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How long can a kill stay in season before I need to jill jab her

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I have a male and female that I want to breed, the thing is the male is much smaller than the female, when I see him trying to mount her  his penis is basically hitting her back and she just throws him off. How long should I let him continue to try and get her pregnant until I need to have her taken to get a Jill jab because I know leaving her in season is bad for her health

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Its a good question. In my experience you have a few weeks. I have always left them 2 or 3 weeks from first spotting them coming in season with no problem. However, I once left a jill in season for too long, probably between 4 to 6 weeks and even with a jill jab that took her out of season, the hormones had started serious biochemical changes and she developed anemia that was irreversible. Horrible mistake to make 


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