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what was the last film you watched

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I think I've watched this a few times now over the years. I find it fascinating, particularly the modern resurgence of mercenaries in the form of 'Private Military Companies' since the fall of Rhodesia. Great documentary and touches on some well known shady shit.


Edited by Born Hunter
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Did you both enjoy it?  Cheers, D.

Telly that puts your blood pressure through the roof ! I dont know about anyone else, but the couple of times I watched the baliff programme I was praying they were going to get beaten to death !

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He has a wife you know ,her namme iss "Incontinentia ,Incontenentia Buttocks " ,totally camp delivery  just cracks me up ,good choice Jon Jon .

Dont forget the catholics scene from "The meaning of life" where there,s a horrible slopping noise and a baby drops out so  the "mum " tells her daughter to put it with the others and she opens a cupboard crammed full of kids .Timeless mickeytaking .

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" Danger Close ".

Seemed like a nicely unromanticised portrayal of some ANZACs having a vile time in Vietnam. Brought home, very nicely, just how much shit can actually go down within such a small area. I'd never thought of that before.

All in all? Yeah. Worth a look. Nice, for once, not just having the septic's telling us how they won the war!

Oh ... Wait .....

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Yep they never forgave us for kicking the commies out of Malaysia but refused to help them in Vietnam ,where they got ass no 1 handed to them on a plate .

Throwing unwilling conscripts to the wolves doesnt work ask general Galtieri of the Argentine army junta .

Like the film u571 again merican bullfeathers where they recover the enigma machine ,sorry no you didnt chum.Poles gave us their enigma machine and HMS Bulldog captured the first navel machine in May 1941 and you didnt turn up till November .

Dont think Merican history books were written by the same peeps as ours ?

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" Worlds Most Wanted ".

Series, rather than a film. Just finished episode 3? 'White Widow' kunt?

It's seriously starting to show a theme here; Rubbing our faces in the fact that some higher force will always support and facilitate terrorism, against Us. As long as it suits Them.

 Don't bother.

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On 08/08/2020 at 23:17, Ted Newgent said:

Murder mountain on Netflix 

all about the weed growers in humboldt north California 


Seen it, not a great tourist destination 

Atb j 

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14 hours ago, tilimangro said:

Denzels no Edward Woodward mind

Maybe not. And I loved Callen, both on screen and paper.

But, Denzel Washington's one of my top five favourite actors. He's also an absolutely stand up bloke. Like another of my all time favourites; God. aka 'Morgan Freeman'.

Type " God " into any worth while search engine and Morgan would be top of the page :D

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