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Covid 19: What’s the lesson ?

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18 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Not on this scale and over such a short space of time that will have implications on our grandkids you ain't .

Are you being f***ing serious ? ?

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Have a wee read lads, the wb an imf is supplying all the money for 100 countries for covid hmmmmmm

Who owns the imf an world Bank, you figure it out, its all about the money an power as usual. 

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35 minutes ago, baker boy said:

The richest people in the world and their puppet governments have been shafting us for centuries and max has just sussed it out in 2020..??

I think it’s totally pathetic, the geezer was quiet happy when he bet against his own and they were helping him and promoting it........now they have turned on him he is squealing like a f***ing girl.

Tough shit, we’d have more sympathy if he hadn’t turned a blind eye to the destruction of His country when it suited him so he can f**k off ?

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On 09/10/2020 at 14:10, maxhardcore said:

Yes it kills SOME who are old ' immune compromised ' unhealthy but so does Influenza .

Just got back from a fishing social max lad in next swim a nurse at rph .I got talking about corvid amongst other things here is what  roughly he said and it's someone on the front line he  said it is still uncertain if it is going to increase in strength but from the beginning it did take the above you mentioned but also still infected and hospitalised a lot of younger  folk  nurses doctors ect and now we're seeing a lot more younger stronger people than elderly on venterlaters the damage to the lungs after being on one is something still being tested so they don't know what lasting damaged it as /will cause  but some still have to be helped because there chorking whilst on them seeing it first hand plus talking to colleagues who have had it he can say it is serious but in his opinion has been mismanaged and anyone who thinks it's not as serious or as deadly as its being made out it's a shame they can't see for themselves on a corvid ward how bad it really is his words max not mine 

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12 minutes ago, sandymere said:

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Don’t worry mate, it’s only your money and they can get hold of plenty more of that?


48 minutes ago, Blackmag said:

Just got back from a fishing social max lad in next swim a nurse at rph .I got talking about corvid amongst other things here is what  roughly he said and it's someone on the front line he  said it is still uncertain if it is going to increase in strength but from the beginning it did take the above you mentioned but also still infected and hospitalised a lot of younger  folk  nurses doctors ect and now we're seeing a lot more younger stronger people than elderly on venterlaters the damage to the lungs after being on one is something still being tested so they don't know what lasting damaged it as /will cause  but some still have to be helped because there chorking whilst on them seeing it first hand plus talking to colleagues who have had it he can say it is serious but in his opinion has been mismanaged and anyone who thinks it's not as serious or as deadly as its being made out it's a shame they can't see for themselves on a corvid ward how bad it really is his words max not mine 

I think the advice I have taken most notice of was actually pretty early on in this thing and it was from Sandymere.

Maybe it was this topic or another but it was months back but when asked he said “Best avoided” 

That is the most common sense bit of advice in this whole pandemic ?

Edited by WILF
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On 10/10/2020 at 11:56, maxhardcore said:

Ps ' it's the thousands upon thousands of unvetted and unchecked mass migration mostly over the channel of young men between 16-40 where the problem lies.

Not with those coming thru the proper channels ( pardon the pun)


Just so as you know....illegal immigration is a drop in the ocean ( no pun intended ) compared to legal.....it gets a lot of coverage because its obvious and hard to watch/accept.....but it doesnt remotely compare to the amount being imported into this country that we dont see.....i believe the % is something like 90/10 legal to illegal.

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On 10/10/2020 at 11:58, maxhardcore said:

Don't confuse the two.

Like I say should we force re patriate all whites from all the overseas countries settled in ?

What a ridiculous statement to make........people dont repatriate themselves !.....if the nations that white people have gone to want rid of white people then its up to them to eject them.........but they dont.....the reality is first world countries want white people.

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