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Covid 19: What’s the lesson ?

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3 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

How many times do I have to spell it out .

As this nonsense progresses you realise we getting lied to re the figures and it ain't killing en mass as we led to believe .

Yes It's real

Yes it kills SOME who are old ' immune compromised ' unhealthy but so does Influenza .


And if you were not so rude slagging everybody off before you realise you are being lied to you may be able to have a conversation about your findings at a later date without the need to revert to all this stupid name calling, it’s a cycle and all you have to do is stop to break it ?

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33 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

There has been an increase in Covid 19 cases because there has been an increase in testing.

If there were more IQ tests there would be a increase in Idiots.

Munter would be top of the Class ???

Thats another FB quote but your not on it ?

Turns out your a lieing turncoat

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7 hours ago, maxhardcore said:

How many times do I have to spell it out .

As this nonsense progresses you realise we getting lied to re the figures and it ain't killing en mass as we led to believe .

Yes It's real

Yes it kills SOME who are old ' immune compromised ' unhealthy but so does Influenza .


And in the mean time people like jd would of been shot in their sleep. Lol.

Fcuking halfwit you are max. Lol. 

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18 hours ago, maxhardcore said:

There has been an increase in Covid 19 cases because there has been an increase in testing.

If there were more IQ tests there would be a increase in Idiots.

Munter would be top of the Class ???

I'm not really interested in the argument but just to add this isn't true. Covid rises are measured in percentage of people tested 

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22 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

The half wits are the folk who think Govs who bomb kids and sleep at night won't f**k You over re a new strain of Flu ?

Are they lying to us about the impact of importing millions of People from totally alien cultures on British society too ? 

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3 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

You don't need me to tell you then.

Bit disappointed in you there big lad, you are normally pretty forthright about things but seem to be desperately trying to swerve this one ?

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6 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Again as with what I feel is being played out re Covid how many times do I have to give my view.

Unvetted ' Unchecked Mass immigration is wrong on a number of levels' firstly security and well being of GB citizens as unvetted and unchecked they could be anyone or anything.

Vetted and checked immigration I don't have a problem with.

And as Iv also said we need to start sorting our own home bred shite out as the streets are a Fooking mess re the basics of litter ect not to mention morals .

In my book Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong.

Colour don't come into that .

Id string up the worst society has to offer no matter what their colour and hold out a hand to the decent folk in society again no matter what their colour.

I don't agree with the BLM movement and how it panned out re monuments.

But I also despise those who think anyone not whiter than white shouldn't be in the Uk.


What vetting should be done?

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10 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Again as with what I feel is being played out re Covid how many times do I have to give my view.

Unvetted ' Unchecked Mass immigration is wrong on a number of levels' firstly security and well being of GB citizens as unvetted and unchecked they could be anyone or anything.

Vetted and checked immigration I don't have a problem with.

And as Iv also said we need to start sorting our own home bred shite out as the streets are a Fooking mess re the basics of litter ect not to mention morals .

In my book Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong.

Colour don't come into that .

Id string up the worst society has to offer no matter what their colour and hold out a hand to the decent folk in society again no matter what their colour.

I don't agree with the BLM movement and how it panned out re monuments.

But I also despise those who think anyone not whiter than white shouldn't be in the Uk.


Ok, so government lies are fine.......as long as they are vetted and checked by.........the government ?

Thanks for that, amazing ?

edited to add:

Just to double check, would that be the same government who bomb kids and are bullshitting us over Covid or is this a totally different government we should be trusting with these checks and vetting procedures ? 

Edited by WILF
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2 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

I know exactly what the process is to do it all Legaly and if everyone had to do it all exactly the same there would be no problems believe me .

Oh that’s sound then, I’ll just ask you what bits of government propaganda to believe in the future then, top man ?

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17 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

No ' make your own mind up.

You have God Given Free Will ?

I know but it gets so confusing, I mean they say a world wide pandemic is bad for me but  importing culturally destructive crime waves is good for me and now I don’t know what to believe having read you explain to us that they can’t be trusted and they are making half of it up........I mean it really opened my eyes when you said “how can we trust people who are going off and bombing kids and are in bed with big corporations”......I never realised any of that.

But if you say it’s fine to trust these people when they say immigration has enriched my life because we can trust them with vetting and checks then I take comfort that I’m not really seeing my country go down the bog.......I mean if a bloke with his finger on the pulse like you says we can trust them then we can trust them.

Or was it the other way round ?.......not sure now 

As I said, you tell me ?

Edited by WILF
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