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Guest joe ox

SJM I think it was the other way round you invited me up to run some white hares and I said I may in the winter then in a pm I said "I should get my finger out and come up and run some because I have never ran them before". As for posting pictures of my dogs and my days out no thankyou there is to many eyes on this forum.

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These plastic rabbits keep getting mentioned anyone would think you lazy southerners were a wee bit jealous of the scottish tea cosy crew :cry:




I guess you wont be wanting me to save any for you then Joe? seeing as how you pm me recently to say you fancied having a go at them as you had never ran them before :whistling:

Oh well, your dog would probably be too fast for them anyhow, seeing as how a pure collie can catch them :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Best stay home and tap away on your keyboard and leave it to us lot who know about it :toast::toast:

are you mad women :doh: i think there talking about proper daytime work not running white hares in a foot ov heather :D:D

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Well heres a suggestion for you, get your fecking finger out and we will have a day out, you walk with your dog off the slip, I walk with my dog off the slip and we will see who ends up with the most in their bag, you will be fecking stuffed because I am an obstinate bitch who will not come down off the moor until I have the most, call it cheating or determination or whatever you want to call it. I invited you because I want to see these so called wonder dogs with my own eyes and you seem to be crowing the loudest out of the little gang of cocks :laugh: youve got my number give me a call, but I really suggest you do get your finger out of your a hole because I have bred my bitch and dont want to run her past 5 weeks, shes only got another couple of weeks to go. I am free every day this week apart from wednesday and every day the week after that, and the week after that. Stop talking and start walking. If your not prepared to do that then shut the feck up and give us all some peace :feck:

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are you mad women :doh: i think there talking about proper daytime work not running white hares in a foot ov heather :D:D


So walking the moors for 2-3 hours with your dog hunting non stop as well as chasing is not proper daytime work? :laugh::laugh::laugh: ok I really have heard it all now :laugh::laugh: I think it may be past your bedtime mate :bye:

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Guest joe ox

SJM, loaded dice you have stated on another thread you know how and where the hares run. Why dont you come down here and we will see how many of those easy lamped brown hares your dog can retrieve single.

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a good lamper will blind the quarry and not the dog so the only thing the

quarry has is its ears left to judge how close the dog is to try and out

turn it thats why you catch more at night than day time thats my

opinion :thumbs:

well said and you can blind the dog if you put the lamp on the dog but usly the dog runs in the dark after the light where there is a bunny or what ever and you can shake the lamp and that makes rabbits turn the other way from the cover some times

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them whites hares arnt the hardest to catch ,,,,but the ground is unforgiving and a true test of stamina for any dog ...if you take a unfit or a dog that isnt fresh it wont last 2 hours ......i now this because i took a unfresh dog hes fit but he wasnt fresh and it absoulty fooked my dog he was on his last legs ....my fault for not having a spare slip as i lost mine ...and the dog was up and down after every white dot it so ...bad dogmanship on my be half :thumbs:

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them whites hares arnt the hardest to catch ,,,,but the ground is unforgiving and a true test of stamina for any dog ...if you take a unfit or a dog that isnt fresh it wont last 2 hours ......i now this because i took a unfresh dog hes fit but he wasnt fresh and it absoulty fooked my dog he was on his last legs ....my fault for not having a spare slip as i lost mine ...and the dog was up and down after every white dot it so ...bad dogmanship on my be half :thumbs:
when a white hare gets on grass it can move a bit belive me :thumbs: its not all heather .....when you dog is running up and down gullys or small valleys with shingle rocks steep hills that when you look at them you think fook that iam not walking up there .... :blink: and you dogs is coursing up and down them ....they have to be fit fresh and quick ,.....like i say they arnt the hardest to catch but the terrain is unforgiving car412.jpg

if sjm puts a pic of me walking down the hill you will see how hard and steep they are ... :thumbs:

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ive walked the moors on several occassions ,and its hard fecking graft at times especially when its wet, so you best be fit yourself aswell as the dog

but its all good fun a good day out , something different if you aint ran whities before

but worth the trip out

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just been reading socks post and i dont want to spoil it .as its a good post ... :thumbs: ...and he seems to know his stuff on this netting and ferreting malarky.... :D ...but theres seems to be a few daft reMARKS on the post ...

so i was just wondering what you folks think about this ..????we all know the bunny and most other quarry is easier on the lamp ,,than day time .....iam not saying they are easy just easier ... :D:D ...so if the lamp effects the bunny and hinders other quarry with the light ..dazzeling what ever you want to call it ... :thumbs: ....does it effect the dog ....i.e does the dog run better day time ....if not ...why ???? why doesnti it effect the dog ...because it effects all other animals on the lamp ... :thumbs: ......cant wait for the replys on this one .... :D:D



all the best snoop ... :hmm: ..... :D:D:D


i was always taught 2 aim the beam at the quarry not the dog. only blinds you if your lookin at it then..

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a good lamper will blind the quarry and not the dog so the only thing the

quarry has is its ears left to judge how close the dog is to try and out

turn it thats why you catch more at night than day time thats my

opinion :thumbs:

well said and you can blind the dog if you put the lamp on the dog but usly the dog runs in the dark after the light where there is a bunny or what ever and you can shake the lamp and that makes rabbits turn the other way from the cover some times

if your dogs any good it should be in the lampbeem all the time right up its preys ares ??

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whether a dog is worked day or night it needs brain and the more work it see's it becomes more experienced [i.e. cleverer].... one thing i will say is a mate of mine u8ses a sayin about fitness :theres fit and theres lampin fit : what ive seen i find that comment spot on ....just my oppion folks.

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