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Phillip schofield

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“Brave” is a copper running towards a madman to protect people he don’t know, “Brave” is being 18 years old and hurling yourself into battle to defend your country, “Brave” is the mum of 3 who takes t

Upon clicking on this topic the only surprise is that he aint dead !

You can bet your life he was just about to be outed by a tabloid ,otherwise he would still be living the lie .

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29 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

And thats why a lot of people shouldnt be confrontational !....it all comes back to the same old saying thats stood the test of time regardless of age,generation or any of that shit....dont talk the talk if your not willing to walk the walk.....besides theres plenty of ways to skin a cat not everything has to come down to bloodshed dealing with loathsome characters is often more fun if violence isnt involved as humiliation is often more painful than a right hander.

As regards Max this whole " i refuse to be in his company " to me is a load of ol pony ....its a soft lad on the internet for f**k sake not Jack the Ripper....would i pursue him round the country no he doesnt have enough significance to do that but if he was passing through the same area i was in then yes why not take the opportunity to checkmate somebody who has been antagonising you.

Ive said many times some people see confrontation as a threat and others see it as an opportunity but again,it all comes back to that age old saying.

I agree with the check mate part after what's been said and it's clear max does have a nark with you which could of been sorted when he was offered the chance a few years ago and recently but max seems like the sort you see in pubs the noisy centre  of attention type  that doesn't know when to stop and it got him in to a situation now  when we were kids we were told never to say something behind any ones back you won't say to there face it didn't always end well but it's something we stuck to but regards max having a idea of the type he is he humiliates  himself often enough but I doubt he would ever meet anyone of here unless he already knew them he needs a safety net and that's his screen but one day it all come on top 





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9 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

I have absolutely no idea what that word means but i get the general jist of what your saying.....and yes you are absolutely right.....SO DONT GET INTO CONFRONTATIONS WITH PEOPLE !!...its simple.

Real life situations dont go..

" who you looking at c**t "

" you shitface what you gonna do about it "

" well i would knock your f****n teeth down your throat but i dont want to get bogged down with something so toxic "

You just dont get into that confrontation in the first place !!

Look im not a raving madman ive had plenty of situations where some little crackerjack thinks he can make a name for himself and ive told him f**k off im not interested.....what i wouldnt do is go through the whole showdown and confrontation..... before going all sensible.

I get ya :thumbs:

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15 minutes ago, mushroom said:

I'm not convinced it's about massaging ego mate. Max has been starting crap for a long while and following around the same people. Now he's bringing words like nonce and paedo etc into it. Creating shit about some perceived slight ?‍♂️ If it was in a pub/park/street/mountain, I'm sure he ain't saying these things.

Totally agree mate. I was speaking in a more general sense.

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Just now, gnasher16 said:

Yes but like everything else on the www...........its much more fun in real life ?

A real apology and no more, would fix this but as said the opportunity for that was given years ago and rejected.

Face to face with Gnash or any chap willing to give him a slap if he doesn't back down, Max isn't saying nothing. I used to have a laugh with him years ago but I just gave up.

Someone on here who I fully respect and regard as a very good chap. I believe is mates with him. I'm curious what he's said to Max on the quiet. Someone needs to have a word.

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4 minutes ago, king said:

If max does turn up.

I think he will be sporting the randy savage look..




Will you stop fuucking showing everyone my outfits for the walk... fuucking grass ?

I sent those photos for your professional opinion ?‍♂️

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16 minutes ago, mushroom said:

I'm not convinced it's about massaging ego mate. Max has been starting crap for a long while and following around the same people. Now he's bringing words like nonce and paedo etc into it. Creating shit about some perceived slight ?‍♂️ If it was in a pub/park/street/mountain, I'm sure he ain't saying these things.

Absolutely right.....if your the type of person who speaks exactly the same on an internet forum as you do in real life then theres no excuse for the words you choose to type.

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