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what was the last film you watched

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Did you both enjoy it?  Cheers, D.

American Gangster. Netflix, 2 hours 30 mins. Can't believe I've never seen it before! Based on a true story of how a black dude (Denzil Washington) imports drugs from Asia during the Vietnam

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5 minutes ago, king said:

Some tough men about them days mackem...hard times 

Good film watched it on the plane couple Years ago think it’s a good couple hours long. 

watched that notorious Connor McGregor film strait after wasn’t a bad watch know most don’t like him but he literally come from feck all on the dole to multi millionaire 

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5 minutes ago, lurcherman 887 said:

Good film watched it on the plane couple Years ago think it’s a good couple hours long. 

watched that notorious Connor McGregor film strait after wasn’t a bad watch know most don’t like him but he literally come from feck all on the dole to multi millionaire 

Yea I think it's 2:15 kev..he has done well fair play he's not my cup of tea though..he needs to chill and get the kettle on a bit more lol..

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3 minutes ago, king said:

Yea I think it's 2:15 kev..he has done well fair play he's not my cup of tea though..he needs to chill and get the kettle on a bit more lol..

Same he’s a flash f****r for sure made it big time now Gobby Cnut ?

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Watched that " Violent Man " the other night,thought it was a pile of shit to be honest.....i like Craig Fairbrass it was obvious from as far back as Cliffhanger the type of roles he would play....big,powerful good looking f****r he plays them reactive type loose cannons really well......but all this deep thinking emotional stuff just dont suit him in my opinion.........and a prison film that takes place almost entirely in one cell,f**k me it was hard work sticking with it till the end.

Edited by gnasher16
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14 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

Watched that " Violent Man " the other night,thought it was a pile of shit to be honest.....i like Craig Fairbrass it was obvious from as far back as Cliffhanger the type of roles he would play....big,powerful good looking f****r he plays them reactive type loose cannons really well......but all this deep thinking emotional stuff just dont suit him in my opinion.........and a prison film that takes place almost entirely in one cell,f**k me it was hard work sticking with it till the end.

Having you ever seen that film “Starred Up” ?

Jack O’Connel I think the young actors names is, it’s good mate.


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The Outpost on Prime - a true story of an attack on a Yank outpost in Afghanistan. 


The film is a bit like their version of Kajaki - they also pay homage to their dead with real photos at the end.


It's not up there with the all time greats but, a good film and, a solid 9/10 :thumbs:

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Redemption/Hummingbird: Netflix 1 hour 35 mins. Jason Statham as an ex SF soldier on the run from the military gets down and dirty on the streets of London.  Decent I thought  7/10

Cheers, D.


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On 02/04/2022 at 20:11, king said:

Leonardo diCaprio. Plays a blinding part..some top quality acting  fair play..

The best film I've watched for a long time...


It's a good film but I felt cold for the entire time I watched it....

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The Last Duel

Been wanting to watch this one since it came out but there was a bit too much hype and that tends to make me back off a bit...

Anyways, finally got to watch it and dispite so many reviews saying it was 'slow' etc, I quite enjoyed it. It's a Ridley Scott film, so what's not to like..?

Based on a true story. It's not meant to be a sword fighting, epic battling, tale about some fanciful hero and a beautiful heroine but rather a story about a woman of the time and the chivalry, or the lack of it, that some men posess. That said, there is gore enough, if that's what your after... And the filming is very good, though not as 'epic' as some Scott films.

So the plot is based around 3 peoples versions of the same truth, so those versions are much repeated. But it's the detail that makes the difference, the detail that you need to watch to make the film.

And it was a shakey start for me too, a first few minutes that made me think I wasn't going to enjoy it but I'm glad I stuck it out.

Damon's character is quality, even though he's sporting a Chris Waddle mullet. Affleck's character is also well played but (trying not to sound Scouse biased) Jodie Comber steals the show. She's just captivating, although Scott isn't immediately trying to push her sexuality, if your watching the detail, then your watching her...


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Soldier Blue.

You Tube.

Yep. The old, 70's, " And they cut her tit off and ... " film. I wondered how it might stand up today.

Five minutes in, someone gets shot. And they dab this kunt with pillar box red paint. Seriously. It was Literally like the stuff royal mail use on their post boxes. The acting reminded me of " The Wooden Tops ".

I scrolled to the last ten minutes. The Massacre. Explosion at the royal mail paint factory. Christ, and we used to Watch this shit?!?

Do yeself a favour: Read " Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee ". No tits, mind.

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15 hours ago, Bosun11 said:

It's a good film but I felt cold for the entire time I watched it....

I spoke to an old guy who had skinned a few grizzly, he told me Leo couldn't have wandered around with the bearskin on him the way he did, as even when fleshed a green skin can weigh up to 50kg.

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17 hours ago, Bosun11 said:

It's a good film but I felt cold for the entire time I watched it....

It was some brutal cold weather mate I agree.. I can see why you felt cold ?

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