless they have a later from the doctor to say other wise , im sure things will change sharpish 

When I hear people asking for more government control over there life’s, it’s very sad and scary how quickly we have come to this point, your tune would be somewhat different if you happened to sneeze in a shop and got hit with a penalty which will happen the more of your rights you give away and your chance of appeal gets less and less the more control you ask for, you should think very carefully of the repercussions of such statements before making them ??

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Fact of the matter is, why are people not doing something that is totally easy to do?

They will hand every bit of information known to mankind to the government buck shee but they won’t put a totally untraceable bit of material over their boat race ? 
They had “blackout” regulations in the war, and wardens to enforce it so that enemy bombers wouldn’t have it as easy.......people just got on with it, put up the curtain, paint out the skylight, turn off the lights.........a nation doing its bit for each other.

Now we have a collection of various bits of shit who couldn’t give a f**k and we wonder why the second wave is coming and things are locking down again.

I don’t blame anyone for not downloading the “trace” app, but putting a bit of material over your face ?......really ? 

But as I have said many times before, when you spend 50 years creating a nation where nobody is meant to care about anything or give a shot about each other then you can’t be too surprised when people don’t give a shit about anything or each other.

Reap what you f***ing sow 

Edited by WILF
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