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Barking at nothing?

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  On 13/01/2020 at 10:51, dogmandont said:

Ye wouldn’t know a good dog if it was lickin the smack off your spoon ye shitehawk.

Ive give away better dogs than you’ll ever own. 


Whatever you say , dogmandirt. Why did you give them away ?; Too much for you was the . You should stay off the smartie tablets the doing you no good,not that there's much good in you anyway?

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From what I’ve seen in the past, a dog that bays at nothing, either has been over encouraged into empty holes or is shit scared of it’s own shadow.

Said pup at 8 months and I always take a pup they learn f**k all in a kennel

Took the bitch out this morning just for a walk on some permission, no spades or nothing and let her go over some earths by herself, didn't say anything or walk over to her just stood still up against

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  On 13/01/2020 at 10:57, pablo esc said:

Whatever you say , dogmandirt. Why did you give them away ?; Too much for you was the . You should stay off the smartie tablets the doing you no good,not that there's much good in you anyway?


You are correct they were more dog than I needed but it doesn’t change the fact you’ll never have dogs like em. 

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  On 13/01/2020 at 13:50, dogmandont said:

You are correct they were more dog than I needed but it doesn’t change the fact you’ll never have dogs like em. 


Watch your head doesn't swell up too much hey or are you getting emotional?, . And how'd you know that I never had dogs like them or can have them ?. Oh well takes alsorts to make a world I suppose?

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  On 13/01/2020 at 14:15, pablo esc said:

Watch your head doesn't swell up too much hey or are you getting emotional?, . And how'd you know that I never had dogs like them or can have them ?. Oh well takes alsorts to make a world I suppose?


Do you honestly think you’re gonna get me rattled. ???. You a fcukin junkie thats a supposed dog thief and coward that left lads standing at an earth and does a runner when it got hot. ???. Emotional.... aye I’m pissing myself laughing. ???

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  On 13/01/2020 at 18:21, dogmandont said:

Do you honestly think you’re gonna get me rattled. ???. You a fcukin junkie thats a supposed dog thief and coward that left lads standing at an earth and does a runner when it got hot. ???. Emotional.... aye I’m pissing myself laughing. ???


Whatever you say dogmandirt?, your great at telling porkies,   you should become a police officer or a magistrate?

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  On 13/01/2020 at 18:38, W. Katchum said:

I’d rather be a dreamer than a dog thieving coward that bolts and leaves kids on earths when the shit hits fan ☹️ Now run along an post more of your shite on Facebook ????


Your a spy and a liar. Strange how noone ever said that I bolted away from kids on earths when I lived there but a piece of dirt as yourself comes out with it. Don't get all great in your self,. I've got better mates there who nothing like the piece of filth you are.

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  On 13/01/2020 at 19:15, dogmandont said:

Couldn’t believe a word comes out of your junkie gob.

When are ye gonna start the bleeding heart story’s about being hard done by like you usually do. ???


[BANNED TEXT] drugs are they ?; Smart Alec ?. You'd need drug's to believe you.  Big man yourself calling someone a junkie . Big liar too . Suppose liars entertain each other and try feed on people?. The is probably better junkies out there than you ?

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  On 13/01/2020 at 19:34, pablo esc said:

[BANNED TEXT] drugs are they ?; Smart Alec ?. You'd need drug's to believe you.  Big man yourself calling someone a junkie . Big liar too . Suppose liars entertain each other and try feed on people?. The is probably better junkies out there than you ?


And so it begins. Come on pabs cry us a river. 

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