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Barking at nothing?

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From what I’ve seen in the past, a dog that bays at nothing, either has been over encouraged into empty holes or is shit scared of it’s own shadow.

Said pup at 8 months and I always take a pup they learn f**k all in a kennel

Took the bitch out this morning just for a walk on some permission, no spades or nothing and let her go over some earths by herself, didn't say anything or walk over to her just stood still up against

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Early days but don't sound to promising bad trait to have if he keeps that up. If something was at home he may just need more time not knowing what to do to find him but if it was vacant a bad trait imo barking at nothing.

Edited by howdeeposxxt
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She is a young bitch. Done it on two occasions now. Havnt actually dig to her yet. Was thinking after today maybe leave her a few weeks and put her in earth I know has definitely something in or leave her till next season now to fully mature? 

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I had a bitch done it in her 1st season.she self entered at 9mnths.5 times she done it on me that year,and lads with me told me to get rid but i could see she had something and gave her the chance to straighting herself out.she has done so and is a top class bitch in her 4th season

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1 hour ago, Rabbit Hunter said:

From what I’ve seen in the past, a dog that bays at nothing, either has been over encouraged into empty holes or is shit scared of it’s own shadow.

Thanks for a straight answer rabbit hunter

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28 minutes ago, pjmc said:

I had a bitch done it in her 1st season.she self entered at 9mnths.5 times she done it on me that year,and lads with me told me to get rid but i could see she had something and gave her the chance to straighting herself out.she has done so and is a top class bitch in her 4th season

Same things as my bitch by sounds of it. She self entered around that age but I kept her back till she got bit older. Hopefully she'll come good in the end 

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10 hours ago, Dugum said:

I ain’t the smartest man here what is self entering how is it different from not self entering?

Ha ha you have a point but what i mean by it is she needed no incouragement at al she just walked in 1 day to a burrow i knew there was a fox in and worked him ontill dug.

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Self entering is the mark of well bred stock ,any encouraging or words not needed .A good stockman knows when to let a dog self enter ,not overmatch it .Entering of any sort that dosnt  include quietly walking to a spot and letting the youngster find its own hole and slip in is the mark of a messer IMO

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You definitely don’t know if something is at home or not unless you have a 100% dog, yes you might be right most of the time like myself but the old dog can surprise you and tell you different, unless your out with an experienced dog you can’t accuse the pup of doing anything wrong. If the dog is going to ground with nothing at home it might have been over encouraged, I wouldn’t let mine off unless they give a strong mark on the lead. I’d leave it off until you can ask someone out with you who has an older dog.

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I've just had one self enter to fox at 7 months have just dug the spot with an older bitch and the bitch not going back after I thought I'd let the pup run the earth thinking it was empty but to my surprise the pup found and was dug to with his foe I was very fortunate that the pup took very little damage and the depth was around 2 and a half feet

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