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  On 20/04/2020 at 21:21, sandymere said:

I suppose he's an expert? or perhaps ? the eminently qualified editor of the Lancet may be a better judge ?


Even Maajid Nawaz admitted he should leave it up to the experts



I take it you listened to the whole piece then ...     

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  On 20/04/2020 at 20:31, low plains drifter said:

You could do with developing an open mind old grasshopper

I'm not talking Butterkist here

You know ?

Imagine right, get the Firebox out in the garden, fry some bacon, later cook popcorn in bacon fat, and do you know where I can get some maple syrup ?


Filth ?

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The lads i work with,and also my wifes work mate all down played it at the start,even myself,that the sort of,british thinking"it wont effect us" kinda spirit.and nah,it wont bother us people thinking has caught us out im afraid.

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  On 20/04/2020 at 21:30, WILF said:

I actually agree with you that it has been a less than brilliant job by UK government.....they didn’t stop early, they were almost loath to face the reality.


I second that but I honestly don't think the opposition would have faired much better. For that matter the Trump administration is getting sh*t over it but I don't think there's an Obama, Bush or Clinton that wouldn't have been caught with their pants down over this one, either. The bureaucracy is such that no matter which system you're viewing it from there can always be room for improvement.

I can't remember who said it earlier in the thread but the WHO is coming in for a lot of stick and I'm trying to figure out why? They sounded the alarm in January and then repeatedly until it landed on UK and US shores respectively. :hmm:


Edited by ChrisJones
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  On 20/04/2020 at 20:52, NEWKID said:

Ok mate, I'm not going to get in a row with you as you have my respect, I know you are up against it now and seeing things first hand....I also know personally 3 others right in the thick of it who are not looking to blame monger...but that's more political leanings maybe?


I will answer a couple of bits, but it's only as I see it, I wont go reading every stat I  can find to back it up...the stats are in there infancy and the reckoning will come when it's all over imo..

First I think to make a comparison  between NZ and the UK is mad, it's like comparing the cases in Devon to London...I'm not sure on NZ population, around 5m I think...London alone is over 8m... to have that many people in such a small area suggests there will be huge differences...

Germany are the biggest manufacturers in Europe, they have research and design facilities which completely outstrip anything we can get near....to make millions of testing kits, ppe etc is far easier for Germany than us...our standard trade agreement will be set aside, so Germany will make to preserve itself (rightly so) but to think we can ramp up in time to compete is naive imo.. the key, we have been told, is testing....Germany have outstripped everyone in this, I think, and that is due to there manufacturing infrastructure...

No idea on South Korea... the stats look good, I believe Germany's...not sure on SK...lol...

It's my personal opinion now is not the time to look for the man to blame, it's very easy to point at every mistake anyone makes (if they are mistakes even) but this is times we never thought we would see...regardless who was running the company mistakes or errors of judgement wouldve been made and the opposing parties would sit baying for blood....

I'm no fan on Corbyn personally, but if he was in charge now I'd get behind him as that imo would be getting behind my country in it's time of need...

When this is all.over perhaps people will.need to answer some questions...perhaps advisors are the ones to look at and to suggest the WHO had all the right answers and to follow there lead without question is wrong imo as well ..


But as the first line, I respect all of you who are grafting your nuts off in tough times, my mates mrs had black eyes last night from 13 hours in full ppe..... plus the constant worry of dealing with people who are infected with only a mask as your line of defense... we may differ in our political views but I realise yours is a passionate stance from what you see..


Spot on Kev.

No likes left today so far.

When can all say this should have been done or that with hind sight. The shit stirring media that have all become experts are hell bent on winding people up. Each country is bound to get different results because different densities of the population, higher or lower older age people if the people follow guide lines or not or wether you are a hub for the rest of the world. I'm sure mistakes have been made they alway will be in a crises but its no use in crying over spilt milk or water under the bridge. We have to muck in follow the rules and try and support the NHS. The front line NHS staff are true heroes and have my deepest respect. 

One thing I am truly thank full for is the Labour Party are not running the show.

Cheers Arry

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I just had a little reminder of how vigilant we still need to be with this shit. One of the parents from my kids school has just got. She is a nurse at a resident care home.

As far as I know she’ll be fine, but it just go’s to show how quickly that shit could spread in our village community if our kids were still at school.

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  On 21/04/2020 at 06:48, maxhardcore said:

Have  you ever stopped to think that whatever your getting told by who ever is telling you is total lies .

