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Love them or hate them, cats.

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Video won't play for me mate. Don't wind me up I hate cats in my garden, pissing and shitting everywhere. It fecking stinks and who likes the thought of a cat spraying all over your veg. They kill the

As much as I personally don't like cats I respect they are in most cases there's someone's pet or some old dears only company so dogs are broke to them some of my perm I know I would lose in a instant

Cheers Arry

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42 minutes ago, WILF said:

Aye they are only doing what comes naturally I know but pheasants are so thin on the ground here that I’d rather see them than cats if you get my drift mate.


Atb j 

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Oh No !!  Not the start of another waste of bandwidth thread about make believe, fake, fuzzy, pictures supposedly of cats. Cats are vermin.  When you find a domestic moggy out on the shoot about half a mile from the nearest building it's vermin.  Now If I were to be posting this on pw I'd  probably get a warning or even a ban. Still ; years ago I was told of a bloke who had a vermin problem on his allotment. He possessed a folding 410 and took a flask of tea and sat in his allotment shed waiting.  Next morning he got in the works van and he asked to pull up in a layby some distance away.  He emptied the content of a sack into the hedge. Problem solved.  No fuzzy fake make believe pictures.  A solution.   Missing,  lost whilst on patrol. The mother in law used to have a cat and the Bayard used to keep wiping it's arse up and down my leg.  Well it did until it was hoof encouraged to move along.  Bloody thing keep meowing.   I'd have shot it out of hand but I  wanted to get into, pre  Mrs knickers, still it might have been worth it too wind mother in law up to peak performance.! ?????

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As much as I personally don't like cats I respect they are in most cases there's someone's pet or some old dears only company so dogs are broke to them some of my perm I know I would lose in a instant if one of there cats got nailed and that's not forgetting the infections ect that come with it 

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31 minutes ago, Blackmag said:

As much as I personally don't like cats I respect they are in most cases there's someone's pet or some old dears only company so dogs are broke to them some of my perm I know I would lose in a instant if one of there cats got nailed and that's not forgetting the infections ect that come with it 

I'm with you mate as much as I hate them in my garden I will not harm them, as you said they might be some old dears cat or a kids pet. So I will make them jump or soak them, all I want is to give them a bad experience so they don't come back. I do feel people that own cats and just let them out to roam never dig a patch in their own garden to encourage the cat to shit in its garden are selfish and should not be aloud to own a cat. I have most of my garden cover in net etc at quite an expense but still they come. Then you have to be careful hedgehogs don't get tangled up. Why should I have to pay to keep cats out, no other domesticated animals is aloud to roam free.

Cheers Arry


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I with you on that one arry I have tried the plastic bottles filled with water the plastic snakes theses things that give a noise out when one passed waste of time but young lad gets them with his super soaker water gun that moves them or this old bitch wandering round the garden puts them of I have put aload of grease on top of carpet tacks  on top of the fence to they don't like walking on that 

Edited by Blackmag
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Don't mind a friendly (but not too friendly cat) but hate them killing wild birds and shitting in the garden. Plus some are some old dears best friend, got to respect that but if I never saw another one again I wouldn't lose sleep tbh.

Cheers, D.

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We got 3 cats 1 off a farm was feral & 2 from woman in our village. All 3 very affectionate & completely different personalities. The one off the farm will only come to me or the wife & disappears if anyone come to the house. 3 lurchers get on well with em ? They go out to piss/shit & never go in our gdn. Atb

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Just now, dytkos said:

Don't mind a friendly (but not too friendly cat) but hate them killing wild birds and shitting in the garden. Plus some are some old dears best friend, got to respect that but if I never saw another one again I wouldn't lose sleep tbh.

Cheers, D.

To add next door but one got 2 kittens before last Christmas, I picked one up off the road shortly after and knocked the door and told them that if the other one ventured into our garden the dogs would chew it. They were ok about it tbh but I have a Super Soaker thing that's my first option.

Cheers, D.

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