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Record amount of Migrants Cross the Channel

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Late at night when I finish on the computer I  flick up flight tracker just to see where the planes that I can see in the sky have come from and are going to. Recently I have noticed that there have been planes and drones that are out on patrol over the channel butt some nights that are there and others not.  Out of all the illegals that got over here last year I  Think that onny 125 have been sent back.

Edited by Meece
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  On 08/02/2020 at 09:10, Arry said:

86 on Thursday and 102 I think Friday and some boats made it to the beaches. FFS with thermal imaging and night vision what are boarder force doing. 

Cheers Arry


This is why Trump's border wall won't work. What good is a barrier if you haven't got anyone watching it?

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  On 09/02/2020 at 03:12, Balaur said:

Surely it's easier to guard a wall than an open border, Britain and the rest of Europe have been failed miserably by their own governments, first duty of government is to protect borders, rule one should be all illegal immigrants be returned to country of departure, secondly Britain should be less inviting to illegals, hopefully leaving the EU should allow us some stricter policies regarding the current invasion. If we wish to help refugees then they should be assisted from source not encouraged to make treacherous journeys....


You'd think so but it's only as good as the people watching it. That goes for both countries. Britain's border wall is 20 miles wide at it's narrowest point and more of a moat than a wall. Didn't cost a penny to install so at least you have that going for you. Doesn't seem to be preventing much.

Edited by ChrisJones
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  On 09/02/2020 at 03:18, ChrisJones said:

You'd think so but it's only as good as the people watching it. That goes for both countries. Britain's border wall is 20 miles wide at it's narrowest point and more of a moat than a wall. Didn't cost a penny to install so at least you have that going for you. Doesn't seem to be preventing much.


Thats my point Chris no point in having a boarder if your not watching it or enforcing it. As Meece says hardy any get sent back, most because they have no paper, well we know where they came from. Their in a small boat with enough fuel to get them 20 miles or so send them back to France who let them in their country in the first place.

Give the job to the forces to do. What the hell are we going to do to enforce our Fishing ground if we can't even stop a few inflatables.

Cheers Arry 

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Lets have it right the immigrants coming here are the wealthiest people in their communities.....the genuine hard luck cases cannot even attempt to migrate either for health or financial reasons.....if these races of people had any pride whatsoever the better off members of their societies would stick in and try to make change in their own countries.....its all well and good blaming our government and politicians but at some point you have to blame the people themselves they are the most disloyal uncaring no pride shitbags out there .....and we're supposed to feel sorry for them !

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  On 09/02/2020 at 21:42, gnasher16 said:

its all well and good blaming our government and politicians but at some point you have to blame the people themselves they are the most disloyal uncaring no pride shitbags out there .....


Blame all three. Them for leaving. Our policies for paying them to be here. Everyone follows the money.

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  On 10/02/2020 at 03:18, ChrisJones said:

Blame all three. Them for leaving. Our policies for paying them to be here. Everyone follows the money.


Not everyone.....the genuine hardship that you wouldnt mind helping dont get a look in....so because their own people who can help dont.....we get fed this horrible self loathing and white guilt for people who refuse to do anything for themselves.

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