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Jew hating ... why ???

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8 minutes ago, Accip74 said:

Well that’s a cheery thought. Thanks for that francie?.........I’m never sure what we are supposed to worry about the most mate...Jews, Muslims, blacks, liberals, left wing/right wing..... the eu? The list is fcuking endless mate!


I know it is lol


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8 minutes ago, Accip74 said:

Well that’s a cheery thought. Thanks for that francie?.........I’m never sure what we are supposed to worry about the most mate...Jews, Muslims, blacks, liberals, left wing/right wing..... the eu? The list is fcuking endless mate!

Ain't it just....

Do you remember before this internet malarkey.... you were oblivious to half of these huge issues in the world...

Sometimes an old boy would prophesies down the pub about the impending doom...but youd finish your pint, go home and forget about it the next day...

Now every bit of info is only a Google away, and the world is in a state of panic.... but you still cant do anymore than you could all those years ago.... just there are plenty more doom mongers around now!! Lol

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10 minutes ago, NEWKID said:

Yeah mate...you'll solve the worlds problems by "keeping your eye on it" ?


You do exactly the same as me, and every other decent person...you look after your own, watch out for your kids and would help someone if needed....but I wont pretend the Jews or muslims or Catholics or vegans have any real affect on my life....I dont bury my head in the sand...but I wont make huge statements about how the world is run...cause I can do f**k all about it...and neither can you...

I'm not trying to solve anything kev lol

What I ment by keeping an eye, was like the post I put up earlier about satanist errrrm I mean the liberals trying to brainwash children in schools. 

As you said above, I do the same, I just keep vigilant until our Lord come back, he has it all under control. 

All these things must come to pass before he returns, an I'm sticking with the Lord, he will return soon. ?


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3 minutes ago, WILF said:

No, they definitely got a mention somewhere 

f***ing right they did.... you just wait and see... they're the real enemy, plant based diet my ass.... 

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46 minutes ago, NEWKID said:

So if it wasnt the Jews running the show (if that is the case)... who would everyone like to see in control??

Who could we all trust with the power of the whole worlds finances? (Again if that really is the case with those bloody greedy Jews!!)



Labour lofl

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1 minute ago, Francie said:

I'm not trying to solve anything kev lol

What I ment by keeping an eye, was like the post I put up earlier about satanist errrrm I mean the liberals trying to brainwash children in schools. 

As you said above, I do the same, I just keep vigilant until our Lord come back, he has it all under control. 

All these things must come to pass before he returns, an I'm sticking with the Lord, he will return soon. ?


I admire your faith mate... I'm not religious but as I've said many times like to think I live by a fairly decent set of rules, which I guess forms how most of us generally go about life....

I can only affect my own and my families present and future, we can all help people along the way but we cant affect anything more than what we can reach....I dont have your faith that a greater being will come and save me, or show me a different path/the light etc... it must be a comfort to truly believe in that...

There are loads of evils out there, so protecting our own is all I can offer.....If the Jews are shafting me and mine along the way there is f**k all I can do about it!!


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4 minutes ago, NEWKID said:

...If the Jews are shafting me and mine along the way there is f**k all I can do about it!!


Join the St Austell Klavan of the United Klans ? 

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2 minutes ago, NEWKID said:

f**k me,  sounds like something out of Monty Python! Lol

You could have a cross burning at next years fishing comp!......but warn socks first, they haven’t discovered fire in wales yet and he may be scared ! Lol ? 

Edited by WILF
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