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2 minutes ago, Rusty_terrier said:

Im a total f***ing idiot. Dont even have internet banking. 


Mrs went to usi and does something to do with computers smart as f**k. 

Dont make you an idiot mate...

Being computer savvy ain't the thing that defines intelligence...

Too many people have zero common sense and more importantly imo..gut instinct.... if its money or business we ate talking about, the real intellects dont make the best businessmen imo...they think too much!!

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No one on here even smart enough to know wtf your on about mush ?

i sat outside a bar in Barcelona with mush a few year ago having a beer ....and I asked him then what he did for a living.....he explained ...and I sat with an expression like homer simpson .......

Sometimes i think about my ghetto upbringing education as " poor little me " but listening to some of this academic education it sounds boring as f**k im glad i played to my strengths after reading th

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1 minute ago, NEWKID said:


I'm in no way knocking you Mush, onevof my directors in the Hydrogen business is ex big corporate world and forever running different management models past me...I know we will need to adapt and introduce some new systems as the growth is quite rapid at the minute (apart from Coronavirus!! b*****d!)...

But I still like simple easy to understand systems and realise the only way you can implement anything into a work force, organisation is if everyone buys in and adopts the processes....else you are pisding in the wind and wasting time and money...

I love learning about business, it genuinely interests me from a market trader to Richard Branson... 

I dunno but I get the impression that these management systems are most beneficial to highly developed companies that are working on a multitude of projects simultaneous. Companies that are in their infancy/start ups focusing on a single project/product maybe don't benefit so much as they aren't overwhelmed with work.

I'm not knocking you by saying that, I think small young companies are the most exciting.

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Just now, Born Hunter said:

I dunno but I get the impression that these management systems are most beneficial to highly developed companies that are working on a multitude of projects simultaneous. Companies that are in their infancy/start ups focusing on a single project/product maybe don't benefit so much as they aren't overwhelmed with work.

I'm not knocking you by saying that, I think small young companies are the most exciting.

I agree mate...

I built a company from scratch to pretty high turnover and over 30 employed with 50 or so subcontractors...it was 3 companies in one come the end....and I didn't enjoy it half as much as the early days...admittedly not a huge company but big enough to need management systems in place...

Your right about start ups, I've my fingers in a couple...but this hydrogen one is potentially huge...the contracts being signed over seas are a bit out of my standard field of expertise and the risk v reward is my constant guide...gut instinct again no matter what...

Imo...if you have the right person in charge of each operation the process is seen through...people are still the key...

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30 minutes ago, NEWKID said:

I'm exactly the same mate, I currently deal with people and am distributing in the USA, Dubai, France, Australia, Monaco, Mexico and in the UK...

I was selling knocked off clothes, Athena posters and Argyle socks in school with my Dad "bankrolling it" when I was 14..lol...

Common sense goes a long way imo when running a company, a lot of these management programs and procedures revert back to good codes of practice and general moral standards...business is business no matter what you do or how you do it...buy at x and sale at a profit...I'm a simple fella, too much over complication and my brain hurts!! Lol

My dad still goes by a handshake rather then a confirmation email lol and he's done well in life ?

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27 minutes ago, NEWKID said:


I'm in no way knocking you Mush, onevof my directors in the Hydrogen business is ex big corporate world and forever running different management models past me...I know we will need to adapt and introduce some new systems as the growth is quite rapid at the minute (apart from Coronavirus!! b*****d!)...

But I still like simple easy to understand systems and realise the only way you can implement anything into a work force, organisation is if everyone buys in and adopts the processes....else you are pisding in the wind and wasting time and money...

I love learning about business, it genuinely interests me from a market trader to Richard Branson... 

Well if you need a consultant :whistling: ?

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24 minutes ago, Born Hunter said:

I dunno but I get the impression that these management systems are most beneficial to highly developed companies that are working on a multitude of projects simultaneous. Companies that are in their infancy/start ups focusing on a single project/product maybe don't benefit so much as they aren't overwhelmed with work.

I'm not knocking you by saying that, I think small young companies are the most exciting.

They work better when they are implemented correctly. Any size company can become agile.

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19 minutes ago, keepdiggin said:

My dad still goes by a handshake rather then a confirmation email lol and he's done well in life ?

