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what was the last film you watched

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Flood, jesus christ almighty, I lasted 40 minutes, I don't know how it ends, I just hope a tsunami drowned the "actors", the film is over 3 hours long but I am glad I never paid at a cinema to watch it ?


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Did you both enjoy it?  Cheers, D.

American Gangster. Netflix, 2 hours 30 mins. Can't believe I've never seen it before! Based on a true story of how a black dude (Denzil Washington) imports drugs from Asia during the Vietnam

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The Wall.

Amazon Prime. Hour 1/2.

Not that one then ;)

Top be honest, I was sort of hoping for something to remind me of Buried. Mentioned above.

In that, I was disappointed. But, yet not Totally disappointed with this film, overall. It wasn't too bad. Certainly not a blockbuster though. (See what I did there? :spiteful:)


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Body Brokers

Flix. Hour fifty.

Pleasantly surprisingly not bad film, actually! The late M.K. Williams (" Omar ") has a leading slot. How fukking ironic he died as he did :(

Anyway, yeah. Fukked up. Thankfully, I was brought up in a culture, and a time, where 'Hard' drugs were considered beyond disgusting by us kids.

But, wow; 'Merica, eh?



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half way through the movie there is a camp site scene,where the traveller men are heading off hunting with lurchers and shotguns,the bitch below was used in the movie as a prop,it was shot in southern ireland. not a bad movie to be fair it got a score of 87 on rotten tomatoes. 


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Ashes In The Snow.

Amazon Prime. Two hours (?)

Don't know what possessed me. No subtitles. But, it's Russian Labour Camps ~ maybe I thought they'd talk russian and sub it anyway? Heh. Nope!

Hard to say really, there for. But, it's no Schindlers List.

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