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what was the last film you watched

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1 hour ago, Arry said:

Just watched Crocodile Dundee again, Christ knows who many times I've seen before but could myself smiling all the way through. Appeals to my humour I suppose.

Cheers Arry

Me too ?

Cheers, D.

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Did you both enjoy it?  Cheers, D.

American Gangster. Netflix, 2 hours 30 mins. Can't believe I've never seen it before! Based on a true story of how a black dude (Denzil Washington) imports drugs from Asia during the Vietnam

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I've had my sleep patterns thrown to the wind between power naps and food induced comas, anyway enjoying the 'big short' I've previously avoided it but put it on through lack of decent stuff on Netflix and prime, it's enjoyable, but sometimes lack of expectation improves a movie....

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" Spooks "

Where ever I can find it. Just watched episode six. The last of the first season. And I'm trying to man the fukk up. 'It's only TV'. :cry:

Actually, between the buffering and the dreadful subtitles? I'm wondering how this sound bar's gonna work out. If it can let me drop the sub's? Ye can get the entire series, ten seasons, on DVDs for £85.00 .....


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8 minutes ago, Ken's Deputy said:

" Spooks "

Where ever I can find it. Just watched episode six. The last of the first season. And I'm trying to man the fukk up. 'It's only TV'. :cry:

Actually, between the buffering and the dreadful subtitles? I'm wondering how this sound bar's gonna work out. If it can let me drop the sub's? Ye can get the entire series, ten seasons, on DVDs for £85.00 .....


Isn't it on iPlayer?

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Yeppers. That's round about the going rate. It is 'dated' now. The good shit just never gets old though. Sopranos. The wire. They've never really budged in price, on Amazon.

Spooks is £85.00, the lot, on there. S/h. Or, individual seasons can be had for around a fiver a pop ~ it's mostly in the postage. Just that; Can you imagine buying / watching ye way through them, ad 5 and 8 just aren't out there?!

I think I'd rather just pay 'over the top' to that guy who's cornered the market and can guarantee ye the lot.

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Yep I wasn't knocking it I've enjoyed a couple of seasons ,Just meant there's gonna be plenty of second hand dvds. but i get bored after too much of anything, the worse offenders are like of sons of anarchy etc that gradually get slower and slower plot twists etc until it's just mind numbing guff

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On 25/12/2021 at 18:02, Nicepix said:

We watched Brassed Off on DVD last night. I used to live in the pit village where it was set and my Dad worked on the coal face so it has a particular interest for me. More than anything else the theme of the film reflects me. 

I even pinched the music 'Orange Juice' to make my own documentary film...


Brilliant little clip i remember the Don when it was polluted to the point no living thing could survive in it.

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