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I think it in the genes,because some people with depression have got everthing,cars,money,fancy homes,holidays away,basically a champagne lifestyle,....but when the black dogs comes calling,,,,,,,,,,,thats it your fukkkked

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That is a bit of a simplistic view of this. It ain't like she was up for treason.  Only common assault.  The boyfriend didn't want to press charges anyway. It was plod. First offense, smack on hands a

2 of my close mates lost a parent to suicide...they have struggled with it ever since.. one was only 14 when his mum topped herself, must be a terrible place to be when you can see no other way out bu

I have a lot of respect what you post mate you don't see any media bullying ? she was hounded out as soon as it  came out being arrested and  as it came out she  lost her job ect  that's enough to tip

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Half the people that do this I wish they'd have given it abit longer and atleast tried to get the help available, but the others that didn't have that support network or those knew that nothing could help and that the end was near I mean they really knew then I do think they are brave must be so hard to do but they must weigh up the alternative which could potentially be a lifetime of torture.

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  On 16/02/2020 at 17:15, jetro said:

Do you think because of it bleakness, it a cause of suicide amoung some people.

Atb j


No doubt pubs being flattened shops youth clubs boxing clubs all gone.

Absolutely nothing to do apart from drink and take drugs.

Proper ground hog day every day.

Run down shit holes jetro.

And no future for lots of people.

Me and the wife left nearly 17yrs ago.

I made the mistake of going back for 4yrs and been back in England now for 3yrs.

I won't make the mistake of going back again.

Sadly only for funerals.the last 1 my aunty ..

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  On 16/02/2020 at 17:16, W. Katchum said:

It’s a real easy place to end up thinking you no future pal


I can't comment on the place, since I never been there, but it sounds a bit like where i live. There absolutely nothing here within within 50 miles in the form of proper shops, work movies ect ect.

One bus a day out of here, 7.20 in the morning, back at 7 that eveing.

I wouldn't live Any where else.

But yes, it's proven that where you live can have an effect on your mantle health.

Atb j 

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  On 16/02/2020 at 17:22, king said:

No doubt pubs being flattened shops youth clubs boxing clubs all gone.

Absolutely nothing to do apart from drink and take drugs.

Proper ground hog day every day.

Run down shit holes jetro.

And no future for lots of people.

Me and the wife left nearly 17yrs ago.

I made the mistake of going back for 4yrs and been back in England now for 3yrs.

I won't make the mistake of going back again.

Sadly only for funerals.the last 1 my aunty ..


Is it a town or large village you live in king.

Atb j 

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  On 16/02/2020 at 17:04, All-terrain said:

Recently lost a mate to suicide, he was with me all day the day before and never showed no signs that he was suicidal, I’ll be honest I’ve not been the same since and i don’t think I ever will be again, I keep thinking I should of noticed but I honestly had no idea he was feeling so low, nobody knows what’s going on in people’s minds, he was a strong lad but obviously something had got to him, I still can’t believe he’s gone, it’s like I’ve been living in a nightmare since it happened, i wish I’d known how low he was feeling I’d of stayed with him, I cry every other day thinking about it, and have sort of distanced myself from everyone, i was one the first on the scene, he’d shot himself in the head, i then had to tell he’s brother one of my best mates, I’ve not spoken to anybody about it, I’ve been there for his family and tried staying strong for them and it’s  been hard, reading this thread it’s the first time I’ve spoke about it, suicide is a horrible thing, just wish he’d told us how he was feeling, feel like writing a bit more but can’t so gonna leave it there, At 


Sorry to hear that AT can feel a bit of how You are feeling reading your post.

As has been said. Talk to someone about it.no doubt the doctor can put you onto the right people.

Hopefully opening up about it will help you.


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  On 16/02/2020 at 17:25, jetro said:

Is it a town or large village you live in king.

Atb j 


I'm living in the country now nearest place is 4 miles away.

The town is 9 miles away.

Can stand in The front garden all day and only see a few oap's walking there dogs up the lane..

Pure silence and the best thing is no one knows me.can walk around Tesco for hours and not 1 person I recognise.

Or even in the town not 1 person I know.

It's great mate..

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Young lad just up the road from me shot him self with his fathers shotgun because he was getting blackmailed on the internet by some Romanian scumbag that had posed as a woman and got the lad to send him pictures, only 16 years of age as well and found by his father. 

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Same as here so.

It's a small fishing village. After 8 pm, no shops or petrol station open. Not even a atm.  Pups are empty  maybe, tow don't even open during the week. Don't see anyone all week long.

The closest small, and I mean small town is 25 miles away.

And I love living here. 

Atb j 

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