He said she said we said ?

Cowatd ?


Longdog ?

Your a Fooking Numpty who obviously believes any old shit .

Keep hanging on coattails you Fanny .

No Wonder a employee took your contracts ya jumped up shithoose of a man ?


Max don't talk to me ever again please and let's leave it there 

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Flights were still coming in,i know cause my brother flew in from asia.when my dad got ill with heart prob.and then i believe when on lockdown a boat load of illegals turned up on southcoast.seems it dont apply if you enter illegally,,govt ran down thier,welcomed up the beach and wrapped in coats,fed them and let them in.the big speech about were "a war footing"or "till we meet again"!did,nt apply.should of sunk it.harsh i know but we are becoming a soft touch.,been good excuse to warn the others off.

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It's not always about science....


Reuters reported this week based on interviews and records published that the scientific committees that advised Johnson did not study in detail until mid-March, the option of the kind of stringent lockdown adopted early on in China, where the disease arose in December.

As they watched China impose its lockdown, the British scientists assumed that such drastic actions would never be acceptable in a democracy like the United Kingdom, the Reuters investigation found.

But Patrick Vallance, the government’s top scientific adviser, said that modelling was carried out quickly enough to effectively inform Britain’s reaction to the pandemic.

“It’s not correct that we didn’t model it until March. We modelled it throughout February,” Vallance said at a news conference in Downing Street. “We modelled all of the interventions you have now seen.”




I thought this was a good piece of journalism.


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I can tell you that most asian countries are far in front of us in,ppe,testing,fumigation,the lot.i know i said it weeks back but the mask info has fuked us.my brothers even got a fumigation machine in footwell of his car,connected to the heater/aircon.turn it on,shut door,whole unterior gets misted in chemicsls.

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  On 21/04/2020 at 08:23, maxhardcore said:

This virus is serious there are 7-8 I know of with in a 5 mile radius of here dead from it.

Many others fighting it.

And we sparsely populated compared to the city's .

That tells me there are a lot more with it and probably a lot more dying of it than the figures suggest.

They writing off the elderly who catch it' leaving them to chance.

A mates wife dad has it in a nursing home and the hospital won't take him because of his age.

They just having to make him as comftable as possible in the care home.

This bloke paid taxes from 15 - 65 years of age yet because of his age some robbing smack head will get a bed and respirator before him?

That our country hasn't got enough beds and respirators is a travesty .

Not to mention Consultants ' Doctors ' Nurses ' Orderleys with family's and kids having to work with out Basic PPE catching it off Corvid sufferers then maybe passing it on to someone that goes to AE with a broken leg.

Its not the NHS fault it's Government .

Then we have care homes charging a grand per week and the daily food budget per inmate I mean resident is £5-6 per day for 3 square meals and a snack.

But they won't spend what's needed to buy their staff PPE?

Was it March 23rd Boris issued lockdown ?

8 weeks to late .

Anyone with any savvy could see what was happening in China.

Anyone with any savvy would of stopped all flights out of China into their airspace.

Anyone with any savvy would of been checking the temps of flyers coming into our airports as Bangkok were doing by then as were Dubai .

Not here' folk were coming thru coughing and spluttering and not a word said.

There is still no checks?

Boris promised 100k tests per week and trace testing 7 weeks ago

Its still only at around 15k per week.

They say wearing a mask won't help

It won't do any harm that's for sure.

So called on here 3rd world Asian country's have been regularly disinfecting Their streets for 2 months

We ain't even started..


Not to mention the Numptys still gathering in groups ect and en mass in parks .And folk ask what could of been done better ?


my wife and daughters work in a local care home. wife does the ordering for ppe and such. she put an order for new ppe almost a month ago and still nothing has come! they were all told six or so weeks ago that anyone 70 and over will be cared for in the home and would not be admitted to hospital. in essance a death sentance for them imo. its scandles. people worked hard all their lives and paid their dews to be treat like this is wrong on a major level.


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I get all this lads but in reality , what are we meant to do about it ? 

My mother in law has copd and has been in self isolation since November as she can’t go out in the windy months . 

this is destroying her , as in sending her up the walls mentally . But she needs to stay clear of people to keep herself free. 

Its all well and good slating everyone but in reality , what are we meant to do , right now , what are we meant to be doing other than stopping the spread by isolation? 


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