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what was the last film you watched

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Did you both enjoy it?  Cheers, D.

Telly that puts your blood pressure through the roof ! I dont know about anyone else, but the couple of times I watched the baliff programme I was praying they were going to get beaten to death !

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watched ..iron fury the other day......its Russian ...but its been dubbed .....which is very off putting ..but its not a bad film...worth a watch if you got f**k all else to do...

its a second world war tank film....

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3 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

I watched a couple last night, well worth watching, the guys a serious credit to himself an own what ambassadors of hunting iv ever watched or heard talk, his knowledge is unbelievable 

Absolutely. Well said ?

I didn’t know about this series until now, so will defo take a look tonight  ?

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3 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

I watched a couple last night, well worth watching, the guys a serious credit to himself an own what ambassadors of hunting iv ever watched or heard talk, his knowledge is unbelievable 

He's a credit to hunting.

You see the ranch hunt in Texas for that big Indian antelope thing? The difference between that and the mule deer hunt in Wyoming was 'night and day' to me. I know which I'd prefer.

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Not a film but I've found myself enjoying watching Bangers and Cash on Dave. The daily business of a car auction in Yorkshire. I suppose it would be classed as reality tv which I usually detest but this is ok. It is probably because of the people featured. Unlike most reality tv shows it's not full of freaks or people with probable mental health issues. A section of society is filmed that the media tend to detest, normal white working class middle aged hetrosexual men. 

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2 hours ago, eastcoast said:

Not a film but I've found myself enjoying watching Bangers and Cash on Dave. The daily business of a car auction in Yorkshire. I suppose it would be classed as reality tv which I usually detest but this is ok. It is probably because of the people featured. Unlike most reality tv shows it's not full of freaks or people with probable mental health issues. A section of society is filmed that the media tend to detest, normal white working class middle aged hetrosexual men. 

I've strangely got the hots for Sarah ?

Cheers, D.

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