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The Great BASC Insurance Excess

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I'm going to withdraw my recent recommendation to other forum members that you consider joining the BASC when needing shooting insurance and suggest you look at alternatives where insurance cover is n

Fixed that for you mate ?

Fart at a wrong angle on pigeon watch to get banned!

1 hour ago, Sausagedog said:

Think it has been found to be man made or engineered virus and whoohan (?) is the place where China has a biological weapons facility.

Think you find China is buying all the crashed stocks and shares too!

The other day the shares fell like a stone and the next day they bounced back up.  I'm sure that the jew boys and  entrepreneurs are rubbing their hands with glee at the prospects of cutting a draw each way the financial tide turns. I've thought about every aspect of what is available. That's the way of how it is. Survival of the fittest,  the quickest, the most cunning, the most aggressive  ect, ect.  The weak, will go to the wall.  Still look on the bright side, the days are getting longer, global warming is coming and so is Brexit, but that all seems to have gone off the front pages.

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Upto Thursday last week no shortages here ,Friday bojo announces 4 month lockdown for the wrinkled and wobbly then bang the people of britainistan go mental with an outbreak of mee mee mee virus n fnuck you .Shops empty ,kknobb heads have 500 toilet rolls and all the milk,tinned and frozen veg and now meat counters are empty along with tinned everything.

Appeals to common sense fall on death ears stuffed with bog roll and now we have rationing ,aldi started 4 of owt now  sainsburys and asda say 3 so you going to see at lot more empty shelves for a long time .

The money grubbing scum are creaming it in but the country is,nt struggling theres millions been spent on the home stuff and sales are quadupled from normal .Every bakery,food canner,s and dairy are working overtime as is every supplier to feed demand ,a goverment inspired "crisis" 

And yes Wuhan chinas biggest chemical weapons plant is the epicentre mm shall we ring sherlock holmes or can we work it out ourselves:wallbash:

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Stupid. No-one can stockpile 18 months worth of stuff or avoid leaving the house for that long if of working age. The answer is to shop normally, keep a distance from others and protect yourself when out as best you can. If you're lucky enough to have NBC Kit wear it. Don't worry about looking a prat. As for everyone else, do the best you can. I ordered a delivery today. Still ahd to go out shopping as 1/2 of it was out of stock despite amending the order 4 times prior to dispatch to keep up with demand. Stupid thing was, once more, I was the only person out with mask and gloves.

As for stock levels, they should bounce back now restrictions are in place. There's no shortage in the supply chain. The shortage has simply been because of unexpected demand taking them off the shelves faster than they could be replenished.

At least there's no civil unrest or people robbing people door to door.

Edited by Alsone
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8 hours ago, Alsone said:

At least there's no civil unrest or people robbing people door to door.

Except for the morons who have smashed toilet roll holders off the walls in public toilets in order to steal the paper rolls inside them as reported on the TV the other day, I think this was in Leeds area.  


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7 minutes ago, philpot said:

Except for the morons who have smashed toilet roll holders off the walls in public toilets in order to steal the paper rolls inside them as reported on the TV the other day, I think this was in Leeds area.  


And wait until they get hungry!

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And low the meek shall inherit the earth but only if the guys with the big guns let them .The preppers mantra ,we are only ten seconds from chaos ,well thanks to the crazy gang that clock just moved to 5 seconds.

I work for a J/LR supplier they are the only car firm still making all else have shut to protect the workers and because there is now no supply chain .Dont know if its because they dont give a rats ass about us or there just stubborn idiots but europes 30 borders are  shut for a reason and it aint cheese n pickle week 

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