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Spring beaver hunting

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"Some lynx and wolf would be good too."

We have lynx here they are nice animals but they take some roedeers, sheeps and reindeers, (reindeers are counted as domestic here). Its fun to hunt them with a running or standing dog.


Wolf are a pain they take most of the game in the areas they live in and we are not allowed to shoot enough of them. A lot of huntingdogs are killed by wolf in Sweden. A normal wolfpack with 2adults and 5 young wolfs kills more than 100 mooses per year smaller game not even counted. Its difficult to get a permit to kill problem individuals even wolfs who kills dogs in village gardens or hunts roedeer in kindergarten.

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On 06/03/2020 at 14:58, KimE said:

"Beavers are about to be re introduced very close to me. It will be interesting to see a new species. I don't think anyone will be hunting them officially here for a long time though"


We had beaver reintroduced in a stream in my home village about 1988-1990 about year 2000 we started to hunt them. In the early 2000-2003 I had found about 8 huds in this stream alone with many more in the nearby river.


"I suspect they won't survive long if they spread from their release site though. I can't imagine they are particularly good for arable agriculture!"


They will spread into agricultural areas and villages to its no "if".


I ment that, once they get away from their release site, I think farmers will quietly shoot them. Which would be a shame as I'd like to see them spread

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On 06/03/2020 at 15:11, KimE said:

"Some lynx and wolf would be good too."

We have lynx here they are nice animals but they take some roedeers, sheeps and reindeers, (reindeers are counted as domestic here). Its fun to hunt them with a running or standing dog.


Wolf are a pain they take most of the game in the areas they live in and we are not allowed to shoot enough of them. A lot of huntingdogs are killed by wolf in Sweden. A normal wolfpack with 2adults and 5 young wolfs kills more than 100 mooses per year smaller game not even counted. Its difficult to get a permit to kill problem individuals even wolfs who kills dogs in village gardens or hunts roedeer in kindergarten.


veg must be in short supply:whistling:

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I made a walk along a small beck/stream, first i saw several dams (7-8) until i came to a bigger (20m) dam upstream with two huds 10m apart one small and one small. Some fresh tracks and logging. 1km downstream there is a big old dam 50m long with a hole blasted in it about 1ha dam area and a big abandon hud.


Two huds on the picture one small behind the birch log and a big behind the small tree in the middle.


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On 05/03/2020 at 17:56, Sausagedog said:

I think it's a good thing. They will make good habits for all sorts of birds and fish.

Some lynx and wolf would be good too.

Maybe the mamby pamby mard anti gun and anti hunting types will shut up after a couple of vegans have been chewed some.

Yeah right. Can you imagine the snowflakes when they don't feel safe going for a walk in the woods. They're all urban conservation experts until the wildlife strikes back, then it's ban / kill everything in sight.

On 24/11/2020 at 17:30, KimE said:

You need a special permit to trap beaver here. Its easyer to get a permission to use dynamite.


Ditto with the snowflakes and dynamite. They want to ban fireworks! They already banned bangers. They're trying to ban sub 12ft air rifles over here and have already banned knives - not internet sales, many shops no longer sell single knives. Dynamite would give them all an orgasm.

Edited by Alsone
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On 11/12/2020 at 09:57, KimE said:

For both use of Fireworks and dynamite you need a special

permission. Knifes are banned in public areas here to, stores do still sell them. Excavators are the most common way to take away beaver dams.


Fuse keeps going out in the water?

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