Say it all the time mate...you can put in place the most complex contract possible for protection but if someone wants to do you they will....

I'm a firm believer in meeting the person you are dealing with and going on your gut instinct..you're always exposed to some extent no matter the deal...

A handshake is still my favourite way to seal a deal...unfortunately it's got to be backed up with a contract these days.


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21 minutes ago, mushroom said:

Well if you need a consultant :whistling: ?

You never know mate...

Also agree if you are going to put any process in place, it's best early days and develop as you grow, rather than a full scale change when you are already in "bad habits"!

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53 minutes ago, NEWKID said:

I'm exactly the same mate, I currently deal with people and am distributing in the USA, Dubai, France, Australia, Monaco, Mexico and in the UK...

I was selling knocked off clothes, Athena posters and Argyle socks in school with my Dad "bankrolling it" when I was 14..lol...

Common sense goes a long way imo when running a company, a lot of these management programs and procedures revert back to good codes of practice and general moral standards...business is business no matter what you do or how you do it...buy at x and sale at a profit...I'm a simple fella, too much over complication and my brain hurts!! Lol

Good for you i always admired savvy over education especially round our way.....thats similar to what we was doing....well no i dont suppose it is really ?....we was only talking about it the other day when we was 14/15 we used to take my pals little sister who must of been 11 or 12 up Amhurst Rd Hackney or round the back of Kings Cross station and brass her off to the dirty old c**ts looking for young girls then before they had time to lay a finger on her bash f**k out of them and rob them of every last penny they had knowing they couldnt go to the police.....we used to tell his mum we were taking her over the swings ?.. it just seemed like a good idea at the time and it was better money than a paper round !

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8 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

Good for you i always admired savvy over education especially round our way.....thats similar to what we was doing....well no i dont suppose it is really ?....we was only talking about it the other day when we was 14/15 we used to take my pals little sister who must of been 11 or 12 up Amhurst Rd Hackney or round the back of Kings Cross station and brass her off to the dirty old c**ts looking for young girls then before they had time to lay a finger on her bash f**k out of them and rob them of every last penny they had knowing they couldnt go to the police.....we used to tell his mum we were taking her over the swings ?.. it just seemed like a good idea at the time and it was better money than a paper round !

All business is good business..??....

Always something going on, and if you've got the mind to earn, education, or lack of, wont stop you....even if it's not quite inside the corporate world!! Lol

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1 hour ago, NEWKID said:


Too many people have zero common sense and more importantly imo..gut instinct.... if its money or business we ate talking about, the real intellects dont make the best businessmen imo...they think too much!!

So true that....a Cypriot pal of mine from way back in Repton days left school at 14 with absolutely f**k all but his dad had a couple of dry cleaners shops and gave him money as a teenager to get on the property ladder.......he ended up as the most succesful buy to let developer in the Uk and is now out of residential and onto hotels......purely on gut instinct,knowing and predicting the market.

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22 minutes ago, Rusty_terrier said:

Me and an old mate off here was reminiscing about our younger days as kids in glasgow and he was talking about telling shop owners their place would get the windows broken but if they paid a few quid youd leave them alone and make sure nobody else touched their shop either. Got told to f**k off 9 times out of 10 lol

The protection game runs on reputation mate.....nobody has that kind of reputation at 14 ?

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10 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

So true that....a Cypriot pal of mine from way back in Repton days left school at 14 with absolutely f**k all but his dad had a couple of dry cleaners shops and gave him money as a teenager to get on the property ladder.......he ended up as the most succesful buy to let developer in the Uk and is now out of residential and onto hotels......purely on gut instinct,knowing and predicting the market.

That's all good business is, building relationships, uncovering a need and being able to provide the solution. When you're dealing with big ticket purchases, like some of the deals I've worked on with companies like BP. The most important thing is the relationship, everything else will follow.

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14 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

So true that....a Cypriot pal of mine from way back in Repton days left school at 14 with absolutely f**k all but his dad had a couple of dry cleaners shops and gave him money as a teenager to get on the property ladder.......he ended up as the most succesful buy to let developer in the Uk and is now out of residential and onto hotels......purely on gut instinct,knowing and predicting the market.

That's the way...

Definitely not good in the buy to let world now and only going to get harder imo...

Commercial rentals are better, if that's your thing...longer terms and better tax breaks....

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