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Never agreed with or took any interest in lamping hares so would,nt have a scooby :thumbs:

So why have you got an opinion on Minshaw dogs when they are known for being lamp/hare dogs? :censored: IDIOT

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Mention minshaw and suddenly the forums full of rooky hunters from cunters :laugh::laugh:


Andy SUPERDOGS and his crew.thanks for the entertainment :thumbs: Goodnight :bye:









P.s SALUKIMINSHAW i go out with Snoopdog all the time :drink:

well get a decent dog y doyle :D

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Have the people who cause shit and ruin threads got nothing better to do with thereselves apart from argue about bollocks???


not arguining about shit ...............when certain people are allowed on a forum and start branding people cowards and in a case the other week RAPISTS............then people are bound to start arguining :wallbash: :wallbash:

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Have the people who cause shit and ruin threads got nothing better to do with themselves apart from argue about bollocks???
you ave to addmit though its very entertaining ..... :clapper::clapper::clapper: pmsl ...... :laugh::laugh::laugh: i do think though a bit of good banter is funny ...but know need for threats lads ...no point its over a srceen ......we are all passonate about our dogs ,,,,but chill ..... :drink::drink: ......
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just been reading socks post and i dont want to spoil it .as its a good post ... :thumbs: ...and he seems to know his stuff on this netting and ferreting malarky.... :D ...but theres seems to be a few daft reMARKS on the post ...

so i was just wondering what you folks think about this ..????we all know the bunny and most other quarry is easier on the lamp ,,than day time .....iam not saying they are easy just easier ... :D:D ...so if the lamp effects the bunny and hinders other quarry with the light ..dazzeling what ever you want to call it ... :thumbs: ....does it effect the dog ....i.e does the dog run better day time ....if not ...why ???? why doesnti it effect the dog ...because it effects all other animals on the lamp ... :thumbs: ......cant wait for the replys on this one .... :D:D



all the best snoop ... :hmm: ..... :D:D:D



IMO usually the lamp is only ever on the quarry, saying that dependeing on how tight your beam is (or isn't) the dog may get a face full of light.... BUT.... the dog is looking straight at the quarry in front of it whereas the quarry is only looking for an escape route! Even running direct towards the beam the dog would surely see the arse end of the quarry before the light? I don't know this for sure because I'm not a dog but it would make sense?


Another thing is that for me it depends what you run in the beam, for instance Rabbits, Hares and Deer are all prey species, thats why there eyes are on the side of their head....therefore when you lamp them even if they are running away from you they still get hindered by the light, due to their range of vision. The dog on the other hand doesnt have the ability to see round the back of it's head, so based on this I would say that the amount of times the dog is even slightly hampered by the light during a nights lamping is minimal.


Thats why you wont get a fox distracted by the light, only when you calling it in as it cannot see anything (you and your dog) behind the light, you will be hard pushed to put a fox off with a lamp on it once it knows where it wants to get to. the only thing that will make it panic is the dog up its arse, then that what causes it to make a mistake!


Your right in one sense Snoop both the dogs and quarry "get used" to the light, thats the exact reason you get "lamp shy" quarry (whatever the species) and good lamp dogs, yes it's true that lamp dogs can have collisions no matter how experienced they are but again IMO that is because they are concentrating that much on the quarry in front of it, similar to a dog coursing a hare during the day, some cannot see that plough in the corner of the field they are heading towards........again this is JMHO....

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Guest markbrick1
Put it like this,Mark...................you said your brindle bitch took seventy in one night on the lamp 8)

Could she take anywhere near that number in the day on the same ground :hmm:

The answer is quite clearly.....................NO :no:

Why?...............because,1.They feed further out under the cover of darkness so the dog has a better chance :ninja:


You can see rabbits feeding quite happily by the roadside during the day,but you will see plenty of roadkill..............99%

of it killed at night after being DAZZELED by the headlights :icon_eek:;)



70 bunnys in 1 night that is some going that is 7 a hour if you was out for 10 hours of lamping and then you have a super fit dog i have not seen any lurcher that can do that kind of running and if it was not that long then the bunnys per hour will clearly go up i am stunned :hmm:

well she did 70 that night not all in the photo but a few of em and she does 30s very very often,mark


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f**k sake Nell you've made the thread all serious again :laugh::laugh: ....good reply though ;) ...



I just couldn't be arsed reading through all the pages of what was surely arguments between people, I got to page 4 then thought f**k it just reply to the original question :doh::doh:

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Guest Top Chalker
Miles, Baz put me straight again :11: the only thing he will be putting straight is his jaw when I bump into him.



Can i have a tener on Baz :toast::toast: , What a load of bolloooooooks :laugh::laugh: picking on poor little Bazil :boxing::boxing: whippet heeeeeeed :clapper::clapper:


I own a dog with minshaw in it , great lamp dog , but would jack on the fens , they just havent got what it takes , what dogs you got Joe ox , or is that fighting talk :boxing::boxing::drink::drink::boogie::boogie::boogie:

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