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Dogs pulling of stuff they know they can’t catch. Good or bad?

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I’ve been discussing something on another thread and during the discussion the sentence (most I’ve seen don’t pull off stuff they know is gonna get away and that like some dogs we know of lol.) So I was just wondering

What’s your thoughts on a dog that pulls away from stuff it knows it can’t catch?

Would you say it’s a fault or a good thing and just down to a good experienced brain?


personally I think it is a good thing as it conserves energy on Long hard sessions and also I don’t think I would want a dog following into some of the areas I run as there’s a high chance of injury’s happening.  

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If your getting out regularly and running a dog a lot it will eventually start running a little cleverly and even choosing runs if your only getting out rarely your geed up bored dog will run anything

I never fail to be amazed at how blinkered people on here can be. Lurchers are lots of things to lots of people, what suits one man could easily be shite to another.  There is a world of differen

A dog pretty much jacking is not for me. If i put the lamp on something i want a dog to try not think ah bit hard find me an easier one.some could say its handler error though overunning a dog on sill

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A dog pretty much jacking is not for me. If i put the lamp on something i want a dog to try not think ah bit hard find me an easier one.some could say its handler error though overunning a dog on silly things either way its not something id tolerate.

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  On 13/03/2020 at 11:00, C.green said:

A dog pretty much jacking is not for me. If i put the lamp on something i want a dog to try not think ah bit hard find me an easier one.some could say its handler error though overunning a dog on silly things either way its not something id tolerate.


From that quality in a dog do you then choose more suitable quarry to run so as you don’t cause a dog with that mentality to jack by running stupid stuff it’s probably never going to catch as you know the dog will run anything.

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I like a out and out tryer. I like a dog that tries at everything rather than a thinker. I think its similar to calling a dog off quarry it would always be in back of my mind if the dog is really trying. 

Edited by fred90
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  On 13/03/2020 at 11:40, Black neck said:

Definitely is picking runs mate only happens on rabbits out else gets run if it's in next county 



Some dogs get like that over the old bunny when’s there more exciting stuff about I believe mate. Its nice to get folks opinions on stuff, I think the question I’ve asked about a tryer and a thinker is the lurcher worlds equivalent to the air gunners question on which is the pest air riffle .22 or .177. It’s a age old argument.

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I think it needs qualifying ?

Do you mean a dog that’s been slipped, starts to run it’s quarry  and then thinks no, bugger that, and comes off ...... or a dog you slip at something that’s way off and motoring for the wood and the dog doesn’t bother running it properly as it’s clearly away?

I personally like a dog that will run like it believes it’s going to make a kill, every time. But it doesn’t always mean it will. 

Side note - my young bitch used to smash any cover at 100 miles an hour..... no matter what she could or couldn’t see was in front of her. She doesn’t do that anymore ...... kind of learnt her lesson going off the edge of a 30 foot quarry ..... by choice, after her quarry. Jumped straight off the top, whacked what she was after, but bruised her lungs, pulled all her leg muscles etc .....

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