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Covid 19: What’s the lesson ?

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21 hours ago, maxhardcore said:

There has been an increase in Covid 19 cases because there has been an increase in testing.

If there were more IQ tests there would be a increase in Idiots.

Munter would be top of the Class ???

Is that in the same way that there has been an increase in social breakdown with an increase in ethnic aliens ? 
Or is that not the same ? 

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2 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Man Child Munter

Man Child.And a Fooking Thick one at that ?

3 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Man Child Munter

Man Child.

And a Fooking Thick one at that ?


Do you not think that is childish? Aren't your little tangrams childish? Your wierd nicknames childish? Your crying when the big bad men say boo childish?


See the irony?

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8 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Your very childish Munter

If I said Christmas Day is Dec 25th you'd angle a argument .

Jusr ignore me and I will ignore you and everything's cushty.

I'm not childish and you say that but have a dig even when I'm not on a topic so personally I think you should apologise for being a knobhead

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29 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Quote me where Iv types bombing kids and are in bed with big corporations ?

Dont start with lies Wilfy ?

At the end of the day you will believe what you believe on a whole host of issues as will I ' as will another 30-40 million folk in the Uk.

Craic on' life is too short ?

Err, read back ?

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On 29/09/2020 at 08:38, maxhardcore said:

Yep put the working class kids years behind the privateers mate

Another leg up for the rich ect ?

2.......need I go on ?

Edited by WILF
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26 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

f**k off ya Troll ?

Now that a good old fashioned Anglo Saxon phrase ,even after more than a millennium it still carries an impact whilst paying homage to our heritage ,much maligned by the pc crowd nowadays I much prefer when you use it rather than the (black ) American ,nonsensical , " mother fuker " you came out with the other day .atb.

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