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Hull Otters??

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This one was in a little pond near my home 

Just to show size comparison between mink and otter. Note: this particular otter print is overlapped somewhat

Don’t think so, this is only my observation but sea otters seem quite a bit bigger than the ones I,ve seen in freshwater,  there is also quite a size difference between male and females, a good size m

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On 01/01/2020 at 21:46, foxdropper said:

The shape and type a border should be according to kennel club was based on otter attributes as you probably know Sean .

I’m told otters give a very good account ,reshaping many a terriers face .


6 minutes ago, longers01 said:

Seen them on three occasions 2 of them wasn’t that big but 1 i seen was a very good size would of took some terrier to tackle that thing haha atb longers01 

As hard as a badger as fast as a weasel was how people would describe them back in the day when they were hunted I believe ✌️

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There used to be an account of a border terrier killing one on the river Avon near me .Killed in a drain under a road after being run in by hounds .

Story was attached to a mask on a pub wall near me sadly now taken over as a fecking “wine bar”.

Would of liked to have a legal crack at that game ?

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I remember my father telling me years ago, a pal of his was out after pheasants when his two setters happened upon an otter in a drain. All hell broke loose, and when it was over, both dogs were left with broken legs. 

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1 hour ago, keepdiggin said:

I know an American bulldog that killed one without much effort (complete accident non hunting related) 

I no of a jack russel that’s killed one in the open also non hunting, but I think backed into a holt would be another story ?

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I was out lamping along the grand canal about 20 years ago and heard a splash, and flicked on the lamp an caught a glimpse of one swimming under water it looked a big f****r, I must of walked that stretch thousands of times and never seen a sign of one, my mate was walking it a few years ago and said one walked straight across his path bold as brass, he said it was huge and he shit himself, seen a mink and a stoat on the same stretch over the years, 

Edited by peterhunter86
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28 minutes ago, longers01 said:

Them i seen mate was the only ones I’ve seen and walked that same route for the last 30 years seen them 3 years ago and haven’t seen them since but they are there atb longers01 

I seen a roadkill one not to far from the same spot when I was a kid, and always looked out for them, but never got to see one until that night, same with badger, seen a dead one over 30 years ago, after someone dug it, I've been in them fields nearly every day of my life, I'm still walking them, an never seen a sign of them, I was talking to a fella a few months back said he seen one walking across the field, I couldn't believe it, 

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On 30/12/2019 at 23:14, Bush Rummager said:

I first went to Hull.. there old footy ground, with the super Stags.. year's ago  

And fair enough.. They had 300 boys.. compared to Stags 25

Decent home showing  for league 2 Tuesday neet!!

we nicked a picnic table for inback of the transit!!!



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