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:doh: lol @your hubby!


Here's a couple of pics I've scanned for you of my old pig Joyce. She was a large white X landrace. As you can see she was a very friendly pig :D This was my 2 1/2 year old daughter (at the time) riding her. The sow never produced a litter under 11, and I can only remember her loosing 1 or 2 to being layed on.


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lol i love those pictures :D my boys dont know what to make of the pig just yet. she was pitching a fit yesterday when i was bringing the kids outside to play... the pig thinks, apparently, that i'm her mama... follows me around like a puppy! but when she cant.. she goes mad. my oldest son was walking sideways past her to keep an eye on her, not out of fear but because he didnt know what to do first. he loves being outside, but he's also too damned inquisitive for his own good!!


i'm no expert on pig breeds so maybe someone here will know.... what are the ones that are black(the ones i've always seen are black) and have HUGE ears? sorta like the ones yours had, only seems they were much larger on the piglets.




edit.. other thing about my husband. he surprised us all... me especially. seems i've underestimated him lol he killed one of my moms roosters yesterday(she has way too many roosters and threatens to shoot them all the time) one of them was making trouble so my husband thought he would sting him with the BB rifle by shooting at his tail feathers.... only he didnt expect it to KILL the bird!! hell, i didnt even know you could kill something as large as a rooster with something as small as a BB!!

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These are the last lot we had the pleasure of, Delicious!

theres since been another lot and were just waiting for them to go in.

there gloucster old spot

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i'm no expert on pig breeds so maybe someone here will know.... what are the ones that are black(the ones i've always seen are black) and have HUGE ears? sorta like the ones yours had, only seems they were much larger on the piglets.




... Could well be the Large Black: http://www.pigparadise.com/lblack.html :thumbs:


thats them! yes! i would have gotten one of those if i could have found one lol and yes i would have gotten one simply for the looks lol :laugh:

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  • 2 months later...
They grow pure bred Gloucester Old Spots on the farm where I live. There doesn' t seem to be much to doing it small scale. I think they have lost one or two tiny piglets through the sow laying on them, but otherwise 100% survival. There tends to be a big size variation within each litter, but size will be evident if you are buying weaners. Here, the piglets are 100% free range in the yard until they are three or four months. Then grown on to killing size in well ventilated and open indoor pens in the winter and outdoor pens in the summer. I think they are wormed every once in a while. Feed plenty twice a day. I think the aim is to kill the males before they reach sexual maturity, but you can keep the sows on for longer depending on whether you want to produce pork or bacon. Fence well and thoroughly- they are destructive and like to make escape bids.





The boar



i just got half a old spot today of a farmer friend all butchered but i had a rolled shoulder and did not like it that much to be honest but the sausages were great still got a shit load in the freezer after giving alot to some family what the nicest way to cook and eat pork ?

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i just got half a old spot today of a farmer friend all butchered but i had a rolled shoulder and did not like it that much to be honest but the sausages were great still got a shit load in the freezer after giving alot to some family what the nicest way to cook and eat pork ?


You could try the different ways of preserving pork, if thats your thing. There' s plenty of information out there. There was some information on curing on here- you could do a search on that.

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i'm no expert on pork nor a fan really.... but i'm trying home raised pork since a lot of people here have raved about it so much.....


good question about recipes. pigs are weird animals.... seems like they are part red meat and part white meat... some is salty and some is sweet..... which i suppose means the sky is the limit with recipes. i know i'm going to have fun when the day comes when i have to deal with butchering my own pigs!!

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