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Ferrets are like gold dust

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Well out of interest i rang the vet i use for a price for a spey & a microchip & they quoted me £ 65 for the two precedures so £ 25 is bloody good in terms of what it would cost you , and speying costs vary greatly depending where you live


Also if your ferret is chipped it can prrove ownership if the animals pinched as well as help find its owner if it escapes & is picked up


Most rescues spey & castrate before the ferret is rehomed reason being they dont want the kits next season , but theres still a huge amout being handed over , the rescue i have contact with in Coventry still have around 200 per year handed in

and there adoption fees are simmilar to what you were quoted



there is a rescue center 10 mins from you kay found out today they wont £15 quid for them but must be pet homes :laugh: so im off to give one a pet home this afternoon bet it is working within a week,its on a34 opposite jacabs hall lane they have a few in i will let you know how i get on :thumbs:


Is that for neutered ferrets or entire ?

entire :(
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What has happened to all the ferrets, there just doesn't seem to be any about at all. I used to breed them a few years ago and stopped because you just could not give them away in the end. I have been trying to get hold of one for ages, the local ferret rescue has them but insist they are in pairs when they let them go, thats after they come and do a home check and so on, plus the ferrets are neuted and chipped at £25 each, that's a whopping £50 if you don't mind. Well I guess I will just keep on looking, unless someone out there knows of one or two looking for a good home at a reasonable price.

p.s I live near Lincoln willing to travel a fair distance nothing silly


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i was given the hob i have from a guy for free and he is one hell of a worker was also given a silver jill for free but she wont work she is just usefull for if he lies in hold her to the hole and he's up like a shot . just bought a cracking big silver jill of my we cuz yesterday who is a handy we worker and i gave him £20 for her as i dont see that steep at all seing as she works well and i like silvers better but always prefer a big hob for working .


last summer i sold my poley's/cinemons for £10 a kit and my albino's were given away also had three hobs at a year old got £15 each for them a woman come ofering me 25 for the three as they aint worth nuthing she was shown the way out .


my mate has a few that he is after £5 each for all at working age but he just wants them away as he's a lzy c**t and hasnt handled them , also seen a black eyed white jill for sale for a tenner with hutch 2 year old worker but couldnt get a run for her price's go from stupidly low to stupidly high for pritty much the same standard of ferrets i personaly wouldnt pay anymore than a tenner for an albino or poley as iv always been given them and could easily get them for less but for a decent silver or black eye white id pay a bit more .


so if anyone has a silver hob or blk eye white available im desparate for one and have money waiting :thumbs:

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Well I suppose everyone has their own opinion about how much and how long you should keep a ferret, I have had ferrets since I was a young lad 30 years or so. It's just the last couple of years I have not kept any because of certain commitments, work etc and I don't think you should keep them if you cannot give them some of your time and of course work them.

At one time I had in excess of 20 and all of them got a share of rabbiting, and all got handled on a daily basis. It just seems that most young kids of today just aren't bothered with such things. Is it that they are to lazy or just not concerned about the countryside, we didn't just sit in front of a PS3 eating chockie bars, did we?

Since moving to lincolnshire last year the opportunity has arisen for me to have more SOCIAL life, and ferrets have now come back into the picture. Not having to worry about the local wasters pinching anything thats not tied down on your garden helps the issue, where I came from they would just put a spade through a ferret or rabbit just for laughs.

So to round up my epic reply, I just wanted a couple of ferrets to keep for AGES, use for rabbiting and put some meat in the pot and I don't really want to pay £50 for 2.

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lets say for talks sake if ferrets prices did go up to a few hundred think of how many more ferret thefts there would be ! just a quick easy way for a theif to make money, few minutes work for a few hundred quid , and cant be traced due to the fact that most of the ferret owners dont get their ferrets microchipped!


i value the ferret as a hard worker than works hard for its meals....... i just thought i would raise the point




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well,i just paid £15 for a silver jill,this is her 3rd season. i was lucky to get her because the lad i got her from wanted to concentrate on the dogs more. worked her today for first time and she's definately got a permanent,working home here! :boogie:

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Well I suppose everyone has their own opinion about how much and how long you should keep a ferret, I have had ferrets since I was a young lad 30 years or so. It's just the last couple of years I have not kept any because of certain commitments, work etc and I don't think you should keep them if you cannot give them some of your time and of course work them.

At one time I had in excess of 20 and all of them got a share of rabbiting, and all got handled on a daily basis. It just seems that most young kids of today just aren't bothered with such things. Is it that they are to lazy or just not concerned about the countryside, we didn't just sit in front of a PS3 eating chockie bars, did we?

Since moving to lincolnshire last year the opportunity has arisen for me to have more SOCIAL life, and ferrets have now come back into the picture. Not having to worry about the local wasters pinching anything thats not tied down on your garden helps the issue, where I came from they would just put a spade through a ferret or rabbit just for laughs.

So to round up my epic reply, I just wanted a couple of ferrets to keep for AGES, use for rabbiting and put some meat in the pot and I don't really want to pay £50 for 2.


well the £ 50 quids basically for the cost of neutering , i would expect to have to pay a donation on top of that

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I hope the price of ferrets dont go through the roof if they did i would have to employ a full time security guard. In the past 2 years ive had 2 lots pinched, nice where i live lol! :gunsmilie: But im ready for them now if they want to try it again

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ya i paid 100 for two hobs which so far are unreal although a little bity i dont no what that is in pounds but $200 for two seems a littel pricey unless they were good workers already but then again i paid $80 for a goin ferret that turns out never worked a day in its life but still turned out good

Edited by allgame
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I have a hob and a jill,they are brother and sister and sandy coloured.They haven't been worked but are well ready to,the hob is quite large but nothing silly.They came out of a albino jill with a polecat hob,they are 8 months old.I live near norwich and if you can or are willing to travel that far for them you can have them for free.I'm saying this as i think the world of my ferrets and want a f**king good home for them and if someone would be willing to travel for them then to me they will care for them as well.I do work thier parents and the mother works grand,the father i use as a finder if any jills i have lie up.My mates hate me taking just him out as he don't like to give the rabbits a chance to bolt and digging is allways the order of the day with him.It's really up to you mate,maybe give one of them a outing this weekend if i can.pm me if you want.

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