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Covid 19: What’s the lesson ?

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  On 22/10/2020 at 09:45, sandymere said:

Ah another grown up, articulate, intelligent reply……NOT LOL


One must ask oneself what type of person would be triggered by a link to a scientific study that highlights a link between low intelligence/learning and racism.  ?


This one is good




a link between low intelligence and belief in conspiracy theories, anyone I know who believes in conspiracy theories……???


Please don’t paste me a link, but the bottom line is yours and my life experiences have moulded the people we are, I,ve grown up in not the best circumstances so have a massive distrust for authority,s, having spent years seeing through how it works and for me the further up the ladder you go the more you will lie and deceive to hold your place and the more you are willing to step on the less fortunate to get up that ladder further, I,m assuming you have on the other hand been brought up in nicer circumstances and have no reason to believe that people are actually out to pull your pants down for there own benefits, but please don’t assume it’s a lower intelligence that feeds my suspicions, as I,m probably a lot wiser in many things in life than you will ever be ✌️

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  On 22/10/2020 at 11:05, Balaur said:

Is that because she's in nursery then?


No my daughter phoned the doc this morning as the little one  is very snotty and a bit chestie, the doctor just phoned her back and she has a test booked in two hours time, we don’t no anyone with it and tend not to mingle with others and none of us have any symptoms, but hey there we are, better to be cautious and it’s only up the road so no worry’s just a bit gutted as I have a boat to look at in an hour and was taking them with me ?  

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Wife got in this morning after doing a 12 hour night shift and was told two hours before her shift ended that one of the residents she has been in contact with has tested positive and some of the carers test results have come back positive so it looks like its just a matter of time before it will no doubt affect us ffs its never ending.

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  On 22/10/2020 at 10:33, Greyman said:

Please don’t paste me a link, but the bottom line is yours and my life experiences have moulded the people we are, I,ve grown up in not the best circumstances so have a massive distrust for authority,s, having spent years seeing through how it works and for me the further up the ladder you go the more you will lie and deceive to hold your place and the more you are willing to step on the less fortunate to get up that ladder further, I,m assuming you have on the other hand been brought up in nicer circumstances and have no reason to believe that people are actually out to pull your pants down for there own benefits, but please don’t assume it’s a lower intelligence that feeds my suspicions, as I,m probably a lot wiser in many things in life than you will ever be ✌️


my dear chap, I distrust authority as much as is sensible, having been brought up on a council estate with a police record before I left school, but i moved on in life and rather than have a blanket over my brain I use consideration of things like prior plausibility along with good old common sense to judge my decisions plus where possible look for and share evidence, that's just common sense to me.

What is it that triggers you with the original post that you replied to so childishly? Is it that you are racist and don’t like the suggestion that you are  less intelligent or that you are less intelligent and dislike being lumped in with racists???


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  On 22/10/2020 at 11:01, Greyman said:

My daughter has to take my 6 month old grand daughter to go and be tested because she has her first cold right in the middle of cold season ?? 


Hope she hasn't got it mate.

After reading all terrains posts yesterday that really opened my eyes to be honest.